
  1. HaZaRd

    Question Same/Double Achievements Error

    My server is slow and sometimes gave the error "MySQL server has gone away". Now I have solved the problem (thanks to vBOptimise) but on those rare occasions, some achievements have been awarded several times for a single user. There are users with the same Achievements repeated for 4 times...
  2. M

    Bug £ Pound Sign Issue

    Hi Mokonzi, When I am logged into the forum the £ pound sign looks like a £ but when I am logged out and viewing as a guest the pound sign looks like a sort of diamond question mark Have a look at this attachment... strange one? Cheers Mick
  3. greenlinenshirt

    Question Copyright Question

    I had a question about copyright text. I know I can't remove it without buying the branding free option. But what are the rules on editing it at all? I am using vBCredits & vBShop (both pro) and some of the info is double and kinda long. This is what it looks like now: It's currently centered...
  4. M

    Legacy Items that have ended

    Hi Mokonzi, I know how busy you are... But one of my members posted a thread about the classifieds. How do I know what an item sold for ? I was bidding on a nds card and its ended but don't know what the final price was or weather I won it or not as cant seem to find any reference of it now...
  5. BigDadie

    Bug double posts

    I set the refresh rate to 5 seconds as suggested in this thread ( ) but I'm still getting random double posts from all user groups.
  6. C

    Question Two arrows on dropdown

    For some reason, I am getting two arrows on the pull down tab I created. Maybe I have set it up wrong? Any advice is appreciated.
  7. Nirjonadda

    Bug User Info Problem

    Postbit Double user info, Please can you check and give me fix update?
  8. limits

    Bug problems whit dezimal 0,5 go to 5 after saving

    after you explain mee vbshop cant handle dezimals, i get this problem now. (i use dezimals because you write in the configuration: Random Addition A random amount between 0 and this number can be added to the action amount. Decimal and negative numbers are okay. Use 0 to disable.) so beter...
  9. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Stop Words Not Working Properly

    HI. We currently are seeing a problem with Stop Words. For example: We see the "and" stop word in both [thread-title] and [forum-title] (above) FYI, the format for...
  10. S

    Bug viewing a image it spend 2 credit

    i set 1 credit on download event,but when i view a image it spend 2 credits. if we look in the image it is double.
  11. angeljs

    Bug Doesn't work in PM's

    I can't get the smileys to work in private messages, I have to drag the ones I want to use to the message box as they won't add when clicked.
  12. GoodApples

    Legacy Image Setting - Title

    Option to set the Image Setting Title like the default vBulletin! It would be much better hovering over then ...something.jpg or png ;)
  13. V

    Legacy Classifieds: I think you need to add

    1. Really need to when creating new Listings so like "give free" and "I sell, bid / offer price," as it is realized in Christeris Classifieds. When you publish a new Item, you need: - Sale with a price (Normal, Classifieds 1.0.10 Beta)) - Sale without the price (do not know how to ask for...
  14. bzcomputers

    Bug beta 5 - Google Analytics increased pageviews

    After turning on beta5 and letting it run I have noticed a spike in reported pageviews on Google Analytics. I have been running Google Analytics for a couple years on the site and am very familiar with the expected pageview count and trends for the site and something is definitely off. I run...
  15. GoodApples

    Bug BF Key downloading Issue

    Hey I not sure if this should be site support or here [AddOn] Branding Free: DragonByte Classifieds Key message when downloading Invalid User Licence :confused:
  16. blinkster

    Branding free

    Somewhat per plexxed to why i need to now pay for branding free for products i originally paid up and above for pro versions with branding free included. I now have to find almost $200 to remove branding of 2 products i originally paid for pro versions. Somewhat disappointed as i didn't mind and...
  17. M

    Bug Decorator red in Achievement Encyclopedia

    Hi to all.. this morning I installed the lite version of this plug-in. I saw a strange issue. I create a criteria in this way: As you can see on three criteria two fails :( I would like that the users than have as post from 1000 to 5000 and had posted the last post within 60 days receive...
  18. Darin

    Question Table doesn't exist

    got this when I tried to delete a test bid in manage bids in the sponsors area The plugin was successfully installed so I don't understand why this table is missing. Can I fix this without have to uninstall and re-install it again?
  19. CharlieDelta

    Bug Buy Now URL Error

    When clicking the "Buy Now" link on a for sale item, the URL or link is wrong. It seems to have an extra "dbt" inserted as well as no listing id??
  20. J

    Bug More Actions Sub Menu Stays Active

    Since the styling issues were fixed I can now see that the submenu for "More Actions" doesn't auto hide, When clicked the submenu opens but can only be closed by selecting an item or clicking the submenu link again. An ideal solution would be to auto close when the mouse moves out of the menu...