
  1. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta10: Ampersand is not being filtered out of CMS URLs, it is being rewritten "amp"

    Beta10: Ampersand is not being filtered out of CMS URLs, it is being rewritten "amp" Ampersand is not currently being filtered out of any CMS URLs, it is being rewritten as "amp". It is correctly filtered out of the Forum URLS.
  2. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Tab Image

    I am start using Rackspace Cloud CDN, Now i have one issue with vBNavTabs Image does not show working, If i go to copy image URL IS : I didnot...
  3. V

    Bug notification

    Hello In the upper right corner when "notifications", those of reputation received, pressing takes no comments reputation, leading to index. Appear Occurs install "dbseo" or "post thank" please as I solve? I install two at a time, which is not guilty. thanks
  4. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Tynt Integration

    Tynt Integration Leverage the benefit of copy/paste on forum?
  5. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO URL Rewrites in BBCODE tags [URL]

    Hey! Have noticed, from time to time, that we are seeing an occasional problem with DBSEO when we use the "Add Link" BBCODE for: full link with http:// here But so far, I've only confirmed the problem in forums which are not public, for some reason. So, I started a thread on our forums...
  6. S

    Bug Problem with VBShout Pro

    Hello i just buy VBShout from here and i install it and it are showed on my forums but on admincp i can edit it or something check this image: Screen capture: 2013-12-21 16:49:49 PD: my normal users cant see the shoutbox, i can see it as admin.. thanks alot i hope i can fix this fast.
  7. Steris56

    Question Dismiss new Thanks

    i would like to dismiss new thanks however when i click to make it yes in notification type it wont let me also when you click edit the Notification Phrase is blank not sure if that supposed to be empty or not i also have recent thanks installed by Scanbdal not sure if that would be conflict or...
  8. P

    Question Keywords not working

    I made a test and "sold" 2 keywords: with these configs: The 2 mentioned keywords show up in this article: I did repair cache and Maintenance > Repair + Rebuild...
  9. H

    Question Importing from another forum

    Sorry if this has already been posted, but I didn't see it. I noticed that the new version says it supports importing threads. I installed that version but wanted to ask here before I screw anything up on the site. We have a subforum on our site that had been used for years to post reviews but...
  10. GoodApples

    Question Long Time CMS slider not displaying

    I have been using the vbSilider on the CMS for some time without issue and it now has disappeared? Any suggestions on what to check? ...I recently did change servers about a month ago. ...I recently change the vb style and when updating the CMS (Section Information) this displayed Warning...
  11. O

    Bug VBSEO to DBSEO migration issue

    DBSEO 1.0.0 beta 8 Just installed DBSEO lastnight to replace VBSEO and I've run into a complicate migration issue. My forum layout has 4 main categories (forum acting as category) and within each category are child forums. The structure is as such FlashFXP > News FlashFXP > General...
  12. V

    Bug please help, my forum is not working since install dbseo!

    please help, my forum is not working since install dbseo! No work of the forum link No photos are displayed Failure deployed cms Professional Installation :(:(:(:(
  13. D

    Question Adding categories into shops

    I am sorry if this is a dumb question. I've figured how to add items into categories but how do I add the categories into a particular shop? I've had this mod for some time but I'm only now attempting to implement it, so I may have more questions down the road LOL
  14. nocomp

    Bug Fatal error: Class 'USERTAG' not found

    hi, i wanted to try your mod, but when i go to the admin dbtech - settings, i get this error Fatal error: Class 'USERTAG' not found in /home/[path ***********]/forum/dbtech/usertag/actions/admin/forum.php on line 26 any idea of what could be wrong? best regards
  15. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Stop Words Not Working Properly

    HI. We currently are seeing a problem with Stop Words. For example: We see the "and" stop word in both [thread-title] and [forum-title] (above) FYI, the format for...
  16. I

    Bug Top X Stats: Can't Update block and reload does not work

    Hello, We are having an issue with InfoPanels' Top X Stats section. If users try to change one of the three blocks from the default setting to another option (Say from Top Posters to Top Thread Starters or any other option) it simply will not let them select the new view option for that block...
  17. K

    Bug i am facing trouble when click on any button

    Hello Respected SIR, i have bought ( Advanced Post Thanks / Like pro ) and brother every thing is working fine but when i click on any button like thanks or like or dislike etc its show me a popup with this text ( [objectXMLDocument] ) and the thanks,like or dislike work fine after this popup...
  18. LEE2oo

    Question Click All three buttons and Nothing Happens ?

    First time I have had chance to Post this problem I have with the Thanks, Like and Dislikes buttons on my Forum Threads. When you click on the buttons that are situated under members posts nothing happens. All the Stats for this system on all the postbits are still set at zero for all. Any idea...
  19. heredia21

    Bug Installed but not working

    I installed but it is not working. No e-mails nor no user settings.
  20. Mental

    Bug clean_array_gpc error with this .htaccess file.

    Fatal error: Call to a member function clean_array_gpc() on a non-object in /home/x/public_html/forum/forumdisplay.php on line 117 This one confused me initially! Disabled dbseo, error remained, removed the htaccess , problem went. Enabled the product without the htaccess as a test, the error...