
  1. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 6 Testing Information

    For Beta 6, we've got fixes and changes as well as the Resolution Centre. In the Admin Control Panel the following areas are not completed: Manage Listings Manage Offers In the User Control Panel sections of the mod the following items are not completed: View Order Details (would welcome some...
  2. Freekoid

    Bug non-aligned text in admin-cp drop down

    Text leaking
  3. CharlieDelta

    Bug Fixed Style Issue on Beta 5

    Small style issues on classifieds page in beta 5; 1.) No separation between the Wanted and Classifieds block 2.) Classifieds block is cut off 3.) Wanted block is not lined up with other blocks
  4. CharlieDelta

    Bug Buy Now URL Error

    When clicking the "Buy Now" link on a for sale item, the URL or link is wrong. It seems to have an extra "dbt" inserted as well as no listing id??
  5. CharlieDelta

    Bug Auction Reserve PM

    Just received a PM notifying my auction has not received any offers that met the reserve. How often is this set to PM sellers? The PM body seems a little off to me. I think it is the number. I know the title states the actual listing title but the body with just a number seems confusing.
  6. J

    Bug More Actions Sub Menu Stays Active

    Since the styling issues were fixed I can now see that the submenu for "More Actions" doesn't auto hide, When clicked the submenu opens but can only be closed by selecting an item or clicking the submenu link again. An ideal solution would be to auto close when the mouse moves out of the menu...
  7. M

    Question Questions Regarding the Classifieds

    Hi Mokonzi, I have been asked a few questions by my moderators and admin, and said I would ask you if these features where planned. 1) Will there be any featured listings? 2) Will there be usergroup integration, Example a certain usergroup could feature an item. 3) With regards to question...
  8. M

    Bug Small Style Issue

    Nothing really major been having a look round and all seems to be working smoothly... However I did notice a very minor styling issue. Where the listing image on the java scroll bar overlaps the left Arrow. See attached image for more details. EDIT-COULD NOT ATTACH A FILE - UPLOAD FAILED...
  9. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 5 Testing Information

    For Beta 5, we've got fixes and changes that help sort out some of the issues we've had and the compatibility problems with vB 4.2.2. In the Admin Control Panel the following areas are not completed: Manage Listings Manage Offers In the User Control Panel sections of the mod the following...
  10. CharlieDelta

    Legacy DBTReviews Integration

    Possible to integrate with DBTReviews?
  11. A

    New SEO addon (Un-released)

    I am working on a company project that involves a vbulletin forum, but unfortunately due to the poor default link seo architecture of the 4.2 software i cant start on it. Question 1 Estimated lead time for the release of the Dragonbyte Tech SEO addon? Question 2 Will there be meta titles...
  12. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 4 Testing Information

    For Beta 4, we've got quite a few fixes and you can relist listings. As far as I can tell I've got all the bugs listed so far fixed. In the Admin Control Panel the following areas are not completed: Manage Listings Manage Offers In the User Control Panel sections of the mod the following items...
  13. J

    Bug Feedback images - bug if no images set in groups

    If you have no feedback images set in the "Feedback Group Manager" then a image fault is shown as follows :
  14. J

    Bug Embedded URL to image location error

    Seem to have an issue whereby the stock images are not showing. On investigating seems the mod is pulling the domain name for the URL of images but doesn't take into account if the forum could be hosted in a sub directory like ours /forums/ So the embedded URL is coming up as ...
  15. J

    Bug Broken links on games

    All my game links are going back to /# instead of their respected links. If I click "Play" from within admincp they work, but not in the actual arcade tab. Arcade - Heads Up Gaming is where they are now.
  16. J

    Bug Beta 3 - Block width issues

    Seen a few changes over the betas so far and this time round the various modules seem to extend way outside the width of the forum boundaries. So far I can see that the various modules could or supposed to wrap around but maybe your best to keep them on separate lines all with the same width...
  17. S

    DragonBytes SEO new Product for 3.8.x compatible?

    DragonBytes SEO new Product 3.8.x compatible? DragonBytes The lasts weeks I received your email announcing the DragonBytes SEO for Vbulletin. I am looking for a supported Vbulletin SEO product and I want to know if the product that you are developing is 3.8.x complatible. If the answer is...
  18. CharlieDelta

    Bug DB Error When Adding Address Under Postage Options

    Get this database error when trying to add address in postage options of a listing.
  19. CharlieDelta

    Bug Attached Images Not Showing in Preview & Removes Title and Summary

    When previewing a new listing before submitting the images are not displaying and it removes the title and summary text.
  20. CharlieDelta

    Bug Summary Text Box Input Display Issue

    When adding a new listing there seems to be an issue with the "Summary" text box. It inputs fine and save fine but it does not display fine when inputting.