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Legacy vBEditorTabs - Product specifications

Adds tabs to the WYSIWYG editor to accommodate extra emjois & more.
vBEditorTabs is an editor add-on, allowing administrators and users the ability to create custom tabs below the editor for categorizing smilies, with the potential to add further content in future releases.
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Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (7) Discussion

vBEditorTabs provided the following features to the Admin via the ACP:

Complete Feature List (Lite)

General Settings

  • Option to globally disable the product
  • Option to turn off the product version number in the copyright information
  • Option to not load jQuery, if it is already being called by another modification
  • Option to select which version of jQuery to load
  • Option to have the tabs on the top or bottom of the editor
Tab Animation Settings
  • 13 Options to control the animation/transition of the content areas and tabs
Configure Tabs
  • Ability to add new tabs
  • Ability to activate or deactivate each tab
  • Simple drag-and-drop interface for moving smilies between different tabs
  • AJAX database updating: when you drop a smilie onto a new tab, the database automatically updates for the change
  • Simple drag-and-drop interface for changing the order of the tabs
  • AJAX database updating: when you drop a tab into a new position in the list, the database automatically updates for the change
  • Disabled tabs automatically drop to the end of the list
Fully Style-able
  • Stylevars available so that you can customize the tabs to match each of your styles individually
  • External CSS file available if you want to customize the look of the ACP configuration (not recommended, but available)
  • Phrased to allow for customization for different languages

Additional Feature List (Pro)

General Settings

  • Option to enable User "Favorite" tab
Configure Tabs
  • Ability to assign usergroup viewing permissions to each tab
From the User CP, a user will have the following options:
  • Each user has the ability to create their own "Favorites" tab with smilies they use most often
  • Uses the same drag-and-drop functionality as the ACP to place smilies into their tab
  • Users can only pick from smilies that are not assigned to a tab, or assigned to a tab they have access to
  • Ability to have a "Favorites" tab can be set on a per-usergroup basis
  • Quantity of smilies in the "Favorites" tab can be set on a per-usergroup basis

Product Information

vBulletin 4.1.4+ vBulletin 4.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information


Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day