dropdown menu

  1. J

    Legacy Post Colour Configuration - Colorize only header and footer of the post

    Hi all, I like the feature to colorize post when the numbers of "Likes" (or whatever status) hit some value, but the way how the whole post is colorized is a bit ugly (no offense ;) ) So, i made a small "tuning" to make it a bit "nicer" :] Before: After: Here is how to do it: Set a...
  2. G

    VBshop works with VBactivity Points?

    Hello I just purchased VbActivity and love the mod and I have a question about VbShop. Do these two mods integrate with each others so people can purchase things from the VBshop using points they earn in VBactivity? Also I installed Vbactivity and cannot figure out how to remove the "bars" in...
  3. EasyEasy

    Bug Unable to image to drop downs

    Hey Ozzy Im looking to set up the images for the dropdowns but im having trouble adding them. I can only add an image to the dropdown menu item if I also add it to the main navbar item. Any ideas cheers
  4. T

    Question Image for vbnav tabs

    Hi Ozzy47, I did exactly what you've said, it worked for the last vb version 4.0.8 but since I upgraded to 4.1.10 it doesn't work anymore. Please advice. Thanks.
  5. A

    Question Creating a button with submenu(or dropdown)

    Hi, i just installed vbulletin on the site mentioned above.. basically im making a forum with categories for different countries from all continents.. i installed navtabs because i need buttons in the navtab with continents as headings and dropdown menus with the list of countries linking to...
  6. W

    Slider and NavTabs questions

    Hey all, long time customer, even longer time forum poster. As usual, right when I am scouring the net to find solutions for new things for my site, dbTech has already solved them for me. I've got just a couple questions before I go buy lifetime purchases for the slider and navtabs. 1- vbSlider...
  7. Replicators

    Legacy Dropdown menu's have sublink menu's?

    I have been using Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced) - vBulletin.org Forum to make my navtab's, however it doesn't allow me to make sublink menu's foor dropdown menu's which forces me to have a item as a full navtab just for it's sublink's when it fit's better as a dropdown item...
  8. Valcav

    Something about the Admin control Panel...

    This is probably not the right place to post it, but couldn't find where to post it otherwise... It's about the ACP... For on the left side... This is how it kinds of look now...: How can I make it so that it looks a little bit more like this???:
  9. S

    Bug EditSticky gives error

    When clicking the dropdown menu in the shoutbox right beside the shout command and I want to editsticky when I chose that command and enter the new sticky I want shown I get Error: Invalid Command I can change he sticky by just using the /sticky command but not the /editsticky this happens in...
  10. cykelmyggen

    Question Translation of settings in User CP

    I've translated the phrases found in the phrasegroup attached to the product. Apparently this doesn't cover the phrases in the User CP (see att.) How do you translate this?
  11. Alan_SP

    Bug Legacy system doesn't work

    I have one user who reported me that all notifications stopped working for her. She has problems with her computer and that may be cause for her problems. I'll see what my other users say. But, I tried to use legacy system and to test it, she sent me PM. After I received PM I saw notification...
  12. Alan_SP

    Bug Some browser (FireFox for sure) don't show color drop-down menu in UserCP

    Just installed 1.0.1 and some users told me they cannot see color dropdown menu (with little triangle at right), they see only textual values instead of color. They use FireFox. I'm mainly using Opera, I see it just fine with it, but with FireFox I too don't see color, just textual values. I...
  13. Taurus

    Bug Email queue size alert

    I am not really sure how to word this, but since I sent those first introductory emails out, I am been peppered with emails like this: What does this mean? Have I set up something wrong? Thanks!
  14. Freekoid

    Postbit info likes/thanks missing

    Ive upgraded to the new beta. Loving the buttons I can add :) I ran maintenance and my postbit legacy info dropdown menu has no info in it. Then I remembered in the old setting this option was available. There is also these missing also
  15. jl255

    move currency navbar menu into Quicklinks?

    How do i remove the currency navbar menu and move into quick-links?
  16. Mokonzi

    Postbit Dropdown Menu Styling

    I was asked to post this here so that others could make use of it they wish. To make the postbit smaller, one option is to add a dropdown menu to encompass the hook that most mods make use of when adding postbit content. To do this, you simply need to open up the postbit_legacy template in the...
  17. DragonByte Technologies

    Alpha Bugs

    Please report any bugs or errors you run into while testing out the RPG here.
  18. Mokonzi

    Navbar/Postbit Mod Suggestions

    I've been thinking a bit about throwing some suggestions on things that could be developed by DBTech, one of which is the following combination of ideas, partially based on an irritation of vB4's design. Notice: On reduced window sizes with this many navbar options, a wrapping problem...
  19. W

    Various Questions

    I'll skip the small talk and get to the questions while I am still awake: 1- Can you make your own icon set for vbActivity? 2- What is the difference between achievements and awards? 3- How do all of the products interact with vbSEO? 4- Is it possible to have users get points through other...
  20. ChatterScene

    Trying to understand difference

    Between the three items I like most about this mod:) Trophies I know can only be given out to one member at a time. Right? My question is if a member loses that trophy to another member can they win it back again? Or can they only win it once? Achievements. Can an achievement award be given...