Question I Need To Tweak Style Of Advanced Thanks / Like

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In the documentation it says:

Admins can determine what statistics can show in the postbit to control sizes etc.
How do I do that? Specifically, in the postbit, I only want to display:
Liked: 2,232 times
I don't want to display how many likes the user has given. This information is unnecessary and even a problem for my site. I'm currently using {vb:raw thanks_postbit} in the postbit and getting this:

Likes (Given) 778
Likes (Received) 1558
I searched through the templates and found nothing. I didn't find what I was looking for in the phrases either.

While we are it, I REALLY dislike the addition of:

 <li class="postbitlegacy postcontainer"> <div class="posthead"> <span class="postdate">Post Thanks / Like - 0 Likes</span> </div> <div class="postdetails" id="dbtech_thanks_entries_489510">
below the post.

I'd prefer to just have a simple like text link floated to the right like I had before with vbseo's like system. I don't mind paying for such functionality, but I need to know I'm going to get what I want.

I'd like to move the important parts of the code above to the postbit just under this:

<div id="post_message_{vb:raw post.postid}">
<blockquote class="postcontent restore">
{vb:raw post.message}
Is that possible? How do I do it?


How do I do that? Specifically, in the postbit, I only want to display:
Edit each button and set "Disable "Given" Stat In Postbit" to No.

I'd like to move the important parts of the code above to the postbit just under this:
I recommend trying the "Integrate Action Buttons", "Disable Button Text" and "Cloud Display Style: Compact" in order to create a vB5-esque UI which you can see in action here @ DBTech or in this screenshot: 2014-11-08 17.49.50.png?dl=0
Edit each button and set "Disable "Given" Stat In Postbit" to No.
Okay, that'll work. Thanks! Is there an easy way to remove the parenthesis?...

Likes (Received) 5112

Not a HUGE deal or anything..

I recommend trying the "Integrate Action Buttons", "Disable Button Text" and "Cloud Display Style: Compact" in order to create a vB5-esque UI which you can see in action here @ DBTech or in this screenshot:
I'm willing to try that. Is that for the premium version only? Just in case I hate it is there a way to get it, will I have "manual" styling options of some kind? (Template editing and CSS?)

Thanks, again!

You will have CSS control, though manual button position is not currently supported.
Bummer! :) For a guy like me having that option is usually INSANELY helpful. I'll go ahead and pick up the premium version then and hope for the best.

Thanks! (BTW, dbseo is killer!)

Man, this has been a WAY bigger challenge than I had expected. For my tastes/forum, the vbseo like button was ideal from a "usability" standpoint. It was never in the way, but never required a lesson, either. I've had no look with it in bar with "edit post" and all of that jive. It's too hidden.

I was looking at the code Chrome spit out and hoping maybe you had some css pointers for me.

It appears all of this is added for the like button with whatever combination of settings I have now.
	<div class="postfoot">
		<div class="textcontrols">
			<span class="postlinking">
								<div id="dbtech_thanks_actions_491231" style="display:inline">
					<span class="dbtech-thanks-button-control" data-postid="491231" data-button="likes">
	<a href="javascript://" name="dbtech_thanks_button" data-postid="491231" data-button="likes"><img pagespeed_lazy_src="" alt="Likes" title="Likes" border="0" style="position:relative; top:4px; left:-20px; margin-right:-20px;" src="//" onload="pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);"/> Like</a>
				<div id="dbtech_thanks_status_491231" style="display:inline"> </div>

My problem is my postfoot, text controls, and postlinking have radically different requirements than my like button. If there was a way to insert just this above the post signature that would be EASY:

<div id="dbtech_thanks_actions_491231" style="display:inline">
					<span class="dbtech-thanks-button-control" data-postid="491231" data-button="likes">
	<a href="javascript://" name="dbtech_thanks_button" data-postid="491231" data-button="likes"><img pagespeed_lazy_src="" alt="Likes" title="Likes" border="0" style="position:relative; top:4px; left:-20px; margin-right:-20px;" src="//" onload="pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);"/> Like</a>

Is there a way to disable the postfoot, text controls, and postlinking div addition? It seems like a mistake to force those on us as, based on what I've got so far, it seems to force a second bar into the post that chews up space, divides the post up in an odd way, and busies up the design.

Thanks for the help!

So that I can better advise you, can you please let me know what your current Cloud Display Style setting is?

IIRC, vBSEO's Like button was included in the signature field?
I had to look this up. I thought it was a means of communication for web nerds. The first definition was "If I really cared". I ALMOST got pissed until I found "If I recall correctly".

Anyhow, the vbseo like button was a basic template thing we had to stick in the postbit. It required a template edit and therefor could be moved around.

I tried quite a bit to get the like buttons to "work" (by work, I mean not get lost in the clutter in that bar under the signature) but it never happened. My main users would get used to it, but I'm REALLY trying to keep things as simple as possible for new users. It's a big deal to me these days as my site is a big enough mess as it is. :)

If I had my way, I'd just float:right "Like" just under the post and above the signature without the background from all those wrapper divs. Those are what is causing me so much trouble. That, and I'd be totally happy putting the little variable thingy in the template myself so I don't have to rely on hooks. I realize this is nitpicking from a code perspective, but it's VERY important from that damn usability thing. :)

Oh yeah, my settings:

Cloud Location: Above Signature
Integrate Actions Buttons: No
Cloud Display Style: No Header
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Legacy Advanced Post Thanks / Like

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