
  1. F

    Bug Integration with "reputation" profile tab

    Should the mod integrate with the reputation tab on every member's profile? This used to when I was using v3.0.3 with VBulletin 3.8 but since upgrading to VBulletin 4.2 a couple of days ago new "like" button ratings etc. are not showing up in my members' "reputation" tabs in their profile pages...
  2. Alan_SP

    Bug When mentioned, link leads to MyActivity tab, not to mentions tab

    Just opened new site and I'm using lite version of vBNotifications there. Anyway, when user gets mentioned, he gets notification with correct link as far as I can say (, as it is same on first look as with pro version on my other site, where it works, but now I have vB4.2 here...
  3. doctorsexy

    Bug Shout missing random letters

    Hi ...the shout is missing random letters out of words ..were getting some funny shouts ,but it dosnt always do it. now im getting it in the neck so just wondered if anyone was getting this...thanks
  4. I

    Bug error when adding images

    Hi, I get this error when adding image to post with reference image locally ticked. I also get an error when trying to upload the image from my computer. <br /><strong>Warning</strong>: getimagesize( [<a...
  5. B

    Question Bold text

    Hello How get bold text on forum names, thread titles ...etc on Top 5 stats (mean last replies block)? regards bosss
  6. BrianC

    Bug Slow Loading

    Hi, My gallery is causing pages to load slowly. The green rotating circle Windows displays will display for 30 seconds or more and then displays the favicon when complete. Is this due to the size of the images or normal? It appears something is wrong as to me it indicates the page is taking...
  7. M

    Bug Thread sorting function broken

    I had a number of odd bugs crop up after installing vBAnalytics. Biggest issue - Breaks "Thread Display Option" tool that allows users to change the forum sort order. When they set the options and click on 'Show Threads' they get "Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please...
  8. David Perdew

    Question How do I fix up the display of the activity bits

    Hey - I love the activity and achievements addition to my forum, but how do I clean the display up - it's a little messy. See the image attached: dp
  9. nizarnav

    Bug Error message using IMG tag

    When Im using IMG tag in slider, I get this error: also there is no images showing. I had to desactivate the plugin, because the forum home was broken.
  10. M

    Bug Bug ? Link to post on vbcredits

    On vbcredits page if i click on Today : i get this link ... is an error, i have vbseo installed. How to fix this ?
  11. A

    Bug Visual Bug for Points

    Sometimes, quite often, when posting a new topic,reply and so on. The points in postbit show as 0 and 0 banked even too its not like that. example : Shop Points 0 (0 Banked) real value : Shop Points 78 (8,533 Banked)
  12. P

    Bug Bug with thumbnails

    I had 2 categories with 2 albums inside... then, I delete them through the Admincp. After that, I created 2 categories (1 and 2)...and since then, where the thumbnail should be (maybe with a "there is no image yet" thumbnail) I see a broken image. If I make a right click on that image and...
  13. P

    Bug Issue with the latest images block on CMS

    I have 2 images uploaded into the gallery but on the CMS I see the widget without any images being displayed:
  14. IcEWoLF

    Bug Avatar thumbs show broken?

    Hi Ozzy, for some reason after updating the mod since the latest hotfix the avatar thumbs show broken when browsing the sideblock: The 47 Ronin Squad Not sure what's going on here. :/
  15. TandyServices

    Question Gif to Png

    Hello Dylan.. Quick question.. I have broken images on my site.. After I upload a picture file to test.. The next page (vbdownloads.php?do=download&fileid=1) Where it shows the files. I have the red x.. The file is calling for ( But when I looking in...
  16. F

    Bug Admin Setting not created?

    Hello, I did upload all the files and perform an xml import. It was clean. No error or warnings but i ca't see vbshop anywhere? Not in adminCP not even footer link? Now what to do? Regards Fakher
  17. S

    Bug Mochi..

    I've noticed this a couple of times and just thought the games were dud so deleted them.But I see with one of the games on here the same problem. Caveman Olympics..It white pages. Now I've found if certain games are imported via Browse Games (Mochi) this sometimes happens with the odd one or...
  18. trajche

    Bug Upload action doesn't deduct/add credits

    This is exactly the same bug as the download one: but it is concerning the upload 'action'. My bug report was deleted for being a duplicate, although it contained some information on the...
  19. Trekkan

    Unable to click on sub forum link in Chrome

    Click this link: JFF Sponsored Guilds Attempt to click on the forum Guild Wars 2 - Public You can't, at least not in Chrome. In IE it's fine.
  20. F

    Question Some things are a little "hinky"

    Hello, I'm having a problem with a few things and hoping you can help: When a user clicks the "Add To Favorites" button the get an error message saying "We are sorry but you do not have permissions to view the gallery. Please speak with the administrator if you feel this is an error." Well...