
  1. GoodApples

    Legacy Tag Album Pictures

    I just went to Tag someone in my album pictures and realized...Hey I can't :p Please add #AUT to Albums Pictures.
  2. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Importing Current Albums and Pictures to Dragonbyte Gallery

    The ability to import current albums and pictures to the gallery is a much needed feature. My site has dozens of albums and pictures currently uploaded by members and they would give me a big pain in the arse if they had to do it again. :) We also discussed testing this over here. :)
  3. S

    Bug the items show in 2 pages

    Hello the items show in 2 pages although I added only 7 items in every category I want to be able to add more than 7 items in one page prt sc
  4. GoodApples

    Legacy Picture Comments

    More integration of Thanks / Like Oh, no we missed Gallery Picture Comments. and :eek: User Profile Albums Pictures. :)
  5. S

    Switching from photopost to your DragonByte Gallery

    Hi, we made good experiences with your Advanced Post Thanks / Like pro version and so we consider to switch from photopost pro to your new gallery product. What we don`t like about photopost pro is that it is not fully integrated into vBulletin. If users would like to create a new thread/post...
  6. angeljs

    Question Some Trophies Showing Blank

    I'm having a strange problem. Some of my trophies are not showing, or they are not configured, but I don't know how to delete them: I've double-checked all of my settings, criteria, categories etc., I've even checked my database, but can't find out how to remove these ghost trophies. :(
  7. KristerSwe

    Legacy Latest Album Block on Galleryhome

    Have an block with latest albums on gallery home under the categorys and am sure some want this as CMS and Forum block as well ;)
  8. KristerSwe

    Legacy Album Browser

    The way it is now we dont have any link or option to view albums from gallery startpage my suggest to have some kind of album browser and a link from gallery startpage. What you guys think ??
  9. KristerSwe

    Legacy Slidershow on Gallery Home

    We have vBSlider. similar option with a slider on top above pics with random photos from all albums or categorys on gallery startpage What you guys think ??
  10. Dylan

    Legacy Asthetic changes question for testers

    I was talking with Fillip H. about the layout of the gallery. He is in favor of using a more standard vB type layout with the headers and boxes and doing more of a type of layout like vBGallery. I'm thinking it looks better more free form like I have it. I asked Cosmic about it as the tie...
  11. GoodApples

    Legacy Expand Watermark to Photos & Attachments

    For consistency could the watermark be expanded to vBulletin default albums and attachment images. It could be an extra cool element for the Pro version.;) Oh, and maybe an URL embed if photo or attachment is copied and pasted on another site.
  12. S

    Bug Game panel gaps

    Upgrade went well..But still the annoying one remains..Missing game blocks.Again I'll have to post them as images as when you try to add them as attachments they go to moderating. Upgrade was flawless,but not really sure what was upgraded.Forum block is good:D..But no Cms.. Brilliant...
  13. F

    Bug Postbit tabs pro bug in admincp

    I made 2 new views with "&" in it. I tried editing the view with "&" in it but couldn't nor could delete it. I tried disabling the product but then got an error on all pages. This error shows up only if i disable this plugin - sorry for my bad english :p
  14. F

    Bug vBshout pro bugs

    Hello, I've purcheased dbtech vbshout pro yesterday. I was using vbshout lite before so i disabled the vbshout lite > uninstalled before i started with installing vbshout pro. Now there are few bugs that i can't fix nor have any idea how to fix. As you can see from this image - most tabs...
  15. djFarsang

    Bug vBSlide make problem to show the attachment in the forums, and albums

    vBSlide make problem to show the attachment in threads on forums, and albums I have been several time to testing and were found that vBSlide make problem to show the attachment in threads on forums, and albums. If disable vBSlider, the below links can be show. you can see as...
  16. F

    Question Images doesn't show on slider

    I've already setup the lite version, then i made a test thread in my announcement section (of course that i made the proper config into the product settings) but after post my message and activate the product it doesnt show the image, just the text.
  17. Morrus

    Social Group Enhancements

    Social groups are a long neglected area of vBulletin. Given a bit more functionality and flexibility, they could have great potential - event organisation, project management, real group management, RPG tabletop campaigns. To do this they need to be both more functional and more flexible. 1)...
  18. EasyEasy

    Bug Cooment box length

    Hi. Great update. Im having an issue with the comment bar ion the forum post. I have a modification to my skin which shows a xbox avatar. Is it possible to make the comment bar smaller. Picture below
  19. John Craftycarping Oliver

    Bug Pm links in shoutbox not linking to inboxes

    Hello there We encountered a problem with pm links in the chatbox not linking to the users inbox, now as ive recieved a pm on here, i thought i would try it and low and behold it doesnt link up to the inbox when i click the link in the chatbox. Here a screenie of the message i recieve both on...
  20. J

    Read this hlp please!!

    Alright, so im trying to get just a line of text to appear in my user CP but im having trouble.. What i want is it to say this: Referr your friends sending them this link:'$user[userid]' But when i put that, it does not put the user id.. it just says "...