
  1. T

    Bug Item not adding to cart

    The item says it's adding to cart but never actually appears in the cart. The updating cart notice pops up and just stays there. It's the same for all my custom items. What shall I do? Thanks
  2. F

    Question Some things are a little "hinky"

    Hello, I'm having a problem with a few things and hoping you can help: When a user clicks the "Add To Favorites" button the get an error message saying "We are sorry but you do not have permissions to view the gallery. Please speak with the administrator if you feel this is an error." Well...
  3. S

    Question How to set the Editor to Quick-Reply-Mode?

    Hi, I´d like to set the editor for writing the descriptions in vBDownloads to be in quick-reply mode. I don´t want the users to be able to switch in the advanced mode, because of several features I don´t want to be used in descriptions. How do I set it? Regards SZ
  4. A

    Bug Urgent - cdn issue

    Hello, I upgraded my vboptimise from 2.3 to 2.5 ... then I decided to use the CDN ...when I added my CDN using the pull zone type ... it just broke some images of my forum ... all images are like : http://domain.com/cache/cdn.domain.com/images/styles/bgear/style/image.gif instead of...
  5. S

    Switching from photopost to your DragonByte Gallery

    Hi, we made good experiences with your Advanced Post Thanks / Like pro version and so we consider to switch from photopost pro to your new gallery product. What we don`t like about photopost pro is that it is not fully integrated into vBulletin. If users would like to create a new thread/post...
  6. Trekkan

    Border on Editor Dropdown Items is still white/offblue

    The Font and Font Size dropdowns in the editor for both quick reply and advanced editor both have a bright white/blue border around each item in the dropdowns. You can see it here on DBT as well.
  7. B

    Question Is it possible to retain WYSIWYG in templates

    Hi There, When I save a template made in WYSIWYG mode, it seems the rendered BB code is saved. This means that when I add images and tables to the template, new mails based on that template will show the markup rather even if the editor is switched back to WYSIWYG mode. Am I overlooking...
  8. GoodApples

    Question Thanks / Like Integration

    How do we turn on the Thanks / Like integration?
  9. Dylan

    Question Beta 2 Release

    Hey all, I just added the Gallery Beta 2 release to the downloads. It fixes the issues reported so far and adds a few things. Let me know what you guys think, thanks for all the suggestions and bug reports. Hopefully you like the changes :) With the view image discussion, it was pretty much...
  10. G

    Question CDN support

    Hello All, we are using cdn network for our site now & we use maxcdn.com now. but now we find that none of dbtech files are cached on there servers & they say since you use active cookies for the files so its not caching.so any one tested this on your site of ur files. please refer to the...
  11. Taurus

    Bug Database errors

    I am receiving hundreds of emails like this: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT dbtech_vbeditortabs_fav FROM vbuser WHERE userid = 107341; MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away Error Number : 2006 Request Date : Thursday, June...
  12. Dylan

    Legacy Asthetic changes question for testers

    I was talking with Fillip H. about the layout of the gallery. He is in favor of using a more standard vB type layout with the headers and boxes and doing more of a type of layout like vBGallery. I'm thinking it looks better more free form like I have it. I asked Cosmic about it as the tie...
  13. S

    Tabs are not correctly located in advanced editor mode

    Hi there, The tabs show up correctly in the direct answering mode of the editor (screen 1). But if you go into the advanced mode they´re in the upper right corner of the editor (screen 2), although they´re supposed to be below the editor like in the direct answering mode. Hope you can help me...
  14. Ozzy47

    Legacy Editor Support

    What I would like to see is the ability to load photos into posts or replies, somewhat like the following manner. Under the editor have something similar to this: Clicking on Open would bring up a popup like so (of images that I loaded to gallery): Then clicking on one of the images would...
  15. Taurus

    Question How to add the tabs here?

    One of our most visited pages is this one: Windows 7 Themes - CreativX - Media Library It is by this mod: 8WayRun.Com - Media Library - vBulletin.org Forum If you go into one of the threads, like this one for example: Windows 7 Themes - CreativX - The Pact Trailer (2012) You will see the...
  16. OlijO

    Bug Problem file description editor

    Hi, we have problem with the description of the file badly showed (code, see screenshot)
  17. O

    Question Removal of default icon set

    Hello, I intend to purchase vBEditorTabs mod soon. I want to know, once this mod is integrated, does this mod then automatically remove the default set of smilies which appear to the rigght side of the message posting box on the vBulletin Forum site? I mean, take this posting form on this...
  18. twolegit

    Bug probably my new fedora operating system

    i just started to get this when uploading as a pop up when a file completes with my new fedora operating system i installed last night but the file isn't uploaded after.... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">...
  19. Taurus

    Question How to remove line?

    Hi there, How can I remove or recolor this line please? See screenshot below. Thank you.
  20. S

    Legacy Trophies in postbit

    Trophies in postbit..I'd like to see them as a scroller or something javarish showing your latest trophies..For me it's just to bland at the moment and not meeting the high standards of the arcade..