
  1. M

    Bug Database Error

    Got this error in my logs for the arcade: ##################################### ===================================================== Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS plays, SUM(timefinish - timestart) AS timespent FROM theforumprefix__dbtech_vbarcade_session...
  2. M

    Bug Database Error

    Hi Mokonzi, I put this as a How Do I, because I was not sure if I have missed something I get the following database error when trying to view ITEM 27 ################################ Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT o.* FROM...
  3. M

    Bug Sitemap Building Error

    I'm getting the below error when I try to manually build the sitemap Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12: Invalid SQL: REPLACE INTO hcw_adminutil (title, text) VALUES ('sitemapsession'...
  4. P

    Bug ACP help text not showing correctly at UTF8 forum

    I have seen the correct description elsewhere, but in my UTF8 configured DB forum I see only the text in capture. I spent some time to achieve the proper character translation rules due to this litle handycap.
  5. P

    Legacy Push Attachments,CSS,Avatars to CDN

    I was going through my vbOptimise plugin looking for ways to make my site faster, and I noticed that I am failing 3 optimal settings checks. The problem is I cannot store attachments, avatars and css stylesheets as files since my forum is hosted on a HA recyclable infrastructure with load...
  6. T

    Bug Gallery import not happening

    Hi I have been trying to import my old gallery however I get to the message "Importing...Please wait until the importer has finished." And that is af far as I get, Checking on the new gallery all I ever see is 1 photo that states missing image. I have left the importer for several hours but...
  7. S

    Bug No Automatic Sitemap Generation after upgrade to 1.0.4

    Hi, i post all of it here and i reduce the number of items and test it (5000 and a day later 500) but no chance. Do you have any ideas?
  8. Replicators

    Bug Database Error!

    After a fresh install of forumon, i am getting... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `dbtech_vbshout_instance` (`name`, `description`, `active`, `autodisplay`, `deployment`, `permissions`, `bbcodepermissions`, `sticky`, `shoutsound`, `invitesound`, `pmsound`...
  9. Ambro

    Bug Invalid SQL, Vbulletin 4.22 @ VbDonate V1.4.5

    Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM dbtech_vbdonate_donations WHERE id =; MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for...
  10. M

    Bug Database Error Viewing item

    Hi Mokonzi, I am in the process of pm'ing you the other data you wanted :) However one of my moderators just pointed out this error. ######################## Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT o.* FROM theforumprefix__dbtech_classifieds_offer AS o WHERE...
  11. J

    Bug Manage Listings (edit) , ended listings not checked

    Hi, When in admin; using the manage listings then choosing any listing that has ended the group radio options to say if the auction has ended are both not selected. And should you be able to restart the auction from here as when you choose no and submit it again it then defaults to no radio...
  12. J

    Question Performance question

    Hi Fillip H., sorry to bother you in another place but in my quest for vbseo removal I need to take care of thanks/vbseo likes. I've successfuly installed the lite version of the plugin and imported the vbseo likes. Recreated statistics and turned the plugin on. But the load on mysql server...
  13. 3

    Bug feedbacklist reviews gives me a database error

    Hi, I have the pro version, and since the last update when I click reviews gives me a database error: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE xxxuser SET dbtech_classifieds_feedbackleftcount = 0...
  14. F

    Bug Pull CDN does not work with vbulletin domain installed to a sub-folder

    When I enter the CDN domain for our domain, this plugin assumes that this is where vBulletin is installed. All URLs are re-written to use the domain as the vBulletin installation directory. I went back to try and change the URL, however it isn't possible to change it in the settings page. I...
  15. M

    Bug Unknown Database error

    Hey Mokonzi, I am not sure what this one is from but I found it while I was looking at the feedback error that members are having... ===================================================== Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT l.*, l.userid AS luserid...
  16. M

    Bug Feedback Database error.

    Hi Mokonzi, Running latest beta. One of my members is getting a database error when trying to leave feedback Here is what I can find in the database log... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE theforumprefix__user SET dbtech_classifieds_feedbackleftcount = 0...
  17. P

    Bug Forum Performance Issues

    We have been experience site performance issues with vBulletin. I have inquired with our system administrator and this is what he said: "I'm seeing a TON of slow queries on DB01 (master), and there are some queries running related to vbShop points logs which are using up alot of resources...
  18. M

    Bug Notification Possible Bug

    Hi Mokonzi, Loving the new update... One of my members has just sent me the following Private Message --------------------------------- Quote Originally Posted by turner brown hi mick have a problem clearing a leave feedback notice from classified it takes me to a database error when i...
  19. Nirjonadda

    Bug Thread Deleted with Delete Posts

    Find latest posts for user than Selected Posts for Delete, That Processing full thread deleted. please check and fix this issue urgently, our Moderators that way doing to delete all thread.
  20. U

    Bug data base errors when users donate

    Hi i have been recieving these errors ever since last few days without knowing what went wrong, Can you guide me. When i manually add in donations for my users they are not able to automatically change usergroup. For the rest it seems okay. I just did an upgrade to the latest patch btw.