
  1. H

    HELP!! Importing VBCredits II blew up my board

    While importing the xml for VBCredits II, my board experienced a fatal error.....I cannot get back to the product area to uninstall... I am not sure what to do.. my site is showing a LOT of code and what seems to have something to do with VBCredits (old version from pixelfx) .... Please help...
  2. blinkster

    MySQL Queries & MySQL Error

    This has been installed for hours and still MySQL Queries vB Optimise has saved this forum 0 shows up with no results. Using Filecache as Opcache Operator. All System tests come back Test completed successfully. All Optimal Settings Check come back vB Optimise found no problems with this...
  3. SorentoUltimate

    DataBase Error on Cron Job

    Here the database error when the Cron Job Run
  4. Ozzy47

    cron job

    Is it possible to set up a cron job to run maintenance, recalculate points?
  5. T

    Syncing images for vbGallery on CDN

    I recently synced the files uploaded in an install of vbGallery to Amazon S3 using vbOptimize. There's a couple issues that I found: Images have to be synced manually to keep photos in the gallery updated on the cdn Images are exist on the cdn and file server unless you manually delete the...
  6. C

    Lottery floods the scheduled task log...

    After installing vbShop my scheduled task log has been flooded with entries by this product.. And I'm wondering why it's making that many logs.. This is an example.. 160600 vBShop Lottery 22:45, 2nd Aug 2010 Lotteries processed. 160599 vBShop Lottery 22:34, 2nd Aug 2010 Lotteries...
  7. Freekoid


    Thats a good title as any. I have seen nominate only twice in vbulletin. MOTM & BOTM which is used on the 3.6.8 board of .org itself. Creating polls and nominating mods is brilliant idea for activity. I have seen one modification back on 3.7 that utilized this same procedure using a simple...
  8. H

    How to change ; for a space?

    How would I go about changing things so that instead of the tagging feature checking after the ; it would check after a space? I have banned spaces in usernames and I am going through all usernames on my site to ensure no one in the past had one. so I feel for my needs the space method would...
  9. ChatterScene

    Shop Wish List

    I would love to see a lot of things lol But I will do the ones off the top of my head. - User to be able to give and receive virtual gifts using thier points to purchase them - Users being able to give and recieve point donations -I want to be able to add gifts in categories and assign each...
  10. TandyServices

    Did I do something wrong

    Hey guys, Almost have all your mods.. Anyways just bought the pro. After installing it and setting the settings I got a few database errors. Please help on letting me know what they are and if I did something wrong. Thanks.. 1. Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4: Invalid SQL: select queries...
  11. C

    vbop 2.3.0 and XCache 1.3.0 cache misses

    Hi, I just purchased and install vB 2.3.0 today. Running on vb 3.8.5 with xcache 1.3.0 on php 5.3.2 and nginx and php-fpm, on a core i7 860 with 12gb. It's been running about 2 hours and is reporting about 80,000 queries saved, so that's exciting. However, I took a peek over at my XCache...
  12. Doctor

    Database errors

    Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3: Invalid SQL: ( SELECT IFNULL(userid, 0) AS userid, IFNULL(typeid, 1) AS typeid, IFNULL(MAX(points), 0) AS points FROM ( SELECT userid, typeid, SUM(points) AS points FROM dbtech_vbactivity_pointslog WHERE typeid = 1 GROUP BY userid ORDER BY points DESC ) AS...
  13. E

    Cron Handling

    When the cron script is executed by a guest (or cronjob) it becomes guest cached. This can be fixed by adding the following to the init_startup plugin. if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'cron') $vbulletin->options['vbo_online'] = false;
  14. U

    vBulletin Database Error!

    Hi again, Every hour, i got this error : Invalid SQL: SELECT snapshotid, data FROM ffxivdbtech_vbactivity_snapshot WHERE snapshotid = ( SELECT revertsnapshotid FROM ffxivdbtech_vbactivity_snapshotschedule WHERE end_hour = G AND end_day = w AND active = 1 ) OR snapshotid = (...
  15. I

    Memcache recommended cache size for vboptimize?

    Hi, I just installed memcache 1.4.5 on my server and would like to know what's the best/optimized cache size for the memcache which I should set? currently I setup it at 50MB, is it fine for vbulletin/vboptimize?
  16. Big-Pete

    DB Error after installing pro

    Hi ya, As i loved using the Lite version I thought i'd try the Pro version, Installation/upgrade seemed to go ok until i noticed an email telling me that there was a DB error, It looks like im missing a table in the DB, Can I just add a table called game.vboptimise?? I've had several similar...
  17. S

    Installed vB Optimise Pro - Resource Statistics returns empty page

    Hi I installed vB Optimise Pro and the link Resource Statistics returns an empty page I had the lite version installed before and removed it before installation StarBuG
  18. D

    Statistic doesn't work

    Everything in 1.5.1 Pro is working properly, except Statistic doesn't work. Try to run Task and see this: Database error in vBulletin 4.0.2: Invalid SQL: select queries from vboptimise where dateline='Mar 12th'; MySQL Error : Table 'tinhte_v2.vboptimise' doesn't exist Error Number : 1146...
  19. Trekkan


    On my forums, if you visit: You can see that it says there are 56 pages of data, but the last 12 pages are empty. I'm guessing these are the people with zero activity and the...