
  1. hachito

    Translate vBCredits Deluxe Pro to Spanish

    Dear: I'm doing the translation of this mod on the Spanish language, since I live in Argentina. I find that there are many phrases in English and I can not translate because they are not found in that part and look for the manager Vbulletin languages I can not find. Can you help me with this...
  2. fufu

    does DB-Tech take modification requests?

    I have been searching through many sites and been taken by many developers. Can your clients request custom scripts?
  3. fufu

    YAAS 4.0.2 conflict

    When I installed vBCredits II (Lite) the 'awards.php' through an error. The vBCredits II (Lite) is conflicting with YAAS 4.0.2.
  4. DragonByte Technologies

    Huh? Wha? Read This First

    So, this forum is where i'm going to give info to you guys on the upcoming DBTech monster RPG as it becomes available. It will be updated with Images, news of features, of story, of plans etc etc. This isn't something we've done before, but the interest surrounding this is pretty crazy, so i...
  5. cloferba

    Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in achievement.php line 17

    this error appears when i go to Management Achievement on admincp... it appears upper the title of the section.... what is the problem?
  6. Diana Notacat

    5.2.2 Weird Style Issue in IE

    Check Screencap! On IE, the Time, name and the text are all on new lines. All of my templates are reverted to default and I reuploaded the product to make sure. In Firefox it's working and looking just fine. I'm not sure how long it's been a problem, no one using IE bother to mention it until...
  7. FreshFroot

    Inferno Tech?

    Okay, so I stumbled upon this website. I am a bit confused? It states this place is run by the developers of vBShout and other Inferno Tech products? Is this true? I do see Cosmic and I remember him. Just wondering what is going on here? Is Inferno Tech back now?
  8. W

    IE6 Funeral...

    I kinda got a kick out of this. They actually had a "send off" for IE6 Pictures from the funeral: Looks like its gone now...took long...
  9. W


    Hi all. I'm Joe aka wo^tron. Some of you may have known me from Game Zone | Evolution and Inferno Technologies as Absolute//Zero. I was a good friend of Scot/ZT back in the day and I was an administrator on GZ|E a while back and did some minor "lazy" support for RPG Inferno. I also ran a small...