
  1. GoodApples

    Legacy Avatar Float in Post Message

    A new position for vBAvatar: Float Right in Post Message or in this case under thread rate container.
  2. Glen Green

    VBavatar suggestions

    Just installed this on my test board, looks great after the bugfix on VB.org. Have 2 questions / suggestions though. Any chance of resizing the avatar in the postbit as its huge !! And secondly, whats the possibilty of it being in a seperate postbit tab, is so I will upgrade to pro postbit tabs.
  3. Madhatterr

    Legacy Avatar sizes, cropping, custom template hooks

    Hi there :) We're really excited to get VbAvatars up and running on our site. It's a feature we've been looking for, for quite some time :D I'd like to request that there be a template hook or other means of being able to display the avatar in other places on vbulletin such as custom pages...
  4. kitawanita

    Question Why vBAvatar Copyright Appear On Every Page ??

    Hi, I see vbavatar copyright showing on every page include my cms. I think it should appear on showthread only. Thank"s
  5. Neo_Angelo

    Legacy Ability to disable all avatars except vBavatars

    A suggestion i want to put across is a feature that allows admins to disable all other avatars if vBavatars is active so that only vBavatars is used, the reason i'd like this as a feature is because i think giving the users the option to use their own avatars is great but i think forums would...
  6. Neo_Angelo

    Question Remove white background of avatar

    Ok on DBtech the avatars mod seems to blend in with the forums background, now on my forums the png is given a white background even though my pngs are all transparent. is there a way to either remove that white background or to edit it to blend in with my forums themes?
  7. Neo_Angelo

    Question not sure if its a bug more of a how do i?

    ok when i select the "Use vBavatars" as my avatar thing i get a vBulletin message saying "Imageinfo Failed:" now i don't think it is a bug because what i've done is i'm in the process of deleting all the pre-set stuff so at the moment i have deleted the male and female images and added my own...
  8. U

    Question Handful of ??'s Image alignment, table borders, activity info swap, etc.

    Sorry in advance. I just installed this and have a few questions. In the below picture, is there a way I can set the width of the username's avatar and middle align it so the user names are all left aligned appropriately? In this one, how would I go about middle aligning the icons to the...
  9. Neo_Angelo

    Legacy Multiple Delete

    A multiple delete feature where you can tick box any number of items to delete them, i found it a complete ball ache to manually delete all the pre-set avatar stuff this product comes with, plus would be handy for other stuff too like multiple catagory deletion.
  10. Neo_Angelo

    Legacy My evaluation/suggestions

    Ok first impressions of this mod was "OMG wow finally they made it!" having played around with it on DB-Tech i have to say i like how it works, however my personal opinion of the layouts and the way things do stuff is hiddeous. the hover over on items is such an eye sore and covers up other...
  11. Neo_Angelo

    Bug Database error when installing XML

    i'm getting this database error when i import the XML file to install for the first time: Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE `vBuser` ADD `dbtech_avatars_avatar` ENUM( '0', '1' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'dbtech_avatars_avatar'...
  12. kitawanita

    VB Avatar

    Hi, Need more information about vb avatar: -Does vb avatar require vb credit deluxe or vb shop to make it working -My avatar stored as file,does vb avatar support file cache or it will store to database ? -Does vbavatar support vb suite 4.1.1 (not 4.1.11) ? -If i buy lifetime license +...
  13. Trekkan

    Legacy Suggestions

    Make the hover window that pops up when mouse overing different items, fit to the size of the item. At the very least, make it so that the price is displayed at the top of the hover window, not the bottom. The reason for this, is often the window that pops up, is past the bottom of my screen...
  14. GoodApples

    Bug Live Feed Avatar Shifts

    The Live Feed Avatar shifts around in the postings it needs a fixed position to give it a cleaner look. :) This will remove some unnecessary white space.
  15. G

    Bug Very slow query

    I've been going through our slow queries today and this one accounts for 20% of them: ______________________________________________________________________ 001 ___ Count : 163 (20.10%) Time : 475 s total, 2.91411 s avg, 2 s to 7 s max (17.18%) 95% of Time : 423 s total...
  16. A

    trophy with vbnominate

    Hi, it's a excellent set and a great idea this hack! when I was vb3.8 ​​I used this hack, Topic (incl. Blog) of the Week/Fortnight/Month Nomination v1.636 - vBulletin.org Forum, I thoroughly enjoyed and if I could make one small critic of after the screens I've seen. I find there are missing...
  17. EasyEasy

    Bug Database Error

    Hi. Since the update last night I have had 2 of these database errors. Thanks in advance
  18. EasyEasy

    Bug Cooment box length

    Hi. Great update. Im having an issue with the comment bar ion the forum post. I have a modification to my skin which shows a xbox avatar. Is it possible to make the comment bar smaller. Picture below
  19. J

    Bug MySQL Error

    Out of the blue began receiving the following MySQL error: Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10: Invalid SQL: SELECT pointslog.*, user.* , avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS...
  20. GoodApples


    Hey, Look who has an Avatar bszopi :D finally!!! :p