
  1. X

    can not download apps already purchased

    hi .... i had posted earlier regarding the vb upgrade.... i thought with the changes that Fillip H. made two weeks ago we would be good to go but it seem that the changes are not compatible with the 4.2.2.... that being said.... i still show that the purchases are awaiting email...
  2. W

    Bug vbshout 6.2.1 bugs

    I want to highlight the issues in 6.2.x 1. Even I set the maximum numbers of images or smiles to show in shout. normal members or moderators cannot post more than 3smiles or bbcodes. 2. sometime sentences are cutting in half for normal users. e.g. someone wanted to write "USA stands for United...
  3. U

    Bug message alert sound

    on my vbshout even when no new message on my vbshout when i was not in idle mode there are Shoutbox Sounds i thought the shoutbox sound will only occur when there are either new message posted on the shoutbox or new thread created question is on my shoutbox there is no mute/unmute button so...
  4. T

    Bug importing product freezes

    Can import the product. Freezes after this Lite version installs just fine. I check my logs and found this error... PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function unserialie() in REMOVED/dbtech/vbshout/install/450.php on line 94 Looks like a file issue in the install folder. I can't seem...
  5. puertoblack2003

    Bug Database Error After Pruning Shout Box

    database error after pruning shoutbox
  6. San

    Question I 'am getting a warning massage in ACP vbshout

    How would I fix these error warnings? Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/packages/dbtechvbshout/api/vbshout/shoutbox.php on line 657 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/packages/dbtechvbshout/api/vbshout/shoutbox.php on line 724 Ok , I got it...
  7. M

    Bug vbShout 6.2.1 for 4.2.2 showing blank shoutboxes, but archiving shouts

    I just upgraded the files to 6.2.1. When I enter the chat, I type the message and send it to the shoutbox, but nothing appears. If I go to the archive, I see the shout.
  8. BuffaloRange

    Bug vBShout 6.2.1 Shouts Do Not Display In Internet Explorer 10 / 11

    Members using Internet Explorer cannot see the shouts. They are white on a white background. Members using Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera are not having this issue. It is exclusive to Internet Explorer. While my first suggestion is to use a different browser, some cannot do so from work.
  9. R

    Bug Shoutbox stuck at loading....

    I have uploaded the shoutbox files to my server, but the cpnav menu does not appear in the admincp. I checked that the shoutbox files are placed under the suspected file versions and hence not showing up in the menu of admincp and neither the shoutbox is loading! How to fix this?
  10. Nxt

    Bug Invaild SQL Select Error

    I keep seeing this error: Database error in vBulletin 5.0.5: Invalid SQL: SELECT user.*, user.dbtech_vbshout_settings AS shoutsettings...
  11. Black tiger

    Question Vb Shout Not Working on Vbulletin 4.2.2??

    I just upgraded my forums to 4.2.2. The shoutbox was working right before the installation. However, after, the box is clear, and active users are displayed in plain text such as: Vitaris]]> When I enter a shout and press Enter, it clears in the text box, but doesn't refresh. The archive is...
  12. XGC Paravain

    Question Text Box

    Just a quick question, I'm wondering how to put the text box a single line box under the shouts?, Instead of the big text box on the left of the shouts
  13. M

    Question Сhange background color and text color

    How change the background color and text color? need a dark background color and white text color 1. 2.
  14. M

    Bug Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7

    Install 6.0.8 - ok upgrade 6.1.1 - ok upgrade 6.2.1 - Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7 *** Updating Version Number To: 6.2.0 Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `test_dbtech_vbshout_session` ( `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `lastactivity` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL...
  15. CharlieDelta

    Bug Replace Word in Thread Title Bug

    Censored words and their replacements seem to be working fine in the post content but in the thread title the censored word is removed only and not replaced. Secondary question; Does this work in conjunction with VB's stock censorship options or do they need to be disabled?
  16. XGC Paravain

    Question Shoutout/Chatroom Permissions

    I like the way your using the shoutout here on DragonByte my question is I want to not give permission to post in the Shoutout but give permission in chat rooms can this be done?
  17. CharlieDelta

    Search Error

    When I try to search within a forum I get this error. Specifically, I was trying to search the word "Archive" in the vbshout lite forum.
  18. I

    Question Can you place an instance of vBShout on a specific Forum only?

    Is there a way to specify where an instance of a shoutbox appears? We are looking for a way to put a specific instance in a forum on the site. Thoughts? Thanks!
  19. A

    vBShout pre-sales questions

    Site is not up yet but I'll try asking here, how / where do were change the template so that the controls are center aligned, instead of left aligned? Tried the div in dbtech_vbshout_editortools but either we did it wrong or that's the wrong place. Would like to buy the full version but only if...
  20. G

    Bug Exploit?

    Saw on: vBulletin Advanced User Tagging Mod - Stored XSS Vulnerability Seems to me like it works. I had to remove the hash tag via the db in order to remove it. Could you take a look at this and advise? My members like this mod a lot.