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DragonByte Apple Push - Extra information

Adds support for macOS push notifications to your forum.
DragonByte Apple Push
Note: This add-on is not available for sale normally. Please click here to start a conversation if you would like to purchase this add-on, after having read the FAQ tab.

This add-on allows you to integrate XenForo's Alert system with macOS' native push notifications, delivering alerts directly to your users' Mac computers without your site (or even the browser) needing to be left open.
  • e5pM8ik.webp
    15.9 KB · Views: 1,049
  • mUwadrI.webp
    10.8 KB · Views: 1,063
  • notif.webp
    8.8 KB · Views: 1,039

Overview Feature list Copyright info FAQ System Requirements Releases (2) Discussion

Installation Instructions

  • An active Apple Developer account
  • A Mac running a recent version of macOS
  • High-resolution icons and the ability to create scaled icons
  • Access to your site via (S)FTP

  1. Create a Certificate Signing Request.
  2. Create a new Website Push Identifier.
  3. Create a new Website Push ID Certificate using the Certificate Signing Request from Step 1, and download it to your computer (this should be a .cer file).
  4. Create a new Authentication Key and download it (this should be a .p8 file).
  5. Double-click the .cer file from Step 3 to add it to Keychain Access.app on your computer.
  6. In Keychain Access, click the "Certificates" category and find the Website Push ID certificate, expand it, right click the Private Key, and click "Export <name>".
    Make sure "Personal Information Exchange (.p12)" is selected.
    Name the file website_aps_production.p12.
  7. Install the add-on as normal (preferably via the add-on archive installer).
  8. Login to your server via (S)FTP and navigate to internal_data/code_cache/dbtechANSPush.
  9. Inside this folder, upload the .p8 and .p12 files from steps 4 and 6 respectively.
  10. Inside this folder, open the folder package and the sub-folder icon.iconset.
  11. Inside the icon.iconset folder, upload 6 icons named the following, with the following dimensions and DPI:
    • icon_128x128@2x.png (256x256 px, 72 DPI)
    • icon_128x128.png (128x128 px, 72 DPI)
    • icon_32x32@2x.png (64x64 px, 72 DPI)
    • icon_32x32.png (32x32 px, 72 DPI)
    • icon_16x16@2x.png (32x32 px, 72 DPI)
    • icon_16x16.png (16x16 px, 72 DPI)
  12. In the add-on settings, enter the Team ID as found on this page.
  13. Enter the "Website Push ID" you created in Step 2.
  14. Enter the "Key ID" you obtained in Step 4.
  15. Enter the "Key Passphrase" you created in Step 6.
  16. Save the page, then click "Test Push Package".
If everything went according to plan, your browser will have downloaded a .zip file.

Product Information

Apple Developer Membership macOS XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information

1 Year
Renewal cost

Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day