
  1. M

    Advertisment Mod ad on to hide it from abusers

    Just a thought I am throwing it out there, You guys are a smart group! How about being creative and by using/grabbing a IP of a user or BOT, against the site Block list (if there is one) to run it against. Create a div or span that can be capture by two events. 1. If the IP is in the BAD list...
  2. C

    Question slide show instance as a forum block and/or widget

    Is there a way to deploy an instance of the slider as a forum block (and widget)?
  3. Em Kay

    Question Removal of Avatars in Who's Online

    How do I turn off the Avatars? I found a previous thread with a block removal but my webmaster isnt around at the moment and it looks horrible :) I cant seem to find an option to turn them off. Is this in Pro only?
  4. Nirjonadda

    Bug Banner Dimensions

    Banner Dimensions Border does not working correctly and block ads massage image showing on same time.
  5. C

    Legacy scrollable forum block

    It would be nice I think to have a scrollable forum block where the visibly number of feeds would show, but allow scrolling down to a set number of older posts.
  6. C

    Question Forum Block / Question Box

    Is it possible to display the question box as a forum block and have it post to an answer forum?
  7. C

    Question Doesn't seem to be working?

    I seem to have the same issue as was asked here: [vB 4.2.x] Forum Block "Live Feed" Blank Is there a solution to that I can try? I am seeing any links on the navbar, and the user profile feed is blank as well...the mod seems like it installed but isn't firing up. I updated permissions...
  8. T

    Tapatalk error

    See Screenshot This is an error I'm getting in regards to Tapatalk (mobiquo.php) May not have anything to do with a Dragonbyte mod or mods but I figured I'd throw it out there. TY.
  9. bzcomputers

    Legacy Integrate with other Ad networks like Google Adsense

    It would be nice to see this mod have the ability to integrate other ad publishing networks. The easiest solution in my mind would be this way: 1) Have an option per ad location to use an outside publishing network as default - yes/no 2) If yes, have block to input code for that network for...
  10. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Placeholder Bleed Through

    I just noticed this slight bleed through for the "Your Ad Here" placeholder through one of my ads that is a PNG. It is a transparent ad but should still not have this happen. I am running the pl1 version. BTW - Unrelated to this mod but related to this forum. When I posted this bug I did not...
  11. racersimage

    Bug Upgraded and member profile block now displays results as single posts links.

    Hi, I recently upgraded to the latest version 3.1.7 from the 2 series and I've gotten a few complaints about the member profile block. Members can view their thanked post links but upon clicking the link, a new window pops up showing the single post only. Members are complaining that this...
  12. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Registration Timer

    Fillip H. I know you and Cosmic have internal policies with regards to mod updating and feature additions but I am asking, no, I am pleading that you add this feature STAT if it is possible and easy. For the last month I am having approximately 30 registrations per day from spam bots. Most of...
  13. heyzeus909

    Question Resize Images for Side Block

    I use the side block to show the latest 6 events from the Live Feed on my home page. The problem is that when folks link to several pictures in the same post (happens a lot on my site), it makes that side block way, way long. Is it possible to have the images resized smaller? I saw this post...
  14. heyzeus909

    Legacy Image Rendering in Hashtag Subscription Page

    When viewing my hashtag subscriptions, it shows the image url, but not the image. I would like to actually see the image, not the url.
  15. racersimage

    Bug Warning: strtr() [function.strtr] error when I first visit my site on IE and Safari

    Warning: strtr() [function.strtr]: error when I first visit my site. When I load up my site I get this across the top of my page. After some browsing it goes away. Warning: strtr() [function.strtr]: The second argument is not an array in [path]/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line...
  16. neounix

    Legacy Hook in class_core.php for extra keyword processing

    Hi. We hard coded this before: $_keyWords = strtolower($_keyWords); //neo extra just before: $content = preg_replace('#(<meta name="keywords".*?content=)"#is', '$1"' . $_keyWords . ',', $content); Do you mind to add two hooks in this file? One hook before this the preg_replace() for meta...
  17. C

    Legacy Horizontal layout request

    I have a fixed width site. With the vertical block layout below, tons of room is being lost in between the game blocks due to layout. v3Arcade implements horizontal layout which saves a lot of space due to its nature of going from top to bottom. vBadvanced Forums I wanted to ask you to consider...
  18. C

    Bug Not clickable area - games under category tabs

    Nothing is clickable in this block. I can click on all the other links in the arcade. The block with games does not allow to click. In Firefox the above area does not work - can't click. IE is doing just fine. ______________________________________________________________________________ Just...
  19. soaringpine

    Bug No default buttons showing up after install

    Hi guys, everything seems to be configured right but no buttons are showing up anywhere to like or thank posts, etc. I am using the default skin. I set the usergroup options but still nothing. What could I be missing??
  20. heredia21

    Bug Problem with latest update on user profile

    I updated to the latest version of the mod, with the following feature: Feature: Received button clicks are now displayed in a user's profile I see the block on the user profile, but when i click on the post/thanks tab it takes me to the homepage of the forum.