
  1. J

    Bug Error with array in autobump.php

    My forum was down and after downloading the error log I found this error repeated tons of times: [28-Jan-2017 18:50:06 UTC] PHP Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /home/[server]/public_html/[forum]/dbtech/vbshop_pro/cron/autobump.php on line 60 The forum eventually came...
  2. S

    Question Cache Operator Back to None

    After running by some time, my cache operator selection is changed from Redis to None. I remember that this happened once, when i used 3.1.0 too. What are causing it? I remember you said that it is something to prevent caching error? Meanwhile i can't see anythingin my XF server error log.
  3. J

    Bug on install/upgrade: Parse error

    When installing/upgrading. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'public' (T_PUBLIC), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /public_html/library/DBTech/Shop/XenForo/EventListener/ContainerParams.php on line 4
  4. hakkuo23

    Bug Front Controller Issue

    So I have a callback for various add-ons and when the event listener for xenforo_model_user is enabled, it causes this error: Fatal error: Cannot declare class XFCP_(goes down the line) If I go to DBTech_Shop_Application_Core and comment out the exception handler in the constructor, the error...
  5. Nicholas

    Question Remove 2FA From Users?

    Hey there! How would I go about removing the 2FA from a user? I've tried running the following code: UPDATE user SET dbtech_twofactor_secret = '', dbtech_twofactor_recovery = '' WHERE userid = 'x' Replacing X with the userID, however I'm met with the following error: An error occurred while...
  6. D

    Bug Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted

    Getting this error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4142978 bytes) in /public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_sitemap.php on line 3436 This is appearing in my error logs. Any ideas? Here is another: [19-Aug-2016 17:39:46 America/Chicago] PHP...
  7. angeljs

    Bug Database error after upgrade

    When trying to view a post I'm receiving the following error message: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.3: Invalid SQL: ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, varname FROM dbtech_thanks_entry AS entry, ( SELECT postid...
  8. spawn

    atal error: Class 'DBTech_Model_Shop_Item' not found

    I dear. I speak english veri bit. I istalled your addon on my xenforo 1.5.7. I create categories and item. When user push on the create item an error show on video: Fatal error: Class 'DBTech_Model_Shop_Item' not found in...
  9. Norman

    Bug Error 400 Bad Request

    Hi there guys, I just found this error on my Google WT: This happens here: 400 Bad Request As far as you can tell, does this depends by DBSEO? Thanks in advance for any reply!:)
  10. scalemotorcars

    Question 3rdparty Error with Youtube URL

    Ive been running AME3 for years BB Code Enhancements - AME3 - Auto Media Embeding and Video Extender - Forum and its been working fine but I just noticed after installing DBseo that I get an error when posting a Youtube url. Any ideal how to resolve it?
  11. 3

    Question error 404 link dragonbyte

    because when I check links on my site I get whenever I have four broken links like this: por que cuando compruebo links en mis sitio me aparece siempre que tengo cuatro enlaces rotos de este tipo: error Line: 1616...
  12. scalemotorcars

    Bug Webmaster Reports Error

    Getting a bunch of errors under the Webmaster Reports. ??? Error calling PUT (400) Could not process sitemap...
  13. scalemotorcars

    Bug Error Warning: file_exists

    Just installed the pro version and getting this error on my gallery pages. I asked my host to change open_basedir to None but they will not. They said I can do that in the php-ini file but I have no ideal how. Or is there something I missed in the settings.
  14. B

    Bug Database Error

    We had a new member join us yesterday but whenever you try to view his profile or clicking on his username a database error is created. I have been through all our plug-ins and it appears that the Advanced Post Thanks mod is creating this error for some unknown reason. If I disable it, you can...
  15. Tariq7

    vBShout v6

    Hi When I try to upload the shoutbox why do I get this error message and what can I do to load the shoutbox without this error? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/hapi/public_html/dbtech/vbshout/includes/global.php on line 77 I would like to buy this product but will it work...
  16. M

    Bug Error

    With update SEO 2.0.30 and 2.0.31 i have error. here my log 2016/03/02 09:04:20 [error] 492#0: *22989875 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: require_once(DIR/dbtech/dbseo/includes/3rdparty/portable-utf8/voku/helper/UTF8.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in...
  17. R

    Bug Fatal Error - Allowed Memory Size

    For some reason, when I try to send out a vbmail, I get the following error. I've never seen this before and nothing has changed on my server. What could be causing this Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 81 bytes) in...
  18. J

    Bug vBulletin Database Error

    Receiving the following database error once or twice a day. I do not know if it happens on the default skin. Please advise what is causing it and how to prevent it. Thank you.
  19. D

    Bug PHP and SQL Error when deleting an extension category

    Me again :( When I try to delete a file extension category, I receive the following error(s): PHP Warning: mysqli_query(): (42000/1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3 in...
  20. OlijO

    Bug Error 500 when i apply the haccess change

    Hi, as soon as i apply the modification on the htaccess, i obtain an error 500 Our configuration is : PHP 5.6.19 MySQL 5.6.29 suphp enabled Info PHP here : phpinfo() Could you have a look on infophp and let me know what can be the problem ? Historical : - using vBSEO - upgrade to DBSEO with...