Why use ACP Shortcuts?
Myself as alot of members on here have many, many of mods installed. I get frustrated when I have to import a product xml, you have to go to Plugins & Products / Manage Products / and then scroll all the way to the bottom and click on [Add/Import Product] to import the product, if it is a new mod or a upgrade.
Not anymore, with this mod it adds block to your main ACP page titled, Import A New Product Or Upgrade A Existing One. This allows you to import products directly from there rather than going the long way.
Have you had any of the developers from DBTech or vB.org ask you to disable all the plugins that run on ie: global_complete ? Well you would have to go to Plugins & Products / Plugin Manager / and then click on the link that says, Hook Location.
Not anymore, with this mod it adds block to your main ACP page titled, Quick Search / Quick Links which has a button that will allow you to list the plugins by hook location by clicking on it. That block also has some additional features such as, Quick Search Template Titles, which will allow you to search templates by title. Also has another button, Go To vBulletin Options clicking on that will take you to your vBulletin options page. There is also a dropdown menu that contains some useful links to DBTech and vBulletin.
Have you ever needed to search in templates? You would have to go to Styles & Templates / Search In Templates.
Not anymore, with this mod it adds block to your main ACP page titled, Search In Templates, which does the same thing as going to Styles & Templates / Search In Templates.
Have you ever wanted to see the latest admin log entries? You would have to go to, Statistics & Logs / Control Panel Log / and then do a search.
Another block titled, Last 15 Admin Log Entries will show the last 15 admin log entries, also has a button to view the full log.
Have you ever wanted to see the latest mod log entries? You would have to go to, Statistics & Logs / Moderator Log / and then do a search.
Another block titled, Last 15 Mod Log Entries will show the last 15 mod log entries, also has a button to view the full log.
Lastly a block titled, Search The Web which has a dropdown menu to search the web via your choice of ten different search engines, vBulletin.com or vBulletin.org or DBTech