
  1. M

    Bug Mysql Error on Editing

    One of my members told me he tried to edit his listing and got this error. Invalid query: Table 'vb44.theforumprefix__dbtech_classifieds_listingitem' doesn't exist88 I can also confirm that I tried to cancel a duplicate listing and got the same error? Thanks Mokonzi Mick
  2. C

    Question vbshout professional missing from my clientarea?

    I'm pretty sure I purchased a lifetime subscription to vbshout. But I don't see it in my client download area?
  3. G

    No download link despite emailing confirmation

    Hello, I had purchased advanced user tagging earlier today however did not receive an email confirmation to the Paypal address. I have also emailed from the Paypal email address however the download link is still "Awaiting Authorisation Please check your PayPal...
  4. bzcomputers

    Bug DB Error: SQL Server has gone away on download pages

    I'm typically seeing a couple of these a week for the last few weeks, occasionally a couple a day. They seem to have started after I upgraded to Apache 2.4 (from 2.2) when trying to track down a DBSEO issue. At first I thought it was the server timing out due to file download size but my files...
  5. M

    Bug Hundreds of these errors (maybe thousands)

    Hi all, Just thought I would mention this, my server load has been all over the place lately and can only put it down to DBSEO or the DB LIKES THANKS HACK. as nothing else is new... but I have been getting load spikes of 20+ infrequently just random crazy spikes then zombie processes in the...
  6. CharlieDelta

    Can Only Use Basic Uploader

    Recently I have not been able to use the advanced image uploader. I am only able to use the Basic Uploader.
  7. Nirjonadda

    Bug re-director does not working

    My site External Links re-director does not working, Its Redirect to Home Page. Please check on this issue. /redirect-to/?redirect=
  8. S

    Compatability question for vbCredits

    Hi again guys. Been a while! I was going to starting using my vbulletin software again, and I already had a few existing purchsed mods. But these were all almost a year ago and I see above that there were issues with 4.2.2. The main ones I'm wondering about are the Arcade and Credits mods. Are...
  9. Nirjonadda

    Bug Old Link Does Not Work

    My site old link does not working get, Where member posted thread link it does not Redirect new URL . Please can you look into about on this issue. vBulletin Message No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator Old URL...
  10. Nirjonadda

    Bug Auto Replace URL with Titletag

    Auto Replace URL with Titletag not working for External URLs.
  11. neounix

    Bug Missing Line Space in Social Sharing "Top of Thread"

    Happy New Year 2014 REF: 1.0.0rc1 (could not enter 1.0.0rc1) FYI.. .there is some white space missing on the top of the thread social sharing feature. See attached images:
  12. TandyServices

    Bug Copyright error

    When I go to save my settings I get an error with the Copyright code. Branding Removal Please input your branding removal code to remove any copyright for this product. I removed my code and yes put in three times to make sure. Error:You did not enter a valid value for this setting.
  13. M

    Bug Database Error

    Seems like whenever I try to upload a file and an image together I get an SQL Error when I click 'Post' Any help? Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7: Invalid SQL: UPDATE dbtech_downloads_download SET numfiles = numfiles - 1 WHERE downloadid = '7'; MySQL Error : BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out...
  14. racersimage

    Bug Social group tiles with a dash do not load.

    Social group titles with a dash do not load. Another small thing that was reported to me. I copied over the settings from vBSEO and this was not a problem before. One of my members has a social group called "OLD-SCHOOL DIECAST COLLECTORS". When my rewrite setting is set to...
  15. racersimage

    Bug Division by zero error

    Me again. I was just messaged on Facebook by a member who is receiving this error multiple times down the page above all other content. Warning: Division by zero in [path]/dbtech/dbseo/includes/scripts/showthread.php on line 266 The error runs line after line just repeating itself. This is...
  16. HaZaRd

    Bug Error during installation. Now I can't log on ACP!

    during the installation of the mod has appeared this error: Warning: Non-static method POSTBITTABS_CACHE::init() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in ..../dbtech/postbittabs/hooks/global_start.php on line 14 Now the forum is hard to see and I'm unable to...
  17. D

    Question Link in footer appears again

    As I ordered link free wersion, it appears again in the footer, please let me know what to do
  18. C

    Bug Problem with per forum criteria

    Hello, I would like to create 2 Criteria: Posts >= 1 in Forum A Posts >= 1 in Forum B But, I can't because of message:The Criteria: 'Posts >= 1' already exists. I think that in PRO version test for existing condition should include also dbtech_vbactivity_condition.forumid column. Thanks for your...
  19. S

    Bug Buttons disappearing when click on like button!

    Basically, whenever I click on the like button. The Quick reply and Multi Quote button will disappear any help? Much Appreciated
  20. Papa Bear

    Iphone 5S that the Iphone 5S has been out for a little while and for those of us that purchased one what is the best feature on it that you love the most..I guess mine would have to be the fingerprint scanner..