
  1. G

    Question Post tabs in 4.2x Duplicate issues cant find in postbit

    Just installed and tried to setup Postbit tabs lite and while I got the system working and I read your instructions on needing to remove content from postbit legacy layout I was unable to find where or what I needed to remove to prevent the double posting of content. I say no calls in postbit...
  2. W

    Question What calls the Postbit Tabs?

    Hopefully an easy question, but what line of code calls the postbit tabs? Right now I've got all of this copied into a single view for testing: <div> <div class="username_container"> <vb:if condition="$post['userid']"> {vb:raw memberaction_dropdown} {vb:raw post.onlinestatus}...
  3. Taurus

    Bug Database error on profile page

    When going to this user's userprofile: Windows 7 Themes - CreativX I am getting this database error: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT entry.*...
  4. GoodApples

    Bug Two Subscribe Buttons

    Hash Tag Subscriptions: I have two Subscribe buttons?
  5. djFarsang

    Bug User Tag shows wrong link and duplicate name with Advanced Post Thanks

    User Tag shows wrong link and duplicate name with Advanced Post Thanks as Fig.
  6. J

    Bug Creating a new mailing list gives this error

    When I add a new mailing list, the following SQL error shows up: Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7: Invalid SQL: INSERT IGNORE INTO dbtech_vbmail_subscription (userid, mailinglistid) ( SELECT userid, 3 AS mailinglistid FROM user AS user WHERE ( FIND_IN_SET(2...
  7. IcEWoLF

    Bug Database error spam.

    Anyways to fix this? Doesn't happen all the times, but it happens often enough to spam my email box :( Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12: Invalid SQL: ### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### INSERT INTO dbtech_livewall_settings (`userid`) VALUES ('0'); MySQL Error ...
  8. W

    Legacy Automatic Comment Thread Linking

    Hi Dylan! It's been a while since we talked about it, but I realized I never made a formal request for this tiny feature alone. My request is simple: whenever you make a new file upload and have the option turned on to create a comments thread, I'd like a link to that comment thread to...
  9. Taurus

    Bug Settings??

    In my settings, I have this twice. And trying to set this up is impossible with this.
  10. TandyServices

    Bug Database Error

    I am getting notices of database errors.. Did I set something wrong to get this? Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12: Invalid SQL: ### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### INSERT INTO dbtech_livewall_settings (`userid`) VALUES ('0'); MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '0' for key...
  11. G

    Legacy Different questions & Different ratings for different forums & sub forums

    Hi All, can we have Different questions & Different ratings for different forums & sub forums. Thanks gowri
  12. KristerSwe

    Question Default Font seems not work properly

    I have install a new fresh copy of vB 4.1.12 and fresh install of vBSig on my new testsite Tried to edit text regions but text refuse to show up. i activated edmond font and then it worked the right way. seems Default font dont work properly ... any ideas ?
  13. webrunner

    Legacy CSS sprites

    I have been looking for a good optimization mod and there are several out there that really have some nice features. I like the way vboptimize is set up but i am missing a few key features. The main one is the implementation of CSS sprites, especially for all background images, buttons, logo and...
  14. Madhatterr

    Question Separating Blog Entries from template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts

    Hello, I can't figure out how to separate the blog entries from the template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts. The hook seems to be the necessary code in the postbit_legacy template that allows the tabs to show, as they were gone when I deleted it in attempting to remove the duplicate...
  15. kitawanita

    Bug Database Error When Imported XML

    Hi,i see database error in my test forum= Database error in vBulletin 4.1.11: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE `user` ADD `dbtech_avatars_avatar` ENUM( '0', '1' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'dbtech_avatars_avatar' Error Number : 1060 Request Date : Sunday, March...
  16. Neo_Angelo

    Bug Database error when installing XML

    i'm getting this database error when i import the XML file to install for the first time: Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE `vBuser` ADD `dbtech_avatars_avatar` ENUM( '0', '1' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'dbtech_avatars_avatar'...
  17. F

    Bug vBshout pro bugs

    Hello, I've purcheased dbtech vbshout pro yesterday. I was using vbshout lite before so i disabled the vbshout lite > uninstalled before i started with installing vbshout pro. Now there are few bugs that i can't fix nor have any idea how to fix. As you can see from this image - most tabs...
  18. djFarsang

    Bug vBSlide make problem to show the attachment in the forums, and albums

    vBSlide make problem to show the attachment in threads on forums, and albums I have been several time to testing and were found that vBSlide make problem to show the attachment in threads on forums, and albums. If disable vBSlider, the below links can be show. you can see as...
  19. GoodApples

    Duplicate Nomination's to select

    Heads Up I noticed there are Duplicate Nomination's for Thread --> Thread of the Month and User --> User of the Month
  20. Freekoid

    Question Questions about dropdown

    a) I notice that we are still able to nominate users for their avatars and signatures even though they dont have either. b) Once nominated when refreshing the thread you can nominate again. c) Each title has duplicate 'Thread of the month' and 'User of the month' in each section which would...