
  1. T

    Question Achievements not cancelling out.

    I have 1 user who claims that he continues to have consistent notifications that don't seem to cancel out after viewing them. I don't believe this is any kind of bug with the vbactivity at all but am thinking it must be due to some type of cookie settings within his browser. This same user had...
  2. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Important Feature Option

    Hello Please try to add option, If possible ! 1. User Registration - Based Upon Email (Domain) 2. Inviter Supports Facebook and Yahoo 3. Send Verification Code For Registration 4. Default Usergroup on Registration 5. Captcha On Login Or image verification login 6. Prevent Number only...
  3. DoumDoum5058

    Bug Share result on Facebook problem

    Hi, we experiment some problem to share result on facebook : So when you share the result it give a redirect page problem with the result : this page is not redirect correctly...
  4. heyzeus909

    MP3 and/or YouTube in Profile

    I was looking over vBShop, which I find intriguing but not sure it fits my forum, and came across this in the description: It's my goal to have the profile pages on my forum as customizable and interesting as possible. Not having customizable profiles is a big drawback for Facebook, as far...
  5. Replicators

    Profile Overhaul

    It would be nice to see a new profile redesign that is more social. Using the same features and everything, just redesigned to make it more of a social page instead of a informative page. Like a facebook profile sort of.
  6. Morrus

    Bug Tagging broken

    Tagging links are broken. They give a "page not found". Links go to URLS like: http://vbquiz.php/?do=similarquiz&tag=d&d
  7. Morrus

    Bug POst Results to Facebook - error

    When I click "post results to Facebook" after completing a quiz, I get this error: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user. on line 1041 in /var/www/virtual/enworld/forum/includes/facebook/base_facebook.php #0...
  8. Freekoid

    Question Status confusion

    How do you utilize the status command in the live wall? Surely this would lead to much confusion with the other status/mood mod if also enabled?
  9. K

    Legacy Remove "Setting>Postbit Settings>Disable?

    First, thank you very much for this MOD!!! I have installed it and all seems to be working PERFECTLY!!!! I do not want my users to have the "OPTION" to DISABLE any buttons from their Postbit Stats. I want all buttons to always show up. I DO want my users to be able to Enable/Disable...
  10. kitawanita

    PHPFOX Better Than Vbulletin 5

    I saw phpfox 3 has cool features and i have to admit this script is better than vb5. Your opinion please..
  11. V

    update add on and Template for vb 4.2

    Hi all can anyone update or rewrite this for vb 4.2.0 1-Hide Printable View Link in threads and Printable View Page for certain usergroups http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=262961 2-Nexia's Web Crawlers Bundle http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=279593 I want to...
  12. chatty

    Bug WOL Plugins for Acade produce a Database Error

    Hi there, after i install all the things that i need for my new Domain i get a Database Error when i activate the 4 WOL relevant Plugins. In this Pictures you see the plugins that i have deactivate because of the DBerror. Any Ideas ?
  13. IcEWoLF

    Question Time for me to upgrade my live website with the new Gallery Mod

    I've been holding off on this for a while (even with a lifetime license) I've been waiting for the improvements and I finally got them, the product looks better than ever and I am ready for the change. Will keep this thread updated as I keep doing stuff. :)
  14. J

    So what do you guys think about vB5?

    I've heard some people say it's not worth the upgrade, but what do you guys think? Forums - vBulletin 5 Demo
  15. F

    About groups

    I would like to know if there is a mod or product that make the feature "groups" such exclusive for a certain members, i mean, we can't make it private on the options instead public however guest or member who are not invited could see the discussions of that group. I don't know if i can block...
  16. R

    Bug Redemptions do not work.

    Dark, I tried setting up a Redemption code. I have everything filled in correctly. When I visit the link I get redirected BUT no credits are applied? http://www.talkdisney.com/forums/credits.php?code=GX25OSTI Thanks, Ryan
  17. R

    Not recieving Email

    I have had to use Facebook connect to be logged in because my password does not work, I have not received the email to reset it @ yahoo and can't change emails without the password.
  18. Sarab

    Legacy Major and minor feature!

    Hello, Few days ago I purchase the slider since from the beginning of time and I have a problem finding the best solution for my forum xD And today I tried it and found it perfect and way too easy to use too, but in the other hand there maybe a little feature to make it more and more perfect...
  19. C

    A few questions about Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    Hi, I'm interested in your Forum Live Feed & User Wall but I'm not quite sure about some things so, I would like to ask a few questions. 1. In your pro version features list you mention: # Blog Posts # Blog Comments Is this related to vb3 vbblog addon as well? Because that is how I read it. I...
  20. TandyServices

    Legacy Facebook invite

    Just wondering how hard it would be to have the invite wrapped up with the facebook to mass invite your friends that are on FB?