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You don't have a support forum for eCommerce...
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Fillip H.
Fillip H.
I don't know what you are talking about I totally did not forget to create a subforum for eCommerce... 😅 Thanks!
That's just it, there is no place to REPLY. There is just a box that says Closed Thread? So am I just to start all over again?

Btw, could you look at my settings, as I don't seem to be getting indications when you reply to a PM -or- a ticket. As such, I'll try to check it for a day or two then wait awhile as I'm assuming we are in different time zones. I did get a notice this morning at 8:42am, that the ticket had been closed though.

It looks like the ticket has been closed and classified as Not a bug by the DBTech Bot. Was it over-zealous in it's action, or does my issue still need to be addressed?

When I looked at the phpMyAdmin LINK in cPanel, it contains a token in the URL. So my guess is, you would have to be logged into my cPanel to use phpMyAdmin to access our database. Anyway, I set you up as a new user with access to our database, but haven't changed our cPanel password just yet.
Just came for an update.
Have you started working on the bugs? If so, do you have an ETA when it will be done?

As I said earlier, I will buy when everything has been sorted, as I don't want to pay for 3 months support and not have the issues fixed by then.
Cosmic, what is the name of the product that does this?
When will you be working on the threadmin plugin again?

I'm still waiting for the bugs to be fixed.
Example: When giving a normal user the edit poll option (via thread admin), makes the pencil appear but when they click the pencil to edit they get a no permission page appear.

I wanted to buy the product for 3 months.
If I buy it now (or before) and you don't do the bug fixes and/or suggestions within those 3 months of my purchase, I'll have wasted my money...
It's been awhile, I was able to convert by ASP xml to PHP xml to perform all the add edit modify via xpath and such at the fundamental levels with out any xslt or css style sheets. So now I ponder which or what purpose of a code to do first. :)
I had my asp site hacked do to one of its owners compromised via a poor web editor or a hack from the server side down (fixed now). I have been pondering a few anti hack codes that if written can thwart possible sql injections and identify if one is taking place... Who knows.. still giving it some thought but shared the idea on DB. BTW Happy Holidays!!!
testing notification. can you post a visitor message on my profile so I can see if the notifications work here?
Hey glad I caught you I PM you an issue that just happened and did not know who aka the CrakedEgg was. Figured let you know asap. --- ok gotcha, later I am going back for the day :)