I'm going to highlight things I personally see, all negative or otherwise IMO in need of work. This is because this is a suggestions thread asking for input. I just wanted to say that so no one reading this thinks this is meant to be a negative post, it's not. =)
How easy is it for you to find the information you want.
This isn't really difficult, but is a bit hard to find. Mostly because if I'm looking for product info, I'm not expecting to click a "purchase" link first. I expect to see a "Products" link, from which I can choose a product to view, then if I'm interested in cost/purchasing, a link on that products page to buy the item.
I think that the initial view on the current "purchase" page, has way too much info/images are too large. Once you start scrolling you quickly become lost in a sea of images. They are good images, but should be probably about 3x2 inches max with the text that is currently on them, to the right of the image. Right now, I feel the images dominate what I'm thinking about when I view that page, not your actual products/features. Once you click the "More information" link, I think that page is pretty good and otherwise doesn't need too much changing. Although I would probably throw in a little color and font increase in the headings
How clear are the prices
I'd put spaces between the slashes on the prices to clean up the reading of it a little more (if you leave them on the images). Also, it should be more clear as to what each of these prices means.
Shopping Cart
When clicking the "add to cart" button on the page, there's no indication that your item was added to the cart. Since the cart itself is scrolled off of just about any screen in relation to where the "add to cart" button is, it's easy to click it more than once, assuming it didn't go through, then you have to remove the item from the cart.
How clear are the discounts available
They are clear, AFTER you meet the criteria for them, not before.
What do you think of our prices
Prices are mostly good, sometimes I think they are a bit on the high side however. BUT... I've been here since the start and I know your support is what makes the difference, although newer customers might not understand that at the beginning.
What do you think of our discount structure
Discounts are good, no complaints there and I really like the loyalty program. =)
Do we do a good job of keeping you guys up to date
You do a good job here, but as I've subscribed to your announcements forum, I get an email everytime someone replies to your posts. So... sometimes I miss things now when I assume it's just a reply from someone and not something I subscribed to the forum for, hearing what DBT has to say. I'd like to see this forum locked for replies or something.... I dunno the best solution, but... something different than it is now.
Do we send too many or too few update emails (at the moment we send 1 per week)
I'm good with the 1 per week, but don't expect it either. If you have nothing to really update us with, don't send it out (not that you have).
Are we making products that you want to purchase.
Yes, but I still want a guild management mod written.
Is there anything we do particularly well or badly?
Customer support is key to me, you do that very well and it's one of the primary reasons I'm a DBT customer and will continue to be one. Besides that, the quality of the products is really good as well.
One of the things that I have to admit has concerned me (of late) is that with all of the products coming out, the release cycles for things. Well, let me better explain. I think your release cycles are fine. But when you release a new product, I think it should be on full dev for 30-60 days after it's gold release. The reason for this is, if you look a products like vbShout and vbActivity, they are VERY feature rich and robust mods. But if you look at newer mods like vbShop, it's clear to see that it's suffered from other new releases taking priority over it. In the past, the customer suggestions have fueled the development the day of release. While I understand not all features can get added right out the gate, that there are many features that your customers feel are "core" features for things (user PMs on gift, purchase history, ability to remove a gift someone buys you, etc). I think most of these things could of been added within 2 weeks of time. Obviously I don't know everything and what's going on, these are an outsiders point of view. That being said, most people are on the outside and I don't think I'm alone in that.
Ultimately, you guys kick ass, I'm proud to be a DBT customer and I hope this reply is what you were looking for. =)