Question Can I change the currency icon?

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Hi there! Long time no chat...

Just renewed the credits add-on for my community (love the updates!) and I have the navigation after the "alerts tab" and it shows perfectly as the currency icon. However, since we call credits 'crowns,' I am curious if there is a place/way/or area that I can change that icon to match the crown icon we use as the currency prefix - to keep things consistent?

Hope this finds you well and appreciate any insight!

Well, alright... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: That is above my pay grade it seems, as I messed my entire page up trying to put a FA in there. So I think I will be leaving that icon alone for the time being. lol

I noticed one thing though... I have the option ticked for 'display in "member drop-down" If selected, this currency will be displayed in the drop-down users get when clicking their own user name in the navbar.'

but I notice that nothing shows when I click that area. I get the normal options, alerts, etc. but nothing for the dbcredits. I am using the Themehouse ACE theme with UIX.

The only other question I have is what phrase a particular section is pulling from... to make it easier I've highlighted it in a SS.

Thank you good sir!

Ah last thing... god you're probably sorry I came back lol....

Somehow my "Adjust" function is missing. I cannot find it anywhere. I have the permissions, it exists as an event type, its turned on... I saw it at first install and now POOF gone...

Any thoughts on where I should look or what I might check??

....thanks and have a nice weekend.
I noticed one thing though... I have the option ticked for 'display in "member drop-down" If selected, this currency will be displayed in the drop-down users get when clicking their own user name in the navbar.'

but I notice that nothing shows when I click that area. I get the normal options, alerts, etc. but nothing for the dbcredits. I am using the Themehouse ACE theme with UIX.
That will appear in this area:

If that does not show for you, the theme might be interfering with the template extension.

The only other question I have is what phrase a particular section is pulling from... to make it easier I've highlighted it in a SS.
dbtech_credits_footer_currency_phrase :)

Somehow my "Adjust" function is missing. I cannot find it anywhere. I have the permissions, it exists as an event type, its turned on... I saw it at first install and now POOF gone...
Can you check for each currency to make sure the event itself is there too?
That will appear in this area:
View attachment 10263

If that does not show for you, the theme might be interfering with the template extension.

dbtech_credits_footer_currency_phrase :)

Can you check for each currency to make sure the event itself is there too?

Happy Friday! Okay... so I simply renamed the currency "credits" to "crowns" rather than to make a new currency. I checked the events, they are assigned to crowns and active. I analyzed my permissions just to be safe and I have all the DBCredits set to yes.

I had created an event called donate and that shows up, but adjust is missing in action.

I'm at a loss for why it would have disappeared ...I wonder if I should do a rebuild or not?
Hey, I just did a re-install of the package and it's working fie now. Not sure what the challenge was originally, but it's solved! Very likely it was user error somewhere lol

I am looking at the code for the template to see if I can figure out a way to make the dollar bills into a crown... is there anything special I should be doing in there? I get that it's a font awesome icon, but no matter how I enter it....I just mess everything up. Any words of wisdom or insight you can share with me, good sir? :)

  .m-faContent(@fa-var-money-bill-alt, .88em);       
        <xf:set var="$addOnId">ThemeHouse/UIX</xf:set>
You can open setup_fa.less to see a complete list of all variables you can use in place of @fa-var-money-bill-alt. You can try @fa-var-crown.
Okay, I have figured out what is triggering the "Adjust" to disappear and not return in the display. I don't want forum staff triggering events and earning credits, so as I was setting all their "Trigger events" to 'never' .... I wanted to test something and went in to my administrator permission group, set trigger to 'no' went back to my wallet and !tah-dah! "adjust" was gone. When I went back to the administrator permission group and set it back to trigger events "yes" the adjust option does not re-appear.

Is there a way I can force it to show back up again without having to uninstall and reinstall the add-on?? Now that I have identified the concern, I can avoid it going forward lol
You can try analysing the permissions to see if there's other user groups that affect this permission.
Hello @chernabog,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte Credits has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been scheduled to be closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte Credits

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
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