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Legacy vBSuper PM's - Product specifications

A complete overhaul & expansion of the private messaging system.
vBSuper PM's
vBSuper Pm's A complete private message management system.
  • 258.webp
    32 KB · Views: 1,882

Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (9) Discussion

Complete Feature List (Lite)

General Settings

  • Option to disable the vBSuper PM's completely.
  • Option to display the version number you are running.
  • Option to enter your Affiliate ID from DBTech.
  • Option to show percentage of PM quota used, shown in the Folder Controls block.
  • Option to move the private message download options from bottom of the page, to inside the Folder Controls block.
  • Option to move the Folder Controls block from below the PM's to above.
  • Option to show senders avatar in private message list.
  • Option to Show a Send Pm icon in the postbit controls area of posts.
  • Option to show a Next / Previous PM link in the private messages.
  • Option to enable username html markup on the users names when viewing your private message list, in any of the folders.

Auto Responder
  • Option to disable the Auto Responder system.
  • Usergroups not allowed to use the Auto Responder system.
  • Setting for the error message when users not allowed to use, will see if they try to access the system.
  • Option to set No Auto Reply Between Staff Members.
  • Option to select which usergroups are the staff groups.

No Links in PM's
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Usergroups who can't post links (url's) in PM's titles.
  • Usergroups who can't post links (url's) in PM's messages.

PM Blocker
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Usergroups allowed to use the system.
  • Setting for the error message when users not allowed to use, will see if they try to acess the system.

PM Warning Block
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Usergroup perms who can use the system. (be able to show a warning message)
  • Setting for the error message when users not allowed to use, will see if they try to acess the system.

Minimum Posts To Send PM's
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Setting for minimum posts in order to send pm's.
  • Excluded usergroups from minimum post count.
  • Staff usergroup setting so if user has not reached x posts they still should be able to send pm's to staff groups if so desired.

PM's Preview Type
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • ACP option to select type of preview, mouse over title or Threaded, Similar To Posts.
  • Character limit for previews.

Excluded Usergroups/Users From Sending PM's
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Usergroups who can not send PM's.

Number Of Days Registered To Send PM's
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Minimum number of days registered to send PM's.
  • Usergroups excluded from number of days registered to send PM's.
  • Users excluded from number of days registered to send PM's.

PM Throttle During X days
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Number of PM's that can be sent in limit time.
  • Limit time, set how many days for the PM limit.
  • Excluded usergroups that limit don't apply.

PM Notification Settings
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Ability to select which type of notification to show.
  • Option to allow users to be able to disable the notifs in their usercp.
  • Ability to set the image name for the Floating Notification type.
  • Ability to set speed of the images for the Floating Notification type.
  • Option to set the vertical position for the Sticky Notification type.
  • Option to set the horizontal position for the Sticky Notification type.
  • Setting for the error message when users not allowed to use, will see if they try to access the system.

PM Post Quote
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Option to select which usergroups can disable the PM Post Quote in their usercp.
  • Setting for the error message when users not allowed to use, will see if they try to access the system.
  • Option to set up a custom sender, otherwise the pm will come from the person who is doing the quoting.

Auto Quote Pm
  • On/Off globally in acp settings.
  • Option to select which usergroups can disable the Auto Quote PM in their usercp.
  • Setting for the error message when users not allowed to use, will see if they try to access the system.

Reply To All Recipients
  • Option to enable the reply to all system.
  • Ability to select which usergroups are allowed to use the reply to all system.
  • Option to choose how to display the reply to all button, Integrated or Separate Block.
  • Option to choose where to display the reply to all button if you choose Separate Block Location as the display.

Prune PM's Via Cron Job
  • Option to disable the pruning of PM's via cron job.
  • Ability to set how many days old the PM's should be before pruning.
  • Option to select which folder to prune the PM's from.
  • Option to select which read status get pruned.

Force Read PM's
  • Option to disable force reading of PM's.
  • Ability to select which usergroups are forced to read PM's.
  • Option to select which users are forced to read PM's.
  • Option to disable users from deleting and marking PM's as read if forced to read. They will be able to delete PM's after they read them.

Mass PM Users From ACP
  • Option to send test PM's. (Will not send any PM's out)
  • Option to send X PM's per batch.
  • Option to allow smilies in PM.

    Full search criteria same as the Send Email to Users in the ACP

PM Stats/Log
  • Enhanced PM Stats.
    List showing all users PM stats including the following information:
  • # Of Pm's in all folders.
  • Last Activity.
  • Email Addy.
  • User Title.
  • Join Date.
  • Post Count.
  • Date Of Last Post.

    A PM Log showing the following info:
  • The PM id number that is in the database.
  • Who sent the PM.
  • The title of the PM.
  • Who the PM was sent to.
  • Date the PM was sent.

Additional Feature List (Pro)

General Options

  • Option to the latest X PM's on the main page of the ACP.
  • Option to select how many latest X PM's to show on the main page of the ACP.

Auto Responder
  • Limit on characters to use in auto reply.
  • Usergroups excluded from character limit.
  • Option to save a copy of the sent auto reply in your sent messages folder.

No Links in PM's
  • Usergroups who can't post email addresses in PM's titles.
  • Usergroups who can't post email addresses in PM's messages.
  • ACP option to select which type of error to show the user if the post a link/email and are not allowed to. (on pm submission page or popup on separate page)

PM Blocker
  • Unblock-able usergroups such as admins and mods that can not be blocked, even if added to the users list.
  • Mirror blocking, if you have a user on your list, you will not be able to pm them either. (Unblock-able usergroups immune from mirror blocks)
  • ACP option to select which type of error to show the user if sending a pm to a member who has you blocked. (on pm submission page or popup on separate page)

PM Warning Block
  • Used ID perms who can use the system. (be able to show a warning message)
  • Usergroups excluded from seeing warning message, even if receiver has it enabled.
  • Time limit on showing message to sender again, if they have seen it from the receiver. (can be set to 0 to show all the time)

Minimum Posts To Send PM's
  • Ability to exclude users by id's from minimum post count.
  • ACP option to select which type of error to show the user that has not reached the minimum post count. (on pm submission page or popup on separate page)

PM's Preview Type
  • Excluded usergroups from PM's preview type.

Excluded Usergroups/Users From Sending PM's
  • Users who can not send PM's.
  • Option to allow users who are excluded from sending PM's to be able to send PM's to staff members.
  • Option to select which usergroups are staff, so users who are excluded from sending PM's will be able to pm them.

Number Of Days Registered To Send PM's
  • Staff usergroup setting so if user has not reached x days they still should be able to send pm's to staff groups if so desired.
  • ACP option to select which type of error to show the user if have not reached number of days registered to send PM's . (on pm submission page or popup on separate page)

PM Throttle During X days
  • Post count to be excluded from limit.
  • Staff usergroup setting so if user has reached their limit, they still should be able to send pm's to staff groups if so desired.
  • ACP option to select which type of error to show the user if have reached number of PM's that can be sent in limit time. (on pm submission page or popup on separate page)

PM Notification Settings
  • Another notification type, which looks like your normal forum Notifications, and is displayed in the same area.
  • Ability to set the "Notifications" Text in the header to blink if the user has unread PM's, you can also set the color via a stylevar.

Attachments in PM's
  • Option to enable the PM attachments.
  • Ability to select which usergroups are allowed to upload attachment in the PM's.

Prune PM's Via Cron Job
  • Ability to select which usergroups PM's will be pruned via the cron job.

Mass PM Users From ACP
  • Option to set a delay in seconds between each batch. (useful if you have alot of users) (Pro)

    Nine different variables to use in the PM's:
  • {lastvisit} Will be replaced by the receivers date of last visit.
  • {lastactivity} Will be replaced by the receivers date of last activity.
  • {lastpost} Will be replaced by the receivers date of last post.
  • {joindate} Will be replaced by the receivers join date.
  • {email} Will be replaced by the receivers email address they have on file.
  • {username} Will be replaced by the receivers username.
  • {userid} Will be replaced by the receivers user id number.
  • {bburl} Will be replaced by the url to your site.
  • {bbtitle} Will be replaced by the title to your site.

PM Stats/Log
  • Also has a dropdown menu to do the following:
  • View a users pm statistics, what folders they have in use and how many PM's are in each folder with a total count.
  • Link to the users profile in the ACP to edit them if you wish.
  • Option to send the user a PM from the ACP.
  • Option to delete all of that users PM's.

    A PM Log showing the following info:
  • Also has a link so you can view the PM in it's entirety.

Note: The showing of the senders avatar in the private message list, and the PM Previews will not work in the mobile style. This was taken out to facilitate users who are browsing with their mobile devices. They are paying more, so they want to surf the site a bit faster. Adding the above, would just slow them down, and make their browsing experience less desirable.

Product Information

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information


Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day