
  1. Vcize

    Question Various Questions

    I'm just getting started with VB Credits II Deluxe and have run into some issues/questions. Question 1 I have a very simple activity amounts configuration set up, yet my actual credits are coming up with all kinds of crazy decimals. Here's what I have enabled: Adjust, Amount = 0 Infraction...
  2. Morrus

    Legacy Two Suggestions

    1) Ranking quiz type (i.e. rate each of these things from 1-5, with 1 being "Very" and 5 being "Not at all"). 2) Quiz answer notes. For example, I have a quiz question as follows: 1. How many boxed sets were produced for the Planescape setting? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 E. 7 The answer is...
  3. S

    Question change RandomQuestionsAnswers in the profile tab to something else?

    The current name is just too long.
  4. the_quilter

    Can we expect vBQuiz coupons anytime soon?

    The reason I ask is because I currently have 8 products from here. I am hoping to add vBQuiz to the list but I'm a bit hesitant. This is because every time I buy a mod, it seems like a week or two afterwards there is a coupon code for it. So....should we expect a coupon or no?
  5. A

    Question How Long Does Steal Protection Last?

    I really hate to keep asking these "dumb" questions, but I cannot find any of these answers. When someone buys any type of "protection" whether it be from stealing credits to username or title changes, how long does it last?
  6. I

    I have to question regarding your mods..

    Hi, I had been using pretty much most of your plugins on my new site this week. I am really happy with them. But I also have some couple of questions. 1) Can you use both vbActivity and postbit in the same site? or u will have to choose one? 2) My User status and mood never worked, it says...
  7. Freekoid

    Bug vBQuiz error

    Error found when submitting my quiz on your site for testing purposes. Warning: Division by zero in [path]/dbtech/vbquiz/actions/quizresults.php on line 118
  8. Ozzy47

    Dragonbyte Technologies Lite vs Pro Differences

    Since I have seen alot of members ask the differences between like and pro versions I thought I would put them all together. vBShout v5 Complete Feature List Lite Shoutbox Post Shouts Edit / Delete Shouts PM other users PM tabs for convo between two users View Active Users Separate...
  9. Bravo

    Bug vBshout 5.4

    After I upgraded I went to check out the admincp and when clicking View banned users, view silence users or Notification I get a "Invalid Action" is this normal??? Also I have one user who avatar is huge!!! on the shout box and the others are small like there suppose to be. any idea?
  10. J

    Question List of features pro vs lite?

    Is there a list where I can see what features Lite doesn't have?
  11. SaN-DeeP

    Legacy Feature requests - updated regularly :)

    I'll keep adding feature request in this thread if i think of more features which will make ur mod more beautiful. ;) 1. Grab image form external site while creating quiz this will be very useful for those who want to create picture quiz..i can also use it for spot case diagnosis by image...
  12. SaN-DeeP

    Bug click on back and modify quiz entry possible if time is left

    1. i just tried to give a quiz and clicked on back button..i was able to see my answers after i clicked on mark completed and redirected to results page..i was also able to click on edit quiz button to edit my entry but time was run out so i wasnt able to edit my entries.. :D so if time is...
  13. SaN-DeeP

    Bug start date of quiz error in EU format only

    if i select EU date format, following error seen. Screenshot: in US date format, it's fine. Please fix this bug, bcz many of my users user EU format too. :o
  14. SaN-DeeP

    Question Entries?

    one field in usergroup permissions - "Entries Auto Approved?", "Can Judge Entries?" May i know what does entries mean in ur mod? does it mean user results?? what does it mean by "Can Judge Entries?" thx.
  15. SaN-DeeP

    Paid : Random Q&A/Fact belownavbar on each page

    Subject of mod : Random question and answer or fact on each page below navbar of forum, clicking on question box will show answer, and clicking again will hide it again. Actually we hired one coder for same, but he could not finish project in time and we didnt liked his we have...
  16. SaN-DeeP

    Legacy Request for Special Features

    plz chk , they r giving 30days free registration, chk their mock test and try to make similar changes in next update or current release if possible.. i'm not telling you to copy them, but just check their mock tests and result as well as breif explanation to...
  17. R

    Legacy Suggestions

    1. When I take a quiz, it only shows me what I scored. It doesn't show me which questions I got right or wrong. 2. In the future, if you integrate showing the correct/incorrect answers to the questions, if the user selects the correct answer, offer and optional explanation field to the...
  18. Y

    i need answers for those

    hello i am customer of your products which alot of them are perfect i just want to purchase another product which is vbactivity but i am hestitating for some things i want to be sure about it first what is the main points that vbactivity is more powerfull than vbexperience which is free...
  19. Morrus

    Bug Hashtags not working

    This may not be a bug (maybe it's user error) - however, I can't get the hashtags to work. When I use a hashtag in a post, it simply acts like normal text. The hashtag subscriptions page shows nothing (I'm not clear whether that's supposed to show hashtags I've actively subscribed to or what...
  20. C

    Downloads Pro Add-on Query :)

    Hey again guys! I just purchased the Pro package for the Downloads add-on and I'm really impressed by it so far :) I just had a quick suggestion in terms of functionality for the screenshots and thumbnail uploader. I noticed that its not currently possible to re-arrange or remove screenshots...