
  1. A

    Question My Inactive Images

    in my gallery I have two albums: public and my album If I upload a image all work fine except they are stored in My Inactive Images everytimes, I don't know how moved them in public folder and why this happens thx
  2. B

    Question How do I add new Points for myself as Admin

    Any other goodies I can brag from the grab bag?
  3. B

    Bug User Profile Tab Bugs - Empty Pages & Randomly Sorted Imported Likes

    This is a continuation of my posts on vb.org: vBulletin.org Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v2 (vB4) [AJAX] Yes, both of those problems are happening on every single profile. I already PM'd you some links to those profiles and the login details for a test...
  4. J

    Bug Several Errors to report

    I have been looking forward to this mod but wanted to try the lite before I upgraded. I've had some trouble. 1) I installed the mod with no errors. Launching a new browser instance I logged out and tried to create a new account. There are two screens Age and everything else. After filling...
  5. DirtRider

    Bug Cannot get it to show the like / thanks bar

    I installed this mod did all the setting as in button setup, forums and groups that should see it. However I could not get it to show the bar as it should at the bottom of the thread. I also noticed that when first installed I could expand and collapse the postbits for this but later I could not...
  6. C

    A few questions about Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    Hi, I'm interested in your Forum Live Feed & User Wall but I'm not quite sure about some things so, I would like to ask a few questions. 1. In your pro version features list you mention: # Blog Posts # Blog Comments Is this related to vb3 vbblog addon as well? Because that is how I read it. I...
  7. P

    Bug problem with shoutbox

    i have aa problem with vbshout vbshout is working fine at mozilla firefox but now working at google chrome and internet explorer only they see loading
  8. Mokonzi

    Download Beta #4

    Kept here will be the revision log for each beta version. You can find the actual zip to download in your members area. The date on the members area download may not be updated, but just keep up with the latest posts here and download accordingly. This work is to be treated as any license...
  9. Trekkan

    Forum Tabs Issues

    There's no thread/forum to post these in, so I'm posting here. =) When I click any of the top tabs, they aren't using AJAX and do a full page reload. When the page reloads, I still have all of the forums listed. When I click the tab on the second row, the the page reloads via AJAX and I...
  10. Trekkan

    Bug vbShout Link is bad

    The link posted to vBShout comes out with this: http://www.jffgaming.com/community/dbtgallery.php?do=view_image&id=4&gal= Which, without the gallery, fails.
  11. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Pagination issues when going back

    Hi Dylan, I didn't know if this was a bug or a feature, anyways I will put it as a feature because I think it would be appropriate. Currently when you browse through the gallery pages and lets say you are on page 3 and you click on the image and after browsing that image you click the back...
  12. O

    Legacy Form submitting directly to DB/Email

    Hi, the addon works fine on my site. However, would it be possible to have it as well working without a forum? And a way t oreplace the standard sendmessage.php? Ueli
  13. IcEWoLF

    Bug CDN wrong path - conflict with CDN integration?

    Unfortunately I am getting a 404 page with my edgecast cdn, I tried to purge cache but it seems it's not working at all :/ WebPagetest Test Details - Dulles : www.47r-squad.com/forum.php - 07/10/12 03:55:39 Showing as: http://edge.47r-squad.com/clientscript/steamprofile/ajax/themes//style.css...
  14. kyle

    Question Where can we download vb post templates?

    Hi Guys! I think I have gone blind as I cant see where to download the latest version of your vb Post Templates. I searched and came across a post that said they are on vbulletin.org. So went there and in the last post on vbulletin.org it says: You can get the newest version that works with...
  15. Robert Morrison

    Question Disable Original Profile Hover

    How do I remove the original profile hover so that 2 pop ups do not show? It's also not showing the profile image. It shows the avatar though but I know my profile has a profile image. Shows a vbulletin white image.
  16. Aeterna

    Question SSL error

    I just updated my vbShout from 5.4.7 to 6.0.7 and after I did that I'm getting SSL errors saying there's insecure content (just the shoutbox). Now I can't find any documentation on this but I figure that it's probably a simple change to get it to make ssl-calls again instead of regular http, I...
  17. capecoddah

    Bug Stopped Working

    So, after getting more requests from users to disable live updates for them (due to posts being trimmed off the top of the page for those who have 40+ replies per thread), out of curiosity this morning I changed the "maximum number of posts displayed before old posts gets trimmed off the page"...
  18. T

    Legacy Live Feed Permissions Change

    Currently the LiveWall shows the post content to usergroups who have View permission to a forum, even thought they don't have View permission to the thread within the forum. I wouldn't mind seeing the thread title in the feed without the post content for forums with "Can view forum" and "Cannot...
  19. T

    Live Wall Feed View Permissions

    Currently the LiveWall shows the post content to usergroups who have View permission to a forum, even thought they don't have View permission to the thread within the forum. I wouldn't mind seeing the thread title in the feed without the post content for forums with "Can view forum" and "Cannot...
  20. Darkwaltz4

    Question Tournament Feature Overview

    Here are the details on how I am implementing/planning current features to work. This will probably morph into the user guide later. If you want clarification, ask in this thread. If you have suggestions/alterations to discuss, start a new thread on it. Tournaments These are created on a...