dragonbyte seo

  1. K

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for vBulletin

    Hi, we are planning to purchase VBulletin V4.2.1. and considering a possibility of using Dragonbyte SEO. Can you possibly advise how to redirect VBulletin URL's to DragonByte SEO. Do you recommend using rewrite rule in htaccess or there is another way? We have a considerable number of...
  2. M

    Question PHP Memory Limit's after isntalling DragonByte SEO

    Hey Guys, I have just purchased Dragonbyte SEO Pro. When I enable it on my forum it gives me PHP errors on nearly every page. The php.ini file on the server is set at 128mb. I manage to add the line to solve some of the modules problems and generate some initial sitemaps...
  3. H

    Question a couple of problems after installing DragonByte SEO Pro

    I have a couple of problems after installing DragonByte SEO 1. Activity Stream the url showing in the activity stream are vBulletin urls https://www.diigo.com/item/image/4mzth/41nt 2. I have several "Forum" with no content, just to separate the content, and the I have sevearal subforums. In...
  4. HaZaRd

    Bug CMS not work with DragonByte SEO

    CMS does not work, the page returns "Error 404. Not Found. The requested URL / content / was not found on this server." I've had a problem with another identical seo-mod and I discovered that my server is fast-cgi. I created a topic here to ask the question. copy and paste the content here...
  5. P

    Question URGENT- Installed VBSEO and my entire site crashed!!!!

    Need help getting it back up. Not sire if it was the htaccess changes or the friendly url changes to standard and this for the htaccess: RewriteEngine On # If you are having problem with "None Could Be Negotiated" errors in Apache, uncomment this to turn off MultiViews #Options -MultiViews...
  6. M

    Question change the reviews link

    please how i can change the link of the products on my site from WWI Forex & Futures Trading Forum to http://worldwide-invest.org/reviews.php thank you
  7. N

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for IIS 7.x/8.x

    Hello Dragonbyte, Quick question regarding your SEO product, we're currently running vBSEO on our forum (quite a large one) and with the upgrade to 4.2.2 we're looking into switching to your SEO plugin in order to preserve all our current links from vBSEO. However, we currently run on IIS 7.x...
  8. sharma

    Bug Multiple Issues with Dragonbyte SEO Mod

    Just purchased an installed Dragonbyte SEO mod, but after installation forum links broken and i didn't see any plessant URL rewrites other than Vb4.2.x default URL's. 1, When i click any thread,post,forum links then it's lead to 404 page 2, URL rewrite isn't working at all 3, Sitemap generated...
  9. sharma

    Dragonbyte SEO Mod Enhancement with Following Feature

    I'm looking to develop a SEO plugin with following feature or dragonbyte SEO Mod with following features 1, Google Authorship users can enter their G+ Profile and claim Authorship and profile image will be display on google search 2, Microformat tags : Eg: Twitter Hcard,Fb opengraph,Google...
  10. sharma

    Multiple Issues with Dragonbyte SEO Mod

    Just purchased an installed Dragonbyte SEO mod, but after installation forum links broken and i didn't see any plessant URL rewrites other than Vb4.2.x default URL's. 1, When i click any thread,post,forum links then it's lead to 404 page 2, URL rewrite isn't working at all 3, Sitemap generated...
  11. Nirjonadda

    Bug DragonByte Tech: SEO Admin Control Panel

    DragonByte Tech: SEO Admin Control Panel still showing Admin Control Panel (DragonByte Tech: DragonByte SEO v1.0.0 Release Candidate 3)
  12. T

    Dragonbyte SEO

    I am going to purchase this but I have a question. I have vBseo. Do I have to uninstall it or will Dragonbyte SEO write over everything? TY.
  13. H

    Question Clicking on Mark Forums Read results in the file not being found.

    Hello, When i click MARK FORUM READ on info Panels on d4tabase.com | 404 - Page Cannot Be Found it links to there. Here is a login if you need to see for yourself > Username DBTECH PAssword DBTECH1 How would i fix this?
  14. H

    Question Broken links..

    When are the broken links going to be fixed? (#) I've just read this is a known issue since early ocotber... I bought the pro version of the Arcade yesterday, expecting it should work properly since I paid over €50 for it..
  15. tio2013

    Bug Problem URL with DBTech seo

    Hello, I install DragonByte SEO so when i clic to the forum section i have a white page ( The requested URL /work-out/ was not found on this server.) right now i disable the plug in so my forum work. I hope you can help? Thanks
  16. tio2013

    problem with DragonByte SEO

    Hello, I install DragonByte SEO so when i clic to the forum section i have a white page ( The requested URL /work-out/ was not found on this server.) I hope you can help? Thanks
  17. realmoney

    Question Are there settings guides anywhere?

    Hi, I recently purchased a number of add ons to go on our new vB4 forum...one of which is Dragonbyte SEO. Just wondering - are there guides or instructions anywhere to help with the settings?? I would really like to go through the settings step by step and set things up properly, just not...
  18. D

    Dragonbyte SEO and vBSEO like system

    Hi, I'm wondering if you use the vBSEO like system too or is your SEO product only a replacement for the vBSEO SEO functionality? If yes then can the vBSEO like system/data be ported to your like product ?
  19. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Back to vB Admin CP

    Please can add option Back to vB Admin CP from DragonByte SEO AdminCP?
  20. Nirjonadda

    Legacy DragonByte SEO AdminCP

    Please can you add option for Enable/Disable DragonByte SEO AdminCP from footer.