
  1. W

    Various Questions

    I'll skip the small talk and get to the questions while I am still awake: 1- Can you make your own icon set for vbActivity? 2- What is the difference between achievements and awards? 3- How do all of the products interact with vbSEO? 4- Is it possible to have users get points through other...
  2. K

    Higher Site Generating Time

    After installing vB Optimise Lite the page generating time increased from around 2seconds to 3seconds. The queries decreased from 19 to 15-17 on forumhome. This does the page generating time increases so much?
  3. Trekkan

    How do I tell what, if any caching system I have on my host?

    I did a PHP info and searched for each of the listed supported caching systems, but couldn't find a match. Is this the correct area? If so, I'm outta luck and can't use the mod. If this is the wrong thing or there's another way to check, please let me know. =)