
  1. Papa Bear

    Question CMS Custom URL

    Ok..I have my CMS running at www.mysite.com and my forum is www.mysite.com/forum so how do i set the customs urls to work..the rewrite for the forum and blog work fine cause they are all located in the /forums directory but when you click on a article link on the cms i get a 404 error page..
  2. bzcomputers

    Legacy DBSEO 1.0.4 - New Sitemap Function Suggestions

    A couple suggestions: 1) Sitemap cron job time option appears under "SEO - General Settings" probably should be under "Sitemap - General Settings" 2) New automatic settings appear under "Sitemap - Page Settings" may be better under "Custom Sitemap URLS/Settings" (took me a bit to find them). If...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug Cache Styles set to YES

    If Cache Styles set to YES, User Selectable Styles not working. When browses to a different page it showing to the default style.
  4. M

    Bug Some posts became undeletable!

    After installing Advanced user Tagging Pro, some posts in various threads have become undeleteable! Moderators try to delete them but after processing the delete request, they are still there!. Even if they try to unapprove these posts, they still remain approved. This is not true for all...
  5. C

    Question Needing help w/ employing this mod on my site

    I just purchased the lifetime version of DragonByte Review 1.0.7, and love the seamless integration into the Admin CP. Installation went great, but I am having some issues with employing the mod on my site. I was under the impression that I could have this mod integrated into all subforums...
  6. C

    Legacy Option to not load jquery

    It would be nice to have an option to not load jquery if it is already being requested by other scripts on the site. There should be a separate option (or go ahead and load it regardless) if the page is vbshout (aka detached mode).
  7. C

    Legacy Option to not load jquery

    I noticed with some of the various dbtech mods I'm running that they all are loading jquery. I had 4 jquery requests coming from my home page! It would be nice to ad an option like there is on vbslider to not load jquery if it is already loaded by another mod.
  8. T

    Legacy Multiple Price Points

    On your list of features for the Lite version it states: 'Configure multiple price points for the same banner space or for keywords to encourage bigger purchases' As an example I have created 3 different prices for advertising in the Global - Below navbar (1 rotation available) 1 for 1 day @...
  9. C

    Question rewrite gone wrong

    I tried to make a custom rewrite rule for this page http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/custompages.php?page=salinity-conversion-table By entering this rewrite rule: '^custompages\.php\?page=salinity-conversion-table' =>'salinity-conversion-table.html' I want the url to look like...
  10. S

    Question Delete Images and more

    Hi there, we are thinking about buying the vbgallery system! but... on testing we are facing some serious problems... i think we can need some help! 1.) Is there any possibility to set a different image-size for the CMS-Widget. (since we don't have enough space there) 2.) The reason we want...
  11. H

    Question Little help on how to use reviews

    I've finally gotten a chance to really work on this mod to hopefully get it to do what I want it to, but I'm obviously not understanding it completely, especially the part about instances. Let me say what I want to do and maybe someone can walk me through it. We have a bunch of threads in an...
  12. M

    Question subdomain issue

    The tech I hired recently used this stuff prior and got it working for another client of his. He mentioned to me only thing different was the fact we prefer a sub domain on a forum. Can you please provide me the steps for this gentleman regarding subdomain etc please
  13. N

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for IIS 7.x/8.x

    Hello Dragonbyte, Quick question regarding your SEO product, we're currently running vBSEO on our forum (quite a large one) and with the upgrade to 4.2.2 we're looking into switching to your SEO plugin in order to preserve all our current links from vBSEO. However, we currently run on IIS 7.x...
  14. J

    Bug Database load increase

    I've tried to transfer my forum from vbseo to dbseo tonight, but there was a significant increase in database load and had to revert the procedure. There was a huge spike in query numbers with dbseo and althought the queries themselves didn't seem to be very intensive - the sheer number of them...
  15. K

    Bug Can't see shoutbox

    I've tried different skins but none seems to get the shoutbox to show. It's worked before I don't know why it doesn't work now because I haven't changed anything.
  16. Nirjonadda

    Question Can you use both memcached and xcache

    I have both memcached and xcache installed. Can you use both memcached and xcached? If yes than how to Edit the configuration file for config.php? Currently i am using xcache with vB Optimise, now how to use for config.php in memcached? I would suspect the settings in config.php would look...
  17. seventhaxis

    Question Shorten Date on vbarcade_home_stat

    I'm very interested in having the date for both Latest Scores and Latest Champions (on the arcade home) shortened to just show the date. The statistics page is fine but date format on the arcade homepage is adding an unsightly extra break in the formatting due to the amount of text (i.e. January...
  18. J

    Legacy using dbseo conversion outsite vbulletin

    Hi, Since version 1.0.1 came out I'm getting closer and closer to actually launching dbseo on my production site. But When I went through all the different scripts I found out there's one feature I need and I'm not sure if it's there. I'm using an external script to generate links for specific...
  19. V

    Legacy Option Classifieds (AdminCP): why don't create?

    Why when creating the Options not already done creating values ​​with check-boxes, radio buttons and multiple choice? see cars.com, ebay.com, for example the sale of a the Car is impossible to identify Cars complectation (cars features) of checkbox or radiobuttons, I am the admin can not create...
  20. bzcomputers

    Bug Sitemap Generation Issue(s)?

    I had noticed in the past on occasion that a sitemap cron job would not always run. It was rare and at the time I don't think I could narrow it down to why. Last night I upgraded to 1.0.1 and this morning the sitemap generation did not run. Looking back at my records it does appear that the...