New profile posts

I've just been re-reading your Blog again, and saw that it was your B-day a few days ago...
Better late then never:
Happy Birthday @Cosmic !!!
Hey Fillip H., I just wanted to let you know I am sure you know vbseo ? That script is one of the best plugin on vbulletin.
Well, I am on XenForo, and everything is better than vbulletin except one thing : the SEO. Ok the URLs can be re-write, btw when I made the switch everything is worst now for the SEO.

So what do you think about making a product for XenForo called XfSeo ?

Without vbseo I had 5 registerr /day, with vbseo 40 /day, and when i switched to XF about 2/ day.

Find a solution for that, and you'll earn a lot of money, and many of XF users like me would be very happy. Take few seconds on google to see how XF's SEO is a disaster...

j’ai acheté le vboptimise mais j’arrive pas a le telecharger
quand je veux le telecharger pour l installer dans mon forum il me donne juste un fichier txt
Hello matey, still no notifications. Using Chrome 11. Did get them when it was first released though... :D