
  1. GoodApples

    vBSubmit Forms

    ;) How about a vBSubmit forms mod. Submit Results Submit Events Submit Goals Submit ... Users Submit the info and it would help keep it organized. Option to name the Navbar Tab(s) which the form would be located. Edit: Because some could not see the attachment. Can you see this one?
  2. GoodApples


    vBTicker There are hints of this everywhere and I thought I would get the ball rolling. We are all thinking it...:D I also mentioned something a few times here and there. Example: vBTicker|Addons Let's face it this is a product all on it's own. vBTicker Displays a ticker live-stream of...
  3. T

    Bug DBase Error (Copied)

    Fresh install returned the following error when activating Slider on forumhome, both after importing "ForumOnly" (received dbase error, uninstalled) and after importing the "Suite" (VB v4): Crashed Forum and Home, returning: Database error in vBulletin 4.1.6: Invalid SQL: SELECT blog.blogid...
  4. B

    Question Need help with auto refresh

    Hi, I need some help with Advanced Thanks mod. 1. Page does not get auto refresh after pressing thanks button when attachment is hidden. 2. option to have hide attachment with new thread in certain forums. Thanks.
  5. M

    Bug Dropdowns looks very large

    Dropdown looks very large, please look at attachment... Any idea? Regards
  6. bszopi

    Legacy How would you like IMG tag use integrated?

    I messed around last night and was able to get the slider to display the first image inside IMG tags, therefore allowing the slider to show images inserted into threads, etc., from outside sites like photobucket. So, my question is, how would you like to see this implemented? Vote in the poll...
  7. angeljs

    Bug Some images not showing

    For some reason, some of the images are not showing in the slider, just a blank, white background. Please see attached image. Thanks. :)
  8. GoodApples

    Question What does vBSlider pull

    I see the vBslider pulls the image form the post / blog / cms etc. Does it pull the first image or largest image etc... Does it pull attachments? What If an attachment is before the first image? What if the image is to small or low quality? angeljs Do you have an attachment before an image? :)
  9. angeljs

    Question Charge for downloading attachments

    I was just wondering if there was a way to charge members credits for downloading attachments from posts? :) Edit: Never mind, found it!
  10. W

    Bug File Page Created Even if Upload Fails/Internet Connection Drops

    Just when I thought I was done posting, one of my testers brought something to my attention. If a user is uploading a file and his/her internet cuts out, a page for that file is still created (as is the connected forum thread) even though the file was never uploaded. Shouldn't the page only be...
  11. J

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like v2

    Can this mod be used to make a member post a reply before downloading an attachment versus just hitting the thanks or like buttons. Regards
  12. kitawanita

    How many query does vb slider add ?

    Have several question. -Does vb slider use attachment image or pull image from external URL ? -If vb slider can pull image from attachment,how many query does vb slider add for pulling 10 images ? Thanks for any answer and sorry for bad english.
  13. GoodApples

    Legacy Slider Image Span

    Please add the ability to change slider Image span background color/colour font size I find with a dark span and lighter images creates too much contrast. It's hard on the eyes after awhile. :cool:
  14. GoodApples

    Legacy vBSlider a Request to add Blogs

    I am sure it's it the works, please add support for blogs with vBslider. :)
  15. Replicators

    Bug Mysql Error on installing of product

    When i tried installing the .xml i recieve a mysql error Database error in vBulletin 4.1.9: Invalid SQL: UPDATE sf_language SET title = title, phrasegroup_global = 'a:1425:{s:9:\"1_day_ago\";s:9:\"1 Day Ago\";s:10:\"1_hour_ago\";s:10:\"1 Hour Ago\";s:12:\"1_minute_ago\";s:12:\"1 Minute...
  16. the_quilter

    Question [All Versions] How to add stats to infopanels, like top shouters, top thanked...

    I was wondering how one would go about adding more info to the infopanel. Like where it says the forum statistics, add shouts. Forum Statistics: xxx Members, xxx Threads xxx Posts and xxx Shouts. I would also like to be able to add a line similar to User is our Top Poster with xxx posts but...
  17. W

    Bug Password Reset sorta break forum home

    Password Reset sort of breaks forum home Hi there! I've been testing vbNotifications and came across an error for you. If you set your users' passwords to reset after X days, and they load the forum home on that page, AND vbShout is installed, then the forum home only loads up to the end of the...
  18. G

    Bug Download action doesn't activate credits decrease

    I have install vBCredits II Deluxe v2.0.0 and set Download action will decrease 5 credits each time. but user doesn't have their credits decreased when download attachments, and I can't see download event logs, but I can see View/Acitvity event logs. I am also like to introduce Pro version...
  19. R

    Question Template edits and required browser plug ins

    I figured out how to set this to the auto and it appear on the forum page, and I also was able to edit the Arcade templates to put it in the arcade and below the games. But I would like to make it appear in the today's post search result without making it appear on every page like it does...
  20. Charro

    Bug Import error

    After importing the file "product-dbtech_vbarcade.xml" comes this message: # Merge everything after this line into your forum root's .htaccess file so certain games can process scores, then try importing again: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on # If vbulletin is in a subdirectory, add...