
  1. M

    Question Your help integrating another modification

    Hi again :), I am integrating itraders into this modification and just wondered if someone could help me with a small plugin Have a look how far I have got so far: For Sale. RGH Halo4 Slim You can see the classifieds feedback just above the attachments :) This is only visible in the...
  2. P

    Question Need some help how to transfer credits etc

    I need some help how to do these : 1) I have vbexperience instaled and i want to transfer all the current points from vbexperience to vbcredits , and then i will delete vbexperience and all user should have the same amount of points. -The problem is vb credits doenst detect vbexperiance 2)...
  3. Unfolded

    Question Where can i edit the template for this?

    You have Spent 75 Forum Coins for a new Donate. "Aiakos: 5 Mandrakes" Full details may be found on your transaction log. Have a nice day! I want to change the entire way its worded such as You have sent x amount of Forum coins to *user* Then have the description for what the trade was for...
  4. M

    Legacy Upload images in the top right hand side.

    Adding images to the top right hand section of the addon. 1) Basically I would like the image to be uploaded (via file system). 2) Have a maximum amount set in the admincp. 3) Uploading also has a thumbnail. 4) This will be aligned right top (maybe float) 5) when a user presses it opens up the...
  5. W

    Question Mass payment to all members of an usergroup

    Hi, Is there any way I can mass pay a fix amount of credits to all members of particular usergroup. I have tried using ACP recalculating the user amount but that doesn't add additional amount but just update the fixed amount. Appreciate your advise. Thank you.
  6. W

    Bug Can't Install Latest Beta

    Ok, after a bunch of computer troubles and getting things reinstalled, then trying to get my test domain finally set up, I attempted to install beta 3 onto my test forum, which is an exact replica of my live forum. Unfortunately, very quickly into uploading the XML into the product manager...
  7. S

    Looking for the right product to buy

    Hello, First post here. I'm bit confused about the right product to my forum so I think is best to explain what I need. I was looking around vBCredits, vBDownload and vBShop. Maybe I need all three, who knows. I have an small programmers forum where programmers uploads scripts and/or...
  8. V

    Bug VBcredits Deluxe II HUGE Database Tables

    Can you please make a way to delete the transactions history? It becomes very very big. In a few months my credits_transaction table became 398MB. In this way in 1 year it will become 1 GB. There must be a way to delete the transaction history older than a certain number of days! Like the system...
  9. Freekoid

    Question Usergroup can't play when payment set

    Only the default permissions are set but a lower usergroup is denied if credit is set to play, if credit removed from permission they can play. They have enough credits. I've tested it with a new permission for their own usergroup alone and setting a price once again denies them play. What...
  10. Drahnier

    Bug Edit Post charge uses Default Values

    When editing a post as usual the old post gets subtracted and the new post added, however since we changed the values for posts and threads we've found that the old value is still used when subtracting during a post edit, resulting in post edit's costing Credits even when the final post is...
  11. D

    Bug Imported Files Not Showing In Statistics or Display

    I had imported files from DownloadsII in the previous version of vBDownloads. In the beta these files do not register or display correctly. - On the vBDownloads home, the "Total Files" displays the correct number of files. - Under the categories > files statistic the file number doesn't...
  12. V

    Question Forum Manager

    Do I get it to save my settings when ticking disable? After adding 2 new buttons I can no longer get Forum manager to save anything I try to disable. It may have been after I added a few more forums I really am not 100% sure. When I click on any to disable then save it does not save the settings...
  13. Drahnier

    Issue with Vbshout

    if the input box is put to Below on VBshout in the MMo style it cuts off a tiny amount of the text in it as shown here; is there a way to perhaps make the input box a tiny bit bigger? or that font a tiny bit smaller?
  14. K

    Bug Browse and Moderate Logs - different credits amount in same page?!

    How this can be? And if can - what is that mean?
  15. K

    Question Browse and Moderate Logs - db error

    Browse and Moderate Logs -> Statistics Grouping - Event brings DB error:
  16. K

    Bug Charge when edit post?

    When editing own posts users get charged so I disabled post edition. How to solve this?
  17. K

    Bug Credits: 0.00 on single post page

    If you click on post number in thread and go to single post page - credits are 0.00 (while in thread there are certain amount).
  18. P

    Migrating from vbexperiance to vbcredits or vbactivity

    Hello, I am currently using vbexperiance for my forum as a virtual currency. All the other features are disabled like achievements activity etc. But i plan to migrate to one of your mods because the support to vbexperiance is gone :) I simple cant get it what mod do i need to buy so that users...
  19. D

    Bug Alignment and theme issues

    I have some issues when viewing downloads in custom theme. 1. The icons, category title and category description on the main downloads page do not have padding between them. The are spaced in the default theme, but not in my custom theme. 2. The sidebar is using some elements from my custom...
  20. G

    Bug 1.4.0 b2- just empty space after installing... forum, ACP

    Reuploaded and reinstalled 1.4.0 b2 and got blank pages... I tried to uninstall, and... got the same blank page After this I can see vbdownloads section in products.