
  1. magmf

    DBSEO and HTTPS (SSL) website

    Hello Guys, I would like to know if you guys are doing tests with dbseo using https (ssl) websites. This was one major issue with vbseo since they never supported officially this and I believe the future is into https and I would like to know if you guys are performing tests for this. Thanks,
  2. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8+: DBSEO cp asking for password when none was set

    I couldn't get into DBSEO cp because it is asking for a password. Downloaded again and installed latest Beta8, still same issue. If I enter something I get these errors which reference files that do not currently exist: ----------- Edit: It appears to have fixed itself, I can access the cp...
  3. neounix

    Bug /website/www/dbseocp/options.php' not found (Still seeing this error)

    Hi. I thought this error we saw in the logfile earlier was fixed? Or is that waiting for 1.0.0b9 to be released? Thu Dec 12 16:43:07 2013] [error] [client <IP addr>] script '/website/www/dbseocp/options.php' not found or unable to stat, referer...
  4. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta7or8: Google Webmaster tools reference to faq.php and register.php in odd folders

    When checking Google Webmaster tools I see dozens of references to faq.php and register.php in folders other than /forum. Here is a sample: The 404 errors are all dated from 12/9/2013 so this may be resolved now. They could of come from either beta7 or beta8 that day. Now when I go to these...
  5. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8: Latest beta8 is giving an unterminated comment error class_core.php line 6091

    Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 6091 in /home/xxx/public_html/forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 6091 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/xxx/public_html/forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 6092 switched in an...
  6. O

    Bug VBSEO to DBSEO migration issue

    DBSEO 1.0.0 beta 8 Just installed DBSEO lastnight to replace VBSEO and I've run into a complicate migration issue. My forum layout has 4 main categories (forum acting as category) and within each category are child forums. The structure is as such FlashFXP > News FlashFXP > General...
  7. neounix

    Legacy DBSEO AdminCP to Match AdminCP CSS Scheme (Not Critical, But Nice To Have)

    Just a "nice to have" request, but certainly not critical ... but it would be nice if the AdminCP for DBSEO would match the style what we select for the main AdminCP. (See attached)
  8. neounix

    Legacy Please Add [thread-title] to Available variables for Custom Show Post URL

    Hi. For "Custom Show Post URL" DBSEO currently supports: You must use [post_id] and [post_count]. Available variables: [forum_id] [forum_title] [forum_path] [post_id] [post_count] Please add [thread-title] to this, so it will be: Available variables: [thread-title] [forum_id]...
  9. GoodApples

    Bug Edit Note - Delete Note - Error

    Error message when editing note or deleting note. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT li.listingitemid, l.title FROM dbtech_classifieds_listing_item AS li LEFT JOIN dbtech_classifieds_listing AS l ON l.listingid =...
  10. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8: XCache authentication not passing through when trying to save new settings

    When trying to save any settings in the DBSEO admincp I get an Xcache Authentication box popping up asking for username and password. I assume this has something to do with DBSEO now trying to clear the cache when new settings are saved. The xcache login information is already contained in...
  11. GoodApples

    Bug Classified Price Not Applied

    Price is not applied when Listing an item as entered...for example entered as 100.00 This is what displays... View Listings Items for Sale it's $0 and on the Item Basic Details it's $0.50 There does not seem to be a way to Edit price?
  12. GoodApples

    Bug Categories Name not Displaying

    After creating New Listing the Categories name is not displaying under Item Basic Details.
  13. bzcomputers

    Question Beta8: Question on how URL rewrite history works

    Being that the URL rewrite history is handled in the background without any user settings (from what I can tell), what happens when I spend a couple hours setting up DBSEO initially to get the settings the way I want? This may happen on initial install of DBSEO or the install of another DBSEO...
  14. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8: Sitemap: vBDownloads Settings - not a bug just odd wording

    The wording kind of threw me off initially on the options circled below. I assume they mean "If yes, includes the Download Category URLS / Download URLS in the sitemap." Will this also submit the rewritten downloads root? example:
  15. CharlieDelta

    Bug Dropdown Width on Side Block Form

    The dropdown width on on the forum side block form runs outside the block.
  16. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8: Error when trying to import xml on install

    Getting this error when trying to import xml for beta8: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dbtech_dbseo_urlhistory` ( `setting` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `regexpformat` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `rawformat` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL...
  17. Mental

    Bug Warning: Missing argument 1 for DBSEO_Datastore_Memcached

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for DBSEO_Datastore_Memcached::flush(), called in ..../dbtech/dbseo/actions/admin/save.php on line 71 and defined in ..../dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_datastore.php on line 285 Warning: Missing argument 2 for DBSEO_Datastore_Memcached::flush(), called in...
  18. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO Rewrite Rules for Forum Navbar Navbits

    We have installed DBSEO on our backup server and notice a problem (see images attached) where DBSEO breaks the way the Navbar navbits image is displayed. The correct working code is (for example) before DBSEO is: <a href="/showthread.php?t=238407?t=238407"> <img class="inlineimg"...
  19. M

    Bug Classifieds Item Display Bug

    Hi Mokonzi, There is a bug with the last item added... in the forum home page banner display. See the attached image for more information.
  20. J

    Bug Sitemap issues

    I've installed beta7 today, and found few issues with sitemaps already: 1. Manual sitemap generation in dbseocp links to dbseocp/dbseo.php?do=buildsitemap instead of index.php?... any idea why? I'm using rewrite settings from the readme file. 2. lastmod for forums is set to 1970 in the xml...