
  1. D

    Question Theme specific cache?

    Hi - how do I prevent the full page cache from caching our mobile theme? Currently, the full page cache sometimes caches the mobile theme of our site. So when non mobile guests come to the site they are seeing the mobile layout and not our default layout. How do I disable caching for all...
  2. W

    Bug Password Reset sorta break forum home

    Password Reset sort of breaks forum home Hi there! I've been testing vbNotifications and came across an error for you. If you set your users' passwords to reset after X days, and they load the forum home on that page, AND vbShout is installed, then the forum home only loads up to the end of the...
  3. T

    Legacy Updates to vboptimise coming anytime soon?

    I know the original programmer of vboptimise is no longer working on the project, but has anyone else on the team taken to providing updates? I'm because there are several things that have changed since the last update, not to mention there are still lots of things that could be added to the...
  4. R

    Question Template edits and required browser plug ins

    I figured out how to set this to the auto and it appear on the forum page, and I also was able to edit the Arcade templates to put it in the arcade and below the games. But I would like to make it appear in the today's post search result without making it appear on every page like it does...
  5. IcEWoLF

    Question Flush cache not working?

    I run xcache 1.3.2 It doesn't work. All the other tests pass. My host is telling me that there is no credentials made. So I have this setting disabled: vB Optimise: XCache Authentification
  6. M

    Question How to remove <div class="smallfont"></div> from the footer of Branding Free version?

    How to remove <div class="smallfont"></div> from the footer of Branding Free version? I'd like to remove the following code added site-wide to the very bottom of my footer by vB Optimise Pro: <div class="smallfont"></div> What do I need to edit? I suspect it likely is within a PHP file...
  7. M

    Bug Site crashed and down

    getting this error after moving to a dedicated server and websoite no longer accessible. Warning: xcache_set() [function.xcache-set]: xcache.var_size is either 0 or too small to enable var data caching in [path]/vboptimise/core/class_operator_xcache.php on line 50 Need help desperately.
  8. barroca

    Question editing config?

    hello I need uncomment and edit this lines in config to use filecache system?? thanks in advance joao barroca
  9. B

    Question Forum loads fast but takes up three times the Memory now.

    Please help, my forum loads much faster now but i'm having memory issues which i have never had before. Before VBoptimize my site loaded slowly but after it it loads fast but it keeps going down throughout the day whenever the memory limit is exceeded. My forum use to work perfect with a 500MB...
  10. T

    Bug Can't search when guest cache is enabled

    When guest cache is enabled guests cannot search or use 'What's New?'. They get the error message "This forum requires that you wait 20 seconds between searches. Please try again in 11 seconds." Is there a way to exclude search.php from the cache?
  11. DxtGaming

    Bug Can't change Game ID?

    When I try to change the game id then save the game id stay the same I tried it to see if Facebook like would be fix if I change the game id or if we are not supposed to be able to change it you should disable edit for that field
  12. MudRacing

    Legacy "Optimal Settings Check" don't change and Opcache Operator setting

    In "Optimal Settings Check" the "Update Thread Views Immediately" and the "Update Attachment Views Immediately" remain red in spite of the change, which may be the problem? To activate VbOptimise, I configured the "Opcache Operator" as Filecache config.php in the config.php and I made...
  13. H

    Bug Full page guest caching issue

    Hello! I have an issue with the full page guest caching feature. Basically if a bot visits a page any dhtml menus are disabled and thus the page is saved with broken dhtml menus. When the real user visits they see the saved broken page rather than a fully functioning dhtml menu I see if i am...
  14. S

    Question need help with setup

    since I moved to vps back, I have been having load issues. So, I thought of installing vb opitimze. I have probs though I am using managed vps with WHM + cPanel + eAccelerator when I select eAccelerator I get the msg: can u help me what can I do ? To give my host the wiki document, the...
  15. B

    Bug Cache causes weird charracter set for unregistered guests ONLY ...

    I understand that a tech support rep vBulletin has been in touch with Fillip about this bug and it's being worked on. However, I did want to open a ticket here and get an update, because since we've had to disable the PRO (life license) version of this mod on our site for guests, it's caused a...
  16. S

    Bug Top Stats Slow and/or Force Refresh not working

    It’s always a post behind VSA top stats. Even when I click “Reload” it doesn’t show the most current update. :( WHY DR. Fillip H., WHY?
  17. S

    DragonByte Tech. The best mod supporters for vbulletin you’ll ever find.

    My forum started almost as instantly as I bought these mods. They were both in at pretty much the beginning. The biggest benefit of purchasing dbtech mods is their support. I can’t stay enough about their support in comparison to everything else out there. They are, by far, the FASTEST when...
  18. reeshe

    Bug Shout not working at all....server error.

    I've just purchased vbshout pro after using another shout box for a while...I've installed on my test db only which isn't active. I'm receiving this error : Error: Invalid response from server: No shouts are working at the moment either. I can type in the text box but shout will not enter...
  19. A

    A few requests for vboptimize [paid]

    I'd like to see vb optimize have as many features as W3 Total Cache for Wordpress. Check out the features it has (there is a huge fricken list in the wordpress admin panel after you install this thing :eek: ) Benefits: At least 10x improvement in site performance (when fully configured...
  20. Mike Fara

    What happened to vBOptimise?

    This was your biggest achievement, whether the money reflects it or not. At the time it was released, this was easily the best modification for vBulletin. I've had the lifetime subscription for this and no updates in ages. It's not even listed on the navbar. What happened? But more importantly...