
  1. B

    DBSEO rewrite rules for Lighttpd / nginx

    Hello, We're looking to make the switch from vBSEO to DBSEO Pro, but we're interested to know if DBSEO also comes bundled with rewrite rules for Lighttpd or nginx, or do we have to manually adjust the .htaccess rules for our webserver.
  2. 1quicksi

    DBSEO Install

    I am finally going to migrate from vbseo to dbseo pro (already purchased) I was wondering if I paid for the pro install, if it includes duplicating the vbseo settings so that say links in google are still applicable?
  3. brandondrury

    Bug Mp3 Attachment Streaming Problems After dbseo Install

    Has anyone been able to stream mp3 attachments on their forum with dbseo? I've been fighting this bug ever since I installed dbseo. I used a flash mp3 player for mp3 attachments, but ever since dbseo was installed that player has not worked properly and html5 audio players have been even...
  4. S

    Question How to upgrade from vbSEO to dbSEO

    Can someone please provide a step by step tutorial on the proper way to upgrade from vbSEO to dbSEO? (vb 4.2.1)
  5. R

    DBSeo Install addon

    Hey guys, I am interested in Dbseo but I really do not have time to set it up on my site. I do not want the urls changed at all. I want the other features including the social links on posts and the dynamic meta tags, etc. Basically everything but the urls. ofcourse I can customize the social...
  6. C

    Question VBSEO to DBSEO Questions

    I tested DBSEO on a smaller site and after a bit of work everything is working correctly, but doing my main site I have a few questions I imported VBSEO setting to DBSEO (thanks for having this!) - OK! Updated .htaccess - OK! Disabled VBSEO - OK! Renamed VBSEO folders to test removal - BALNK...
  7. J

    Bug dbseo htaccess

    Basically my issue is that whenever I access my admin panel there is a prompt that asks me to input id and password to proceed (htpasswd) and with the current htaccess I can just press cancel and it just bypasses it. I had someoen look at it and they told me its caused by DBSEO htaccess. I...
  8. T

    Bug DBSeo 1.3.1 Attachments

    Hello! If you use DBSeo 1.3.1 and had a post with multiple attachments look at the image previews. They are all the same. If I disable DBSeo the previews (and links to the original Images) are correct. regards Thorsten Attachment 1 DBSeo enabled, Attachment 2 DBSeo disabled (correct).
  9. brandondrury

    Questions About DBSEO

    I'm having trouble with vbseo on my 4.2.2 vbulletin forum. I need to make sure my URLs will be identical. I've installed the lite version of dbseo, but I'm not seeing my URL structure from vbseo. I had hired a guy to set up vbseo years and years ago and he used custom URLs for just about...
  10. F

    Question vb:link im template not using DBSEO url

    I'm probably missing something. In the postbit_legacy template, I added {vb:link thread|bburl|nosession, {vb:raw thread}, {vb:raw pageinfo_post}} I'm getting Example Domain How do I get it to return a dbseo URL?
  11. C

    Question breadcrumbs

    I just upgraded...I'm sure I was a version or two behind. Anyways, it looks like somewhere along the line dbseo added a feature involving the breadcrumbs? Is there a setting for this? I had custom breadcrumbs and it seems a different template is being used now (dbtech_dbseo_navbit_link...
  12. Bullmama DeLano

    Question Crawl Errors from Google

    Obviously since installing DBSEO I am received thousands of crawl errors, and since I can only delete 1000 at a time I've been slowly marking them as "fixed". As the weeks have passed, however, I noticed I am still getting crawl errors from new rewritten threads. However, these threads were...
  13. C

    Bug Blog post url

    When I turn on dbseo some of my blog URLs are blogs/[user_name]/[blog_id]-[blog_title].html and some are blogs/[user_name]/[blog_id]-[blog_title]-a.html I can't seem to find where that extra letter is coming from. Second with dbseo the next and prev buttons don't work on the blog
  14. H

    Bug Sitemap generating threads from invisible boards

    I post this like a bug, because since I have changed from vbseo to dbseo in webmaster tools appears a lot of errors (example in the form), that are threads from invisible boards, and of course google cannot access them. It retrives error 403. Is it possible that dbseo sitemap is sending these...
  15. H

    Question The vbulletin friendly archive not rewritten

    Hi, I have testing with dbseo, and I found that the Vbulletin Archive (I think it is very interesting) is not being rewritten. .../archive/index.php Do I have to activate any option to this? Is there any way to obtain this file with the friendly dbSEO URLs? Thanks!
  16. S

    DbSEO questions

    I installed, used, and enjoyed DbSEO Lite for a short while, but, could never get caching to work, and, it used to cause HUGE server loads, with thousands of dbseo.php messages in the logs, so, i tried to disable it, and was unable to. Eventually i managed to uninstall it, but, files were left...
  17. B

    Question VBSEO to DBSEO some issues

    Hello, we are migrating from Vbulletin 3.7.8 to Vbulletin 4.2.2 and i followed your advice to first upgrade vbulletin then VBSEO => DBSEO dev : Development site www : Production site we have some URLs migration working well : Voltige Aérienne Voltige Aérienne - [Modelisme.com - modélisme...
  18. M

    Bug Dbseo installation problem

    Dbseo installation problem (Urgent) Hi Fillip H., I follow your tips and the installation notices on your Forum, I have imported Dbseo files uploaded the xml file changed the htaccess like you said I have enabled Dbseo and disabled Vbseo then I use the import Vbseo function and the plugin go...
  19. J

    Question URL Part Separator not working well

    I imported vbSEO configuration from my old VBSEO product to DBSEO PRO. I disabled vbSEO and enabled DBSEO and the part separator "_" is not working, it show " ". If i change to "-" it works Example VBSEO : www.domain.com/foro/432423-todo_va_bien_por_aqui.html DBSEO...
  20. J

    Question Root Redirects to DBSEO

    I have a little problem from redirects at .htaccess in the root directory to forum directory. DBSEO is installed in forum directory so DBSEO rules are implemented into www.domain.com/foro I have a .htaccess in my root domain with this rewrite rule: RewriteRule ^noticias/$ /foro/2_noticias/...