I have also found some other problems as well with this and Vbshout.
Hmm this is strange. I think the required fields issue is because you mustn't have selected a category. I'll edit this error message and get a better on in. As for the editor issue, could you PM me a link to your site please.Well, I managed to get it installed but am still having some issues.
When I add a file and click on upload i get a message that says "You forgot to fill in required fields. Please go back.". So to get around this I have to click on the [+] next to the browse button.
The second issue is when I add a description it is all crazy. An example would be I put the word test in the description and what shows up is <P>test</P>.
Also, if I try to edit the description and change it to test2 I get this. <p><P>test</P></p>. I nice feature would be a save button as the only thing there is to do anything is a reset and upload button.
This is a known issue. I'll have a fix up today.The problem I was having with VBshout is when a new file was uploaded it announces it in VBshout. Good!! Now If i clicked on the link to the file in VBshout it would direct me to an invalid link.
What cuased this is in the download module in the File Name.
In the adminCP in the general options for this mod you have File name with the following text:
"Please enter the name (without the .php) of what you would like the downloads file to be called. By default this is downloads.php".
What is in the box by defualt is vbdownloads. The php file that is provide is named vbdownloads.php. If I left it as what was set as the defualt "vbdownloads" the link in VBshout would not work. If i changed it to downloads and renamed the vbdownloads.php file to downloads.php it works fine.
I'll edit the module warning message so that it only display on the downloads page.If I install vBDownload no download button appears on the homepage. Moreover, it rips me all the templates. If I disable vBDownload again everything is ok.
Please see my reply on vbulletin.org. I have a file up there that will help you find your path.I am also following this one, I just installed the lite version as a test and all I have now is the index of my site on my page. I have asked a question over on vb.org but think I'm probably best sticking here.
I got lost with the file path to downloads for one. my site is an add on with host gator and therefore I have to have /pulichtml, etc in front of it, could it have been a problem?
I also may have messed up the install as I've only had vb for two days and there were no instal instructions. I tried as best I could to just put the files in their corresponding folders but one dbtech didn't have a corresponding folder so I just put it in the root, is this wrong?
Please give an idoats ersion of the install for the product. I'm running 4.0.8
Hmm this is strange. I think the required fields issue is because you mustn't have selected a category. I'll edit this error message and get a better on in. As for the editor issue, could you PM me a link to your site please.
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