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Question on this.

Does it affect the rankings and favorites and whatnot?

After enabling this, I have two games that have been favorited 13 times each and they both say they have 21 ratings. I'm sure this isn't the case on my site, so I'm wondering if this is joined in a global setting or something?

If so, I'd like to be able to set it to only submit the global scores to DBT and display the global scores on the website, but that's it. As you said, it's new and probably has bugs, etc... so I'm just not sure of the direction it should be going to say whether this is a bug or designed functionality. =)
Favorites and ratings are not shared globally. only playstats and top score(r)

I commandeered freekoids site for testing since trekkan's was not up to 11 yet :p

im not sure its fully working yet though.
Aah is this where the 'Global' bit comes in?


I have a similar system on pirate poker, The 'Network' tab shows which players have the most money across all sites with the same installation.
The two games are called Addiction Solitaire and "Balls".

I might just uninstall and reinstall the arcade completely to see. Could be chasing ghosts, I dunno.
I didnt want to hi-jack this thread, Looks like global is working as I have a top score on White & Tan game (crap game cant work out how to play <lol>)
The two games are called Addiction Solitaire and "Balls".

I might just uninstall and reinstall the arcade completely to see. Could be chasing ghosts, I dunno.

Mochi? , iB?, v3?

All beta testers should all have at least one or two games installed from each arcade (ib,v3,mochi,etc) so we can test the global :\
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Looks like its sort of working.

So far 3 games and 3 scores from freekoid in there.

It groups on gameid, so as long as those match from different platforms, itll work out.

freekoid - you are missing mod_rewrite so your ibp games arent scoring right. also, your mochi games dont seem to be scoring either (except for the scoreless ones which are using the time as the score as intended :) )
Looks like its sort of working.

So far 3 games and 3 scores from freekoid in there.

It groups on gameid, so as long as those match from different platforms, itll work out.

freekoid - you are missing mod_rewrite so your ibp games arent scoring right. also, your mochi games dont seem to be scoring either (except for the scoreless ones which are using the time as the score as intended :) )

Ok so what do I need to fix this?
Ok so what do I need to fix this?

I noticed when I submit a score as it performs the 'submit', the game area loads my forum into the space, it then allows me to comment on the previous high score.

I think the problem started when this error in this thread happened:

The error hasnt gone away after deleting the game via ftp (which I though it had until I installed a new game)

Is there a way to 'flush' the system? Or should I do a clean install again?
deleting the media files from ftp does not delete it from the system. you need to delete it through your game editor; and that will actually take care of the media folder for you too.

i mentioend elsewhere that your problem with scores is you need mod rewrite. im thinking of including the old backup method for ibp scores since it seems mod rewrite will be an issue in some cases, but that will still be required for some stuff.
The game space invader 2 isnt listed in my game editor for deletion , plus it was never installed due to that error.
Im going to mark this answered an archived, since the issues brought up dont seem entirely related and reference fixed stuff anyway. if something is an issue, open a new thread please.
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