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Former Developer
For Beta 2, we've got a few more fixes and new features added in, with some issues still outstanding. Will be working on implementing more of these for Beta 3.

In the Admin Control Panel the following areas are not completed:
  • Manage Listings
  • Manage Offers

In the User Control Panel sections of the mod the following items are not completed:
  • View Order Details (would welcome some suggestions on what exactly everybody needs to be displayed on these pages)
  • Return this Item
  • Resolve Problem
  • Add Note
  • Relist

When Viewing a single listing the following items are not completed:
  • Add Note
  • Issues with the percentage of feedback for a user
  • View Feedback for a user

In addition to these, there are several bugs outstanding in the forum here that I'm looking at getting fixed. :)

Thanks again for the help in testing.
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Hi Mokonzi

I did not really know where to post this as its more of a question or an idea if you like, I did not want to post it as a bug as its not a bug, I also did not want to put suggestion as you may already have this covered as we are early in the testing phase, but I had a play around with the templates and added a few additions to the layout.

I just thought it looked a little jumbled with no border or wrap around so added a very simple wrap around to the main HTML output :)

tell me what you think or if you have something even better lined up for us let me know too (love this modification!!!!!!)

*NOTE - I have reverted the templates to the originals I just had a play!

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Hey ya all!
Sorry for being late on my notes - I have been abroad and haven't got a chance to reply. As I see, it's beta 2 so I'll first update the plugin and than come back with new notes.
Before going into details, I'd like to point out something which may be very important for some communities.
I completely understand, that from a point of having a great and complex product, it has to have complex background settings. This is fine. But there are communities which needs things simple and straight forward.

I have many experiences with classifieds "tries" from the past and although some products were on the right track trying to cover as many options (scenarios) as possible, the complexity of usage was driving users off! What I'm trying to say is, that such a product should have as many settings as possible, as optional!

I'll get back with more on that later. Hope I mad it clear, though. :)
Here's me again, with some of my thoughts. Please, bear with me if there are some things already discussed. :)
I'll try to provide as many screenshots as possible and although some translations exists, I think it won't be a biggie to pinpoint the exact location.

- this is one of the options I think should be optional
- the purpose of this is not very clear but I think it is meant as for a website owner who's also a merchant? dunno... username field and value are confusing and when trying to add some values and saving it, the output gives undefined error (6th screenshot)

- "go" buttons aren't working, options can be set via link

- same as earlier but this time, "remove" option can't be used because it's only available via dropdown

- fees manager is awesome idea and should be optional, however these 3 screenshots show what happens when one tries to remove an option

- broken icon

- an example of broken style (my custom style)

Next are some more on that "optional settings" me bragging about and other things bothering me.
- specifications should be optional (its obvious this is meant for a webmaster merchant?)
- are payment processors binding on a merchant ID or is this a global settings for payments for all users? or maybe I just don't get it
- country codes and state codes are non relevant for a national community, should be optional
- postage settings are unclear; I think it gives one an option to preset various postage options but as I mentioned earlier (screenshots), settings are unclear
- when posting a new listing, the second step seems like a confirmation on the previous listing choice - is that correct? Why a check box if one can simply change the listing type from a drop down menu?
- advancing with listing is possible with unchecked checkbox
- if one doesn't choose a category and tries do advance nothing happens: no warning, no error, nothing. Just a page reload. There should be a warning
- overall this "two-step" method of listing It's confusing and I don't quite get the safety of this mechanism. I also think it's unnecessary and it should simply advance to selecting category.
- below is a screenshot with error when pointing to a shortcut within a navigation's breadcrumb trail
- more on advancing with listing; if a category contains subs than it should be mandatory for selecting one of the subs categories. At the moment, system passes on with only parent category selected which is not okay if one tries to keep things cataloged

Plugin should provide easier separation and understanding between merchandising for merchants (web masters) and community classifieds (public).

So much for now. Hope it helps a bit.
I'll do more on feedback in the next days (beta).
Hi Mokonzi

I did not really know where to post this as its more of a question or an idea if you like, I did not want to post it as a bug as its not a bug, I also did not want to put suggestion as you may already have this covered as we are early in the testing phase, but I had a play around with the templates and added a few additions to the layout.

I just thought it looked a little jumbled with no border or wrap around so added a very simple wrap around to the main HTML output :)

tell me what you think or if you have something even better lined up for us let me know too (love this modification!!!!!!)

*NOTE - I have reverted the templates to the originals I just had a play!

Hmmm, interesting... I'll need to think about this and chat with the other devs about your option here, to get there input first :)
Before going into details, I'd like to point out something which may be very important for some communities.
I completely understand, that from a point of having a great and complex product, it has to have complex background settings. This is fine. But there are communities which needs things simple and straight forward.

I have many experiences with classifieds "tries" from the past and although some products were on the right track trying to cover as many options (scenarios) as possible, the complexity of usage was driving users off! What I'm trying to say is, that such a product should have as many settings as possible, as optional!

I'll get back with more on that later. Hope I mad it clear, though. :)

In other words... make sure you can do as much customizing as is possible? Reduce options to make it simpler in instances that need it? Good to have you back btw. :)

- this is one of the options I think should be optional
- the purpose of this is not very clear but I think it is meant as for a website owner who's also a merchant? dunno... username field and value are confusing and when trying to add some values and saving it, the output gives undefined error (6th screenshot)

The username isn't something that can be optional, unless I'm missing what you mean here. Each user needs to set their own postage options. While it might be possible (it isn't at this time) to make it optional to have a globally available postage, each user will need to be able to set up their own postage... as a simple example, a user in Poland selling something to someone in the UK is going to have a different cost to selling something to someone in Poland.

- "go" buttons aren't working, options can be set via link

- same as earlier but this time, "remove" option can't be used because it's only available via dropdown

Thanks for mentioning this. Can you post this in it's own thread for me to keep track of?

- fees manager is awesome idea and should be optional, however these 3 screenshots show what happens when one tries to remove an option

I'll check the bug out with the delete, though if you can post the bug in a separate thread, and the feature request to make it fully optional, that would be great. In theory no fees added means it wouldn't be required, but I think we can add an option to hide the fees altogether if we need to (from the users at the front of the site).

- broken icon
Will check into this one. :)

- an example of broken style (my custom style)

Do you have a link to your test site so I can see it and figure what might need changing? :)

Will post a new response for your other comments...
- specifications should be optional (its obvious this is meant for a webmaster merchant?)

I understand your comment, but this is something that eBay already integrates. If there are no Specifications created for a category, they are skipped anyway, so in theory not creating them should be simple enough to 'disable' the system.

- are payment processors binding on a merchant ID or is this a global settings for payments for all users? or maybe I just don't get it

This is based on the system we use here. Payment Processors are things like PayPal, Moneybookers, etc. Atm we only have PayPal built in, and the Merchant ID relates to the site admins account details. For PayPal this is the email address associated with the account. This is needed for things like fees. Each user will eventually need to have their own Merchant IDs entered for each Payment Processor (or we could say payment method) that a site runs and they want to use.

- country codes and state codes are non relevant for a national community, should be optional

You can remove any you don't need, and change the phrasing. I might be able to make them optional if there are no options available... can you post this idea as a new feature request thread?

- when posting a new listing, the second step seems like a confirmation on the previous listing choice - is that correct? Why a check box if one can simply change the listing type from a drop down menu?
- advancing with listing is possible with unchecked checkbox
- if one doesn't choose a category and tries do advance nothing happens: no warning, no error, nothing. Just a page reload. There should be a warning
- overall this "two-step" method of listing It's confusing and I don't quite get the safety of this mechanism. I also think it's unnecessary and it should simply advance to selecting category.

Will tidy this up for Beta 3... I was going to make it possible for someone to change the listingtype without going back a screen, but your point is valid and I'll adjust. :)

- below is a screenshot with error when pointing to a shortcut within a navigation's breadcrumb trail

Can you post this as a bug report for me? :)

- more on advancing with listing; if a category contains subs than it should be mandatory for selecting one of the subs categories. At the moment, system passes on with only parent category selected which is not okay if one tries to keep things cataloged

What sort of cataloguing are you referring to? At the moment searching for something within the parent category will show up all sub categories, and searching in a sub category won't show up items only belonging to the parent category?

Plugin should provide easier separation and understanding between merchandising for merchants (web masters) and community classifieds (public).

Can you expand a bit more on what you mean?

So much for now. Hope it helps a bit.
I'll do more on feedback in the next days (beta).

Thanks for all the feedback and testing... lot's to go at here when I get done with work on Friday. :)
Fixed the Manage Conditions and Manage Currencies menu options not working (Manage and Remove).
Removed the extra listing type selection. :)
Also removed the broken image in the Questions manager. :)

PS, the Questions manager is not fully integrated yet and will be part of the resolution centre when it's ready. :)

If you can post the other feature requests ozi and add any details to the other questions I've got will see what we can do for Beta 4. :)
Nice! Keep up with the good work.
I'll make another run with b3 and let you know.

I should also adjust my postings to "bug" and "feature" sections, when applicable...
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