
  1. U

    vBDonate Widget?

    Hello! I installed your latest version of vBdonate lite to try out. I am looking for a replacement to AWC Pro since it is no longer working. I like everything that I see so far, in particular, I am excited that your Pro version offers an import feature for migrating donations from AWC. One...
  2. heyzeus909

    Question Missing Menus in ACP?

    I'm a complete idiot when it comes to this stuff, so please forgive me. This is the image of the drop-down menu fo vBNavTabs is suppose to look, per the vBNavTabs Manual: This is a screenshot of my actual AdminCP: I'm kinda missing some menus which are disallowing me to use this...
  3. Ryahn

    Question vB 4 Conditional

    I am wondering how I could get this vb conditional work in the vbforms template. <vb:if condition="$forum[forumid] == x">Show this if forum id is x</vb:if> I have tried to add it, but its not showing up in the forums I have placed. The template I edited was the dbtech_dbforms_newthread2.
  4. Adam H

    Bug When uploading cant press save

    Hey guys, just installed this and not sure whats wrong. I press upload image , select the image etc , press the button for the next screen and it shows me the image , however when i then try and press "save" the button doesnt click ? Any ideas ? Never had it with any other installs before...
  5. W

    Question Mass payment to all members of an usergroup

    Hi, Is there any way I can mass pay a fix amount of credits to all members of particular usergroup. I have tried using ACP recalculating the user amount but that doesn't add additional amount but just update the fixed amount. Appreciate your advise. Thank you.
  6. D

    Legacy Category Aware Search

    Hey, I really like how the sidebar is category aware (filters to show on relative content of the category you are viewing). Is it possible to provide this filtering when using the search feature within a category?
  7. mindzipper

    Question Specific usergroups displayed

    Trying to get familiar with membermap. I'd like to purchase it (actually it and one other add-on) but I have a problem with membermap. I don't want it to display just the active users, but I certainly don't want it to display all registered users. I'd like it to only display something...
  8. S

    Question Mistakenly installed to 3.8.x

    Hi, I mistakenly installed this on my v3.8.x forum. Will doing an uninstall break anything? I have it disabled currently to prevent the errors and so far nothing seems out of the ordinary. Also.... what would it take to make this work on 3.8.x ? I would love to be able to give this...
  9. ufshane

    Question Change the popup color

    We are using a dark theme so the white box causes issues, is there a way to change the coloring, or am I missing where it is?
  10. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Usergroups

    Is it possible to take into consideration the additional usergroups or would this cause an issue. I use additional usergroups for html markups for username and I would like the pin colors to match.
  11. ufshane

    Question Fix an error with xcache

    I am getting this error: Warning: xcache_get() [function.xcache-get]: xcache.var_size is either 0 or too small to enable var data caching in [path]/dbtech/vboptimise/includes/operators/xcache.php on line 21 I have looked everywhere on how to set the var size but I cannot find it. My php.ini...
  12. T

    Bug Slider dont Show up after update

    Hi Fillip H., after ill updated the vbSlider from 2.0 to 3.0 nothing show up. Everything should working fine. I appreciate your help. Kings regards, ti PS: You have received the pm with the sensenitiv Information.
  13. T

    Question User not upgraded to new usergroup

    Trying to get a contributor to change status from "player" to "Site supporter" once they have donated. So - Have created the new Usergroup with the same permissions as "player", adding some additional functionality to the new user . Payment is made, however the user is still showing as "player"...
  14. GoodApples

    Legacy Member & Location Search

    How about an search options by member or location. It would be great if the admin could set who is allowed by usergroups for both opitions Search by Member = Yes or No Search by Location = Yes or No Maybe a filter system similar to the default vB Member List. :)
  15. A

    Bug Translation issues in the end

    Hi there, German translation is done for this hack except two phrases: dbtech_ draftposts_ repair_ cache Hmm the part using this phrase is marked as a comment in the source code ;) and I've searched for it in the whole ACP :( dbtech_ draftposts_ save_ as_ draft I can't find this phrase...
  16. CharlieDelta

    Bug A Few Issues

    Thank you for the free mod, which I think is very neat. I found a few issues, I think. 1) The Read Me.txt looks like is a copy paste and states "Avatars" for the import instructions. 2) After install I have a blank area in my Admin Permissions page which I assume is for this mod. 3) In the...
  17. H

    Bundle Package Question

    Well to make things simpler. 1) Can I replace the Copyright Management v2 with a Branding Free package? 2) If so, how much would it cost? I want to buy the DBtech Essentials Bundle but replace the copyright management v2 with a Branding Free package instead. If not, its okay. Just wondering.
  18. cliff p

    Question Converting from Extra Threadfields

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to work this product into our forum software. Currently, we have VB Extra Threadfields which I had purchased (twice) for our forum, and the support I'm receiving is less than stellar. The developer regularly ignores e-mails and other requests for support. That's another...
  19. M

    Question Cant get softlayer CDN to work?

    Hi there, Thanks for such a great hack. I actually wrote my own CDN plugin using (str replace), which is lets say functional :) However I would really love to have your CDN do all the work. Right here is the issue: When I add my origin pull URL to your CDN section. It seems to go in fine...
  20. GoodApples

    Question Slider...??? Create a display with a % discount

    I just updated form 3.0.0 beta to Gold and I am finding this a little confusing...What is this? DBTech vBSlider --> Manage Template Add New Template Replacement Variables Set this to the number of variables your template has. For instance, to create a display with a % discount, a before price...