
  1. K

    Bug Quiz Recommendation double-link

    When reccomending quizes to friends on the forum it double-ups the link for some reason: "I thought you might be interested in taking this quiz:" I thought it might be a problem with the varname. but...
  2. heyzeus909

    MP3 and/or YouTube in Profile

    I was looking over vBShop, which I find intriguing but not sure it fits my forum, and came across this in the description: It's my goal to have the profile pages on my forum as customizable and interesting as possible. Not having customizable profiles is a big drawback for Facebook, as far...
  3. alan92rttt

    Question New install issue and question

    I just installed the current version fo vbShout and for the most part its working fine. My IE8 users are miserable the bigest complaint is that the forum over all is slow and that chat is laggy. Are there any known IE8 issues? or peformance suggestions? Is there a way for a user to turn the...
  4. U

    vBDonate Widget?

    Hello! I installed your latest version of vBdonate lite to try out. I am looking for a replacement to AWC Pro since it is no longer working. I like everything that I see so far, in particular, I am excited that your Pro version offers an import feature for migrating donations from AWC. One...
  5. Trekkan

    Bug Website goes white after auto refresh

    After going to my site at Just For Fun Gaming after about 60 seconds, the page goes white. No other pages on the site do this. If I view the source of the page, all of the HTMl/Javascript, etc is all there still. This started happening probably a month ago, but I just now had time to look...
  6. T

    Users can't see points

    For some reason my users cannot see points when viewing the shop, but I can without a problem. I'm using vbExperience for points and have it setup correctly. The user group has permission to view the shop, category, and items. The items are assigned to the points. Am I missing something? For...
  7. blinkster

    Need alittle bit more help.

    Ok i use this Chiplove.9xpro - Thread Thumbnails 2.2.13 - Forum and to a point it works well but i feel it is limited as i would like to able to assign an icon (thread thumbnail) as thread status per forum basis based on forum ID's. At the moment it only allows a default image...
  8. O


    1. What module is the 'Music Player' feature, which you can see at the link below, a part of? 2. And under most posts you have 'Test the custom button feature' When you click this it just says 'Overhere tested custom buttons' - what is this? What is this a test for? What mod? Thanks.
  9. P

    Legacy Remove hardcoding of THIS_SCRIPT in Auto-Display Shoutbox

    Line 238, 255 of vbshout/includes/global.php only has 'index' hardcoded. Would be nice if you could make it an instance option to define this_script values of your choosing. Note: This is very similar to feature request:
  10. CharlieDelta

    Bug Some Fields Mission Options and Answer Boxes

    Some Fields Missing Options and Answer Boxes On the custom registration page some of the fields are missing their respective option selection and answer text box.
  11. K

    Question Questions regarding location of Shoutbox

    Hi there, I am thinking of downloading this however I have a few questions first: 1. Does the Shoutbox show in threads? 2. Can I have the Shoutbox only show up in threads in one forum only, but the shoutbox not show up anywhere else on my site? I don't want the shoutbox to show in Forum home...
  12. Nirjonadda

    Question Current Nominations

    Hello Current Nominations Does not start automatically or manually,when I set to A new poll create for the nomination and does not create any poll thread,cannot unmark forum,how to fix on this issue?
  13. F

    Bug Collapsed posts cannot be viewed

    I have just started to make use of a feature offered in the Pro version of this mod: auto-collapse a post when a certain number of button clicks have been made on that post. The problem is that when the post has been collapsed there is some text, including the phrase but when I click the "View...
  14. Freekoid

    Question Usergroup can't play when payment set

    Only the default permissions are set but a lower usergroup is denied if credit is set to play, if credit removed from permission they can play. They have enough credits. I've tested it with a new permission for their own usergroup alone and setting a price once again denies them play. What...
  15. BuffaloRange

    Question How Do I Add The Shoutbox To Individual Forums?

    How do I add the shoutbox to individual forums? I assume I can paste code into a template but what code and what template? Thanks in advance.
  16. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug How to Stop Forums From Auto collapsing?

    I am having an issue with this mod it keeps auto collapsing my main forums?? I really want to use it but seriously some default setting or a conflict or something have no idea what it is but I cannot enable it until I figure it out or stop it from happening... There is also a theme issue not...
  17. R

    Bug MySQL Error Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine

    Hello guys, I started receiving this error today. Hope someone can help me out? Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO credits_transaction (eventid, actionid, userid, timestamp, amount, status, referenceid, forumid, ownerid, multiplier, currencyid, negate, message) VALUES (11, 'paycheck', 30994...
  18. K

    Bug Auto confirm not working

    Hi, another problem came up today: the auto confirm seems not to work. A user contributed today but I still had to confirm the donation manually. Use can still use the ACP account I sent you via PM. It's still active. Which settings have to be made in the PayPal account? Chris
  19. T

    Auto Scroll to first unread message...

    One thing i used to like under Xenforo was that when you entered a thread, it automatically scrolled to the first unread message in the thread. Cant see it being that difficult to emulate this under vB - Gotta be good where you enter a thread and it automatically scrolls to where you left...
  20. M

    Question vBMail database

    Hi, I'm interested in buying vBMail - Lifetime, but I have few question about it. 1. How should I set this vBMail with email base registered people accepting mailing (Otrzymywanie e-maili od administratorów) ? 2. Do you have demo for this sidebar...