Question Not understanding setup procedure

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I am struggling with the procedure to setup and use mailing lists. I may be making it more complicated than it is but not there yet.

I went into my users groups and setup specific usergroups that will be used for mailing:
  1. Admins
  2. UnRenewed Members
  3. Potential Members
  4. Meeting Notification

I then went to Mailing lists and built four mailing lists
Screenshot 2022-03-27.webp

If I understand correctly, I then open the email list and select the group that is going to receive the email. Select the correct permissions for that group, then rebuild the cache's

But after doing all that, I don't think it is correct. Example; using the Officer Mailing List (there are 5 officers), if I click on 'view users' for that mailing list, I see a list of ALL our members, not just the five officers.

Likewise, selecting another list and clicking on View users, I see a list of all members, not just those in that specific group who will get the mailing.

I suspect I have permissions set incorrectly but don't know. Sorry for being dense on this, but it isn't clicking for me yet

Can you help straighten me out. I can provide admin access to the site if you wish


Paul Proefrock
Thinking I might have screwed the settings up, I deleted ALL mailing lists, then purged all cache's and made sure there weren't any permissions still set.

I then built a mailing list following your instructions explicitly. The list is to 'officers only' which is also a user group which has only 5 members. Upon completion, I rebuilt the "default subscribed"

After this, on the Admin CP, I show:
Screenshot 2022-03-26 220600.webp
If I click on the "View users" the dialog box that opens shows all 147 members, not the five officers

I then tried to send a test email from the user side. I generated the email and clicked send and I get an error message that says
Screenshot 2022-03-26 220935.webp
Obviously, I've got the permissions screwed up somewhere but can't figure out/follow the logic behind the add-on.

In your instructions in the previous thread, one of the steps was "Then ensure that only your chosen user group will be able to subscribe to the mailing list by setting "Can subscribe" to No:" I am a little confused by setting to "No" Should that be Yes?

I don't understand why all members are showing up when the selected user group only has five members.

I apologize that I am not able to grasp this yet and am reaching out for help and understanding.


Paul P
I think it might be easier if I take a look at this directly to see if something is configured wrong :)

Could you please use the "Attach secure data" button to allow me access to your site so I can look into this further?

The attached data is encrypted before being saved, and the decryption key will be emailed to both of us. The decrypted information is not stored in the browser nor on our servers. You can purge the data entirely at any point by clicking the "Delete secure data" button.

As this is a much more secure method of exchanging sensitive information, I am unable to accept private messages / conversations with sensitive information. If you have previously submitted private messages / conversations with sensitive information, please ensure this information has been changed and that it is no longer valid.
Thanks so much for your offer to look over this. Since listing my question, I have made some progress however the 'showing all members' issue still persists. So items that may be helpful

1) I've deleted all maillists but one. That maillist is to the five officers of the club. I have tested it and they do receive an email if I use that list.

2) If you look at that mailing list and click on "View users", the list that is returned is all 147 members of our club, not just the five officers.

3) I have a 'usergroup' entitled "2021 Dues Reminder" that reflects 15 members who have not renewed. We are trying to set a mailing list to contact them. Maybe you could build a mailing list to do so, then I could review how you set the permissions. I suspect that is where I am going wrong but I don't know.

I only intend for the five officers (identified as usergroup "Officers Discussions" to have the generate mail icon appear on their toolbar. No other members will access the app and its purpose is to be able to email to various usergroups

I have filled in the secure data to access our site

Thanks for your help.

The account you provided does not have admin privileges. Could you please correct this and let me know? Thanks :)
The account you provided does not have admin privileges. Could you please correct this and let me know? Thanks :)
My apologies, I forgot to set the admin page (still learning the ins & outs of XF). It has been enabled now and I checked the access to make sure

I've deleted and re-generated the list, and only 6 people now show up as Subscribed.


2) If you look at that mailing list and click on "View users", the list that is returned is all 147 members of our club, not just the five officers.
Likely the confusion here stems from the fact that all users are added to the subscription tracker, but with "Unknown subscription state" showing. They are not subscribed, only the people whose state is "Subscribed" are actually subscribed.
Thanks for your help. I see what you did.

I noticed you selected yes on the usergroup that is to receive the emails ( Three buttons). But then you also selected the 'registered user' group and set those the No (Three buttons)

Couple more clarifications

On the Yes group, if I enable the moderator buttons (3) does that mean they will also be able to send, manage the lists and view statistics?

Why does the Registered group get set to No. If you didn't change that, would not only the 'Yes' group get the emails?

When a larger maillist is established, is there a quick way to see who is going to get the email? Going thru all the members, looking for 'subscribed' is kind of tedious.

Thanks for your help
On the Yes group, if I enable the moderator buttons (3) does that mean they will also be able to send, manage the lists and view statistics?

Why does the Registered group get set to No. If you didn't change that, would not only the 'Yes' group get the emails?
Probably not, but given that everyone has the Registered group as their base group, it's safer this way :)

When a larger maillist is established, is there a quick way to see who is going to get the email? Going thru all the members, looking for 'subscribed' is kind of tedious.
See the screenshot in my previous post:

Found the search feature - To a new user, it is buried in 'View Users' and click on 'Search Logs'. You can then run the search on each Maillist to see who is subscribed.
Hello @PaulProe,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte Mail

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