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Legacy vBDonate - Product specifications

Add the ability to easily receive real money donations to the site from your members.
vBDonate is a professional donation mod, allowing administrators to accept donations from PayPal (with more payment options to possibly come).

vBDonate is the ideal product to accept donations from your members to help with the ever increasing costs of running your site.
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Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (21) Discussion

Major Features

Auto Confirming (PRO Only):
Donations will auto confirm from PayPal once the donation has actually been processed through PayPal's system Pro Only.

PayPal Testing Environment: Ability to set the donation system to a testing environment via PayPal's SandBox mode.

Marquee Block: A fully customizable marquee block can be placed just about anywhere on your site.

Payment Options: Administrators can set donation amounts to Custom, Suggested, or Suggested and Custom.

Contribution Options: Users can donate anonymously and/or have their donation amounts undisclosed, if set in the ACP.

Interactive Donation List Page: Administrators can confirm, unconfirm, and edit donations from the contribution list page

Donation Goal Bar: A donation goal bar can be placed just about anywhere on your site.

Donator Page: Donators will be able to view a "My Contributions" page which will list only their donations.

Donation Listings Pages: vBDonate admins can view unconfirmed, anonymous and undisclosed donations on separate pages.

Awards System (PRO Only): The Pro version comes with a awards system, to show a award in the postbit of users that donated.

Import Donations (PRO Only): The Pro version comes with a importer to import donations from VSA or AWC donation mods.

vBAdvanced Modules (PRO Only): The Pro version comes with three different modules to use on your vBAdvanced pages.

vBulletin Versions: Compatible with vB versions 4.1.x and 4.2.x

Complete Feature List

Lite Features

  • StyleVars
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the border attributes in the donation list.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the donation bar donated goal amount.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the donation bar remaining goal amount.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the border attributes of the donation bar border.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the contribution list link on the sub-navbar.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the un-confirmed contributions on the unconfirmed contributions list page.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the donation bar donated goal amount on the sideblocks.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the donation bar remaining goal amount on the sideblocks.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the border attributes of the donations bar border on the sideblocks.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the background image shown in the postbit control area for the Contribute link.
    • Has a stylevar to control the border attributes around the fieldset in the postbit block.
    • Has a stylevar to control the color of the legend text in the postbit, as vB had this hard coded to black.
    • Has a stylevar to fix the layout on the donations list pages if you allow anonymous contributions and or undisclosed contributions for styles with smaller widths.
  • General Settings
    • Option to toggle plugin on or off.
    • Option to disable the donation system temporarily.
    • Option to set usergroup permissions to which groups can act as vBDonate administrators.
    • Ability to change the reason for turning the modification off temporarily. (Shown to a user if the system is disabled)
    • Option to display the product version or not.
    • Ability to select which usergroups can "NOT" use the donation system.
    • Ability to change the message if a user who is in a group not allowed to use the donation system.
    • Ability to change the data format M-D-Y or D-M-Y.
    • Option to disable showing the contribution menu on the sub-navbar.
    • Option to disable showing the donate navtab on the navbar. (Only works with vB versions 4.1.x not 4.2)
    • Option to show the donate navtab on the second navbar if you have vBNavTabs Pro. (Only works with vB versions 4.1.x not 4.2)
    • Ability to enable BB codes in subheader text.
    • Ability to change the text in the subheader.
    • Ability to change the subheader height.
    • Option to show PayPal image on the donation block (non verified accounts).
    • Ability to change PayPal image on the donation block (non verified accounts).
    • Option to show Verified PayPal image on the donation block (verified accounts).
    • Ability to change Verified PayPal image on the donation block (verified accounts).
    • Option to show smaller images on the vBDonate DashBoard.
    • Ability to easily change the General Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the PayPal Payment Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the Donator List Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the Change Usergroups Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the Send PM Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the Donation Bar Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the SideBlock Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the PostBit Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Option to show image instead of Submit Button on the donation page.
    • Ability to easily change the image shown on the donation page.
    • Ability to change the marquee block header text.
    • Ability to change the marquee message text.
    • Ability to change the marquee message color.
    • Ability to change the marquee message background.
    • Ability to change the marquee message text size.
    • Ability to change the marquee message scroll speed.
    • Option to enable start/stop buttons to the marquee that users can click on to start/stop the scrolling.
    • Ability to show the marquee block above the contribution list.
    • Ability to show the marquee block above the contribute block.
    • Ability to show the marquee block above the goal meter.
    • Ability to show the marquee block above the users contribution list.
    • Option to enter the directory of your admincp.
    • Ability to turn off the edit icons next to some block elements.
    • Ability to set pre-define subjects for users to pick from when using the vBDonate Contact Us form.
    • Option to show or not show a contributions benefits block on the contribution page.
    • Ability to enter the benefits a contributor will get by contributing to the site.
  • PayPal - Payment Settings
    • Ability to set your PayPay E-Mail.
    • Option to enable PayPal SandBox Testing.
    • Ability to set your PayPay SandBox E-Mail.
    • Ability to choose from three different donation amount types, Suggested Only, Suggested and Custom or Custom Only.
    • Ability to set the suggested donation amounts to your choosing.
    • Ability to choose the currency type you want donated (choose between 22 different types) only one type allowed.
    • Ability to set the minimum amount you will take as a donation, for Custom Donations.
    • Option to have the PayPal donation screen open in a new window in the browser.
    • Option to display accepted payment types with their respective images, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal.
    • Option to turn on or off anonymous contributions.
    • Ability to set which usergroups can make anonymous contributions.
    • Option to turn on or off undisclosed contributions.
    • Ability to set which usergroups can make undisclosed contributions.
  • Donator List Settings
    • Ability to change the results per page to show on the donation list.
    • Ability to select which usergroups can see the donation list.
    • Ability to show three different configurations for donation statistics, Don't Show, Total Donations Only or Total Donations and Amount.
    • Option to show donation amounts of each donor, on the donation list, to usergroups who can view the donation list.
    • Option to show donations list link on the Quick Links menu, Community menu or both.
    • Ability to change the message shown to a user who is in a group not allowed to see the donation list.
    • Option to enable / disable a right border on the donation list.
    • Option to enable / disable a top border on the donation list.
    • Ability to change the default listing of donations between ascending or descending.
    • Option to show the actual donation id number on the donation list.
    • A option to be able to turn off the Back To Top button on the donation lists pages.
  • Change Usergroup Settings
    • Option to enable usergroup change upon donating.
    • Ability to set the usergroup to switch the donator to.
    • Option to add the user to a usergroup (additional usergroups) or change the user to a usergroup (primary usergroup).
    • Option to change the users display group upon donating.
    • Option to change the users title, the user title is what is displayed below the user's name like in the postbit.
    • Ability to set what the donators user title will be.
    • Ability to set which usergroups are excluded from usergroup changes.
    • Ability to set which usergroups are excluded from adding to usergroups
  • Send PM Settings
    • Option to enable the PM system.
    • Ability to set which user sends the PM's.
    • Option to send a PM to a user after donating.
    • Option to send a PM to a user after the donation is confirmed.
    • Option to send a PM to a user if you manually added the donation.
    • Option to send a PM to staff members upon someone donating.
    • Ability to choose which staff members receive the PM's.
  • Donation Bar Settings
    • Option to enable the donation bar.
    • Ability to enter your donation goal amount.
    • Ability to have the goal reset Monthly or Yearly.
    • Ability to show the goal amount on the donation bar or just a percentage.
    • Option to have a message display below the donation bar.
    • Ability to change the text shown below the donation bar.
    • Ability to set the width of the donation goal block.
    • Ability to center the donation goal block on the page if it is set smaller than 100%.
    • Ability to change the donation bar height.
    • Ability to change the donation bar width.
    • Ability to set the THIS_SCRIPT locations to display the donation bar on.
    • Ability to choose one of three different locations to display the donation bar on.
    • Ability to change the text position of the text on the donation goal block (center, left).
    • Option to show a Contribute image instead of Contribute Now text on the donation goal block.
    • Option to switch the Contribute Now text or Contribute image from above the bar to below the Donate Bar Note Text.
    • Ability to easily change the Contribute image shown on the Donation block.
    • Option to hide the admin menu found in the donation bar header dropdown.
    • Option to display a welcome message with the users current time and date below the goal meter.
    • Option to be able to display the time as 24 hour format (e.g., 18:06:40), or standard format (e.g., 6:06:40 PM).
    • Option to display accepted payment types with their respective images, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal.
    • Option to be able to show everything in the goal block one background color.
    • Option to be able to show the total contributions to the site above the goal meter.
    • Option to be able to show a countdown timer to goal above the goal meter.
    • Option to set the date for the countdown timer.
  • Side Block Settings
    • Option to turn Forum sideblocks on or off.
    • Option to select which usergroups see the sideblocks.
    • Option to fix broken display issues with sideblocks that some skins seem to have, so far it's only BP skins.
    • Option to show PayPal verified image or non PayPal verified image in Forum sideBlock.
    • Ability to easily change the verified PayPal image shown on the Forum sideBlock.
    • Ability to easily change the non verified PayPal image shown on the Forum sideBlock.
    • Option to show a goal meter on the sideblocks.
    • Option to change the currency display on the sideblock to a symbol in front of the amount.
    • Ability to easily change what symbol shown in front of the amount donated on the sideblock.
    • Ability to set the character limit for usernames in the sideblocks.
    • Option to display accepted payment types with their respective images, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal.
    • Option to remove the radius on the goal meter for the contributed amount on the sideblock.
    • Option to replace the Contribute Now text with a image on the sideblock.
    • Ability to easily change the contribute now image shown on the Forum sideBlock.
    • Option to be able to show a countdown timer to goal below the goal meter on the forum sideblocks.
  • Postbit Settings
    • Option to show a donate block in the postbit.
    • Ability to easily change the image in the postbit block.
    • Option to show the postbit block on the first post only.
    • Eight different locations to choose from in the postbit to display the block.
    • Ability to set which usergroups see the donate postbit block.
    • Ability to easily change the postbit header title.
    • Ability to easily change the postbit message.
    • Ability to easily change the text to display it showing the postbit info in the control area of the postbit.
    • Ability to easily change the width of the donate block if it is shown in the signature area of the postbit.
    • Option to be able to toggle on / off the updating of user ranks after a contributors contributions is confirmed (only works if you add or change the contributors usergroups).
    • Ability to set the path to your contributor group rank.

Pro Additional Features

  • StyleVars
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the banner block background.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the border of the banner block.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the height of the banner.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the width of the banner.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the file location of the rotating banner images.
  • General Settings
    • Option to show a Additional block about Verified accounts.
    • Ability to change text shown on the Verified block header.
    • Ability to easily change the verified image shown on the Verified block header.
    • Ability to change text shown on the Verified block sub-header.
    • Ability to easily change the Change Rotating Banner Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the Sliding Banner Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
  • PayPal - Payment Settings
    • Option to have a image show on the PayPal payment screen.
    • Ability to easily change the image show on the PayPal donation screen.
  • Donator List Settings
    • Option to be able to show contributions as net amount (the amount you got after PayPal fees) or gross amount (the amount the user actually sent through PayPal), this will show everywhere the contribution amounts are shown now.
  • SideBlock Settings
    • Ability to turn off jquery on the vBadvanced donation module if it causes issues with other mods already running jquery on the vBAdv page.
    • Ability to set which version of jquery you would like to run if you have it enabled on the vBadvanced donate module.
    • Option in the settings group SideBlock Settings to be able to show a countdown timer to goal below the goal meter on the vBAdvanced Module.
  • Postbit Settings
    • Ability to show the donate postbit info on different usergroups postbit, so you can select it to only show on Admin postbit, or any usergroups you have.
    • Ability to show the donate postbit info on one specific user.
    • Option to enable or disable awards from showing in the postbit of users who contributed.
    • Ability to set the image to display in the users postbit if they contributed.
    • Ability to turn off automatic deployment of the award in the postbit, so you can add it anywhere via a template edit.
    • Ability to center the award in the postbit.
    • Option to be able to show a users contribution stats.
    • Option to be able to select where in the postbit to display the users contribution stats.
  • Send PM Settings
    • Option to send a pm to staff, if a contribution has been auto confirmed.
  • Rotating Banner Settings
    • Option to show rotating banner, image changes every time the page is refreshed.
    • Option to change the default banner size for fixed skins and smaller screen resolutions.
    • Ability to set the THIS_SCRIPT locations to display the rotating banner on.
    • Ability to choose one of three different locations to display the rotating banner on.
    • Ability to choose which usergroups can not view the rotating banners.
    • Option to have a new page open in the browser if a user clicks on the banner, which redirects them to the donate page.
    • Ability to change the text shown when a user hovers over the banner.
    • Option to show a sliding banner, image will change via javascript, on a determined amount of time.
    • Option to have jQuery load or not, as to not cause conflicts with other mods.
    • Ability to set the jQuery Version.
    • Ability to set the sliding banner display time, how long you want the image to show before another one is loaded.
  • Slider Banners
    • Ability to change if the image shows on the CMS page from the main content page.
    • Ability to change if the image shows on the Forum pages from the main content page.
    • Ability to toggle each images active status from the main content page.
    • Ability to click on edit to change each existing image.
    • Ability to delete each image from the main content page.
    • Ability to set the each banners title on the create content page.
    • Ability to add each banners url on the create content page.
    • Option to have the image show on the CMS page on the create content page.
    • Option to have the image show on the Forum page on the create content page.
    • Option to set the image active on the create content page.
  • Auto Post Settings
    • Ability to enable/disable the thread/post system.
    • Option to choose to post as a new thread or a reply to a post.
    • Option to enter the ID of the person making the post.
    • Option for the thread/post to count towards the posters postcount or not.
    • Ability to select which forum the new thread should be posted in.
    • Option to set the thread id if you choose to post as a reply to a post.
    • Option to set the post id if you choose to post as a reply to a post.
    • Option to set the thread as open or closed if you choose to post as a new thread.
    • Option to enter which post icons to use.
    • Option to set as sticky if you choose to post as a new thread.
    • Ten different options to enter the thread/post title for the system to randomly use.
    • Ten different options to enter the thread/post content for the system to randomly use.
  • Importer
    • Ability to import donations from VSA donation system.
    • Ability to import donations from AWC donation system.
  • Awards Utility
    • Ability recalculate all users awards based upon them having a confirmed contribution.
    • Ability to reset user awards, so no users have them.
  • Download Contributions CSV File
    • Ability to download confirmed contributions as a CSV file.
    • Ability to download unconfirmed contributions as a CSV file.
    • Ability to download anonymous contributions as a CSV file.
    • Ability to download undisclosed contributions as a CSV file.
    • Ability to download test contributions as a CSV file.

Product Information

vBulletin 4.x.x
Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information


Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day