
  1. B

    Bug Links show error

    When users are posting links, on some sites we are seeing an Error instead of the correct title. The link still works fine, and loads the page it is meant to.
  2. Loony BoB

    Question Should Currently/Previously Held Trophies still display if Trophis are disabled?

    I have Trophies disabled at the moment but the Currently Held Trophies and Previously Held Trophies bits still show up on the Activity tab within profiles. Not sure if this is a bug or if it's something I have to disable somewhere else, or if it needs a manual edit in the template.
  3. Mental

    Bug tagging and auto merging === booboo!

    I think this is due to me updating to the recent version. Anyways, steps to reproduce. make a post tag a user post it reply with an embedded youtube url to auto merge video output then is HTML for the tagged users Fillip H.
  4. GoodApples

    Question vBNavTabs menu templates

    New Theme / Style on site! How does vBNavTabs works with the menu templates !? How would I go about merging new Theme/Style customisations into the vBNavTabs or is there something I can insert into the style? I did read a few post about customizations in the Navbar template brought over to...
  5. inoputro

    Question Can't Instal XML DBSEO

    I've bought DBSEO I'm now trying to install I have to enter everything in the folder uploud but I have trouble installing the product ntuk XML I have tried for hours but could not installed, just "Importing Product, Please Wait ..." what is wrong?
  6. M

    Question Displaying other Members and Cron Job Help

    HI there I have installed the product on the website, however am battling with other users logged in showing their location. I can only see my pin on the map. I have checked the user groups as well as the schedule tasks. I see someone else battled with this topic as well in this thread...
  7. GoodApples

    Legacy Time Left - UserGroup Permissions

    I asked in the discussion here How to turn off Time Left... To Quote myself... Request for usergroup permissions and user permissions so that Admin and Listing User would be the only ones who can see it... In the mean time I could use a little help with editing to hide it :)
  8. Blizzard Opb

    Question Recalculating Points

    We have a very large forum and want to implement vBActivity properly. I have the plugin installed and set-up, but since the plugin recalculates points for each user the process is extremely slow, slow enough for my admin login to timeout and the process to halt at around 980th user. I would like...
  9. F

    Legacy Profile block mentions which show usernames next to hidden mentions is a problem

    The quick version of my question is this: I had some forums enabled for this. They were forums for moderators only. My problem is that even after I disabled those forums in the settings, users still have a list of people who quoted them in those moderators' forums next to the word "Hidden", e.g...
  10. R

    Question how to display selective credit-amount

    Hi would be pleased if u may help with following: wanna display user xy's credit-amount for ALL users (within navbar for example) how to? and if it´s not thaaat tricky it would be great if u could answer same question how to display forum xy postcount too hopefully my english is not...
  11. anicolac

    Question Time format error in Spanish language

    [solved] Time format error in Spanish language Hello. Does anyone know what files I need to modify to fix this? If I have selected the Spanish language, date / time, only one "r". url: Apple Maníacos with the English language, yes it looks good I thought it may come caused by...
  12. M

    Question Sitemap - Can't Manual Build

    I can't get the Sitemap to build. It keeps hanging. Every time it runs it stops at processing.... and no other part of the script is run. Here is what I have done to solve - Re-uploaded the files (twice) Checked all mysql settings as previous suggested disabled / re-enabled I am prepared to...
  13. iraqiboy90

    Legacy A popup userlist for Compact Display Style

    Hi Like mentioned above, on the title. Clicking on the numbers pops up a list, with time of when users clicked on thank/like. Clicking on the icon, does the normal action. regards
  14. Trekkan

    Legacy Invite to specific instances

    When someone sends an invite at the moment, it's a blanket invite to the forum. What I'd like to see is when someone attempts to send an invite to an email address, the forum should display a list of all registration forms they have access to and ask them which one they'd like to send an invite...
  15. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Feature Option

    please can you add some Feature Option? Feature Option: 1.Only Draft Posts Icon Show. 2.Draft Posts Icon With Text Show.(mouseovers) 3.Display the Draft Posts Show for Postbit In all post.
  16. scottct1

    Bug Question Before Purchase

    I want to buy your package, but I am having trouble with the light version. The way I am setup, my default tab in Navigation manager is the "Forum" When I enable your product, if a user does something like clicks on new posts (which is a search), the line of options on the second row...
  17. Em Kay

    Legacy Show time remaining on Wanted Listings

    As with Buy it Now and Auctions, can Wanted listings also show time remaining?
  18. GoodApples

    Question Disable Postage Country

    I've set up two Currencies and wish to have only two Countries list for the postage but the user can see under Postage Options all Countries listed. I don't wish to remove them from the Country Code Manager but I'm thinking it's the only option? Can the Countries be disabled from the Postage...
  19. M

    Bug Many Link Problems

    Hi i have any Problems with Links in Threads/Posts. 1. If i clicked an Link in an Post that go to another Thread in the Forum, it´s open in a new Browserwindow. 2. if i copy a link from the CMS in an Forumthread, they CMS Post Titel will not displayed, only complet Url. if i copy Forum links...
  20. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Display Post ID

    Please can add option Display Post ID (post count) in postbit ? This will be useful for end users to refer a particular post with postid bbcode.