
  1. G

    Question Moving to new server, can now stop using file cache...

    Hi, I have been using the pro version of Optimize for a long time now. The site has been on a Shared Platform that did not allow for anything "extra" to be loaded onto it. So up till now we have just been using filecache Our site has now become large enough to move to VPS and we can now load...
  2. OlijO

    Question Running eaccelerator

    Hi, i would like to use eaccelerator to my server. After installing it that's run without problem. But i try to flush cache, and i've got an error message : vB Optimise: Your eAccelerator requires you to specify permission to this directory to allow vB Optimise to clear your cache. For more...
  3. S

    Question with eAccelerator

    we are planning to install vboptimize on our forums. Just for the info: we have 650k+ posts, 20k+ members as xCache and FileCache are causing some strange issues around, we are using eAccelerator. I came across that, eAccelerator needs some php recompile to be done to make that working. Can I...
  4. J

    Question No effect

    I've had this plugin installed for many months now and it seems as if it; barely has any effect on the performance. I'm not even sure If its setup correctly: http://localhostr.com/file/gCqOuQ4/twes.png
  5. M

    Bug xCache Fetch Cache | Unable to store data

    Opcache operator extension unable to store data: I've seen this issue posted in another thread here - but it didn't have any resolution or fix posted. Can someone assist with this please? I hope I've posted this in the correct section. Thanks :) Jacquii.
  6. V

    Testing "Guest Full Page Caching"

    Hello, I have Memcache as Opcache Operator and Guest Full Page Caching is set to 10 minutes. First I view a thread as a guest (internet explorer), then i post a new reply as a registered user (firefox), finally i refresh the thread as a guest (internet explorer) and i can see the new reply...
  7. N

    Best Opcache Operator, forum faster

    Hi all. I was wondering, what is the fastest Opcache Operator option?. I am trying to test them, but I really don't understand what any of them do, or what to do when I pick them. The only one I understood was the Filecache because it says, "will store data directly on your hard drive in the...
  8. H

    Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data.

    Hi all, We've just installed vBoptimise. With the System Test, only the Fetch Cache gives an error: Our webhost is running Memcache on its webserver. What can we do to fix this problem? Thanks in advance.
  9. D


    My host tells me I have it, however I get this message when I attemt to utilize it with vB Optimise Pro. Is there anything in the php.ini file I need to change? I checked my php.info.
  10. kolenoblata

    Flush Cache

    Hello, Just installed 2.0.1 lite version for 3.8 forum . Everything is ok except Flush Cache. When I click on it I don't get anything, just blank field. Also, when I go to system test, flush cache just going and going Edit: Another problem. When I try to edit eny template I am geting blank...
  11. W

    Various Questions

    I'll skip the small talk and get to the questions while I am still awake: 1- Can you make your own icon set for vbActivity? 2- What is the difference between achievements and awards? 3- How do all of the products interact with vbSEO? 4- Is it possible to have users get points through other...
  12. Trekkan

    How do I tell what, if any caching system I have on my host?

    I did a PHP info and searched for each of the listed supported caching systems, but couldn't find a match. Is this the correct area? If so, I'm outta luck and can't use the mod. If this is the wrong thing or there's another way to check, please let me know. =)