
  1. Sunka

    Bug Click on button means click on images in posts too

    I have Image Resizer - Using nCode Script mod installed, and that mod resize images in posts, but after I install new version of your Thanks/Like Mod, somewhere javascript (I think) figth between Thanks mod and image resize mod. Images have bar on the top, and when you click on bar, image...
  2. H

    about programs on VB4.2

    Hello i did update ( and allready downgraded again) VB 4.2 i downgraded because almost all programs i have don't show ( work ) any more Are there upgrades comming for VB4.2 if yes when or what to do??? regards
  3. CharlieDelta

    What does the release of vBulletin 4.2 mean for DBTech mods?

    How will the impending release of 4.2 and its new features affect some of the great DBT mods, namely Navtabs and Live Stream?
  4. Z

    Bug Unable to adjust image size and disable message bar

    We have been unable to find the location to adjust image display size for images being displayed in the slider. AS you can see from the images I attached above shows how images are being displayed pulled from the set forum. The slider has to have some control over the size of the image otherwise...
  5. Taurus

    Some of your products just don't work on my big forum.

    I am sorry, but honestly, some of your products just does not work on busy forums. I don't know why....maybe you cannot test it on busy forums, or it is based on working on your site here... But really...I have bought almost all of your products, yet on most of them, it will just crash my...
  6. Neo_Angelo

    Make TT pro Available as LITE

    I've seen a few people still interested in TT but for whatever reasons DB-Tech cannot sell it at the moment, my suggestion is since development on it is minimal and the origianl designer isn't around anymore then why not release the pro version as a freebie to DB-Tech customers/ joe public as a...
  7. Fillip H.

    Legacy Session Table Offloading

    Popping this here so it gets recorded in the system:
  8. S

    different payment method

    hello i am interested eseguenti products, but to pay 50 euros more I discovered the vat. I can pay with another way to save the 50 euros? I have a moneybookers account, can be a solution? This vat is a real problem for me is an obstacle in buying your product thanks
  9. G

    Bug upload problem when using internet explorer

    Hi All if we try to upload a file from the internet explorer it uploads the file but it logs out you from the site (note: same does not happen in chrome or firefox) very strange problem & really its not tested well on Internet explorer :RpS_cursing: thanks Gowri
  10. S

    Bug No such file.

    Hi, I installed today and think I have imported all my ibp games incorrectly.It has imported all old scores and the image folders and also created a temp folder.But unfortunatly it didn't pull any of the games..Am I too ulpoad the swf's to another folder,or have I just made a mess of it...
  11. C

    Question clarification for use on 3.8

    Just noticed you have this now for 3.8. Does this create a sidebar like the live feed you have on DBTech? Do you have a 3.8 demo forum with this running? I'm also a little confused about the "comment" system that is part of this mod. I'm curious what the background/thinking was for this...
  12. F

    A nice suggestion

    Since i saw you are capable to develope nice products i would like to us if you ever will develop a product like "cometchat" or some chat like facebook, would be really nice if you do that and for sure you will get lot of customers as me :)
  13. B

    Question no score saving

    Hi, i install right now your mod and import my old games from my ibparcade. great it shows all the old scores but when i play a game now it safe not the score from me. what do i wrong? After the play and i push submit, the arcade load my forumhome in the little game window and then the...
  14. D19RNY

    Likes V2 upgrade

    I want to upgrade my vblikes to v2, but not sure what would be the cheapest option to get the latest version best regards
  15. Emeralda

    Triple Triad and vBActivity

    Is there some sort of integration between the two? I'm hesitant from installing it again, because I remember how much work setting up the decks was, and yeah doing the gil all over again would be a killer. Is it integrated with points or something? Or did TT had something that would allow...
  16. Markus79

    Legacy Live Feed & User Wall Sideblock

    Hey, at first time let me say, that this is a great Addon. I have some suggestion for this addon. Statusupdate from forumhome. I saw in the template dbtech_livewall_block_entries and put the textarea in the block template. It works fine and user use that but they don't want look everytime to...
  17. W

    link verifier bot

    i came up with a new idea of a mod that will verifiy dead links and live links. it will be scheduled at a particular time at which it will run. it will place dead links thread to trash automatically and will pm the user on the dead link.
  18. Alan_SP

    Legacy Mailing lists categories with their sets of rules and their links

    As I mentioned in this thread ( that we could give our users mailing lists to own and use, this process is still hard for us admins to maintain. If we have categories, we could create for example category in...
  19. GoodApples

    Legacy Usergroup Permission User Tagging - General Setting

    I thought I may have requested this before... I would like to see usergroup permissions for User Tagging - General Setting and
  20. KristerSwe

    Legacy [Stylevar mess] Stylevar settings not good

    With custom themes is a real pain try to get the colors work together with other seetings for the theme when color matching is good in shoutbox is messing up somewhere else. and with 4.1.10 is a real mess Maybe is a good idea to move out some stylevar and move them to the Dragonbytetechmods...