
  1. Taurus

    Question Font color change.

    How do I change the font color for the 'awards' text as in screenshot please? Or what property does it get it from? (Stylevars) Thank you kindly.
  2. San

    Question Fonts

    Where can I find the fonts for the PSD's. This skin looks wonderful and I would like to keep the same fonts on it.
  3. twolegit

    Bug probably my new fedora operating system

    i just started to get this when uploading as a pop up when a file completes with my new fedora operating system i installed last night but the file isn't uploaded after.... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">...
  4. H

    Question Default font size

    How can I make it display at 15px by default. Thanks
  5. sarahw

    Bug Thanks Bar Empty, Var Undefined

    Hey there! We were previously using the Thanks/Like Lite plugin version 1.0 and the User Tagging plugin. We bought the pro user tagging plugin, then upgraded the plugin. We also upgraded the thanks/like plugin to the latest lite version. Our thanks and like totals are still present. All the...
  6. S

    Legacy Trophies in postbit

    Trophies in postbit..I'd like to see them as a scroller or something javarish showing your latest trophies..For me it's just to bland at the moment and not meeting the high standards of the arcade..
  7. Taurus

    Question Change color of sticky?

    Can someone please tell me how to edit the color of the Sticky? I tried with html code but it does not work. It shows the code. Thank you.
  8. Taurus

    Question Move Notifications to own tab?

    Is it possible to move all the notifications into a separate tab, and just have the chatbox for chatting? At this stage it is looking like a forum wall. And when you chat it is a mess with 10 notifications popping up between chats. Thanks.
  9. Trekkan

    Bug Error when adding new parts

    When I click "Add New Signature Part" from within the AdminCP, I get the following error: Undefined index: layerid XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in DBTech/xFSignatures/ControllerAdmin/Part.php at line 188 DBTech_xFSignatures_ControllerAdmin_Part->_getAddEditResponse() in...
  10. Trekkan

    Bug mySQL Error when adding new layer

    I had just deleted a layer and was attempting to readd it as the folder name was wrong (no way to edit it). The folder name that it's complaining about is actually 2 characters shorter than the previous one I had in there, that was accepted. Mysqli statement execute error : Data too long for...
  11. racersimage

    Bug Member error when editing and posting

    I've gotten a complaint from two members that have tried to edit or post a topic and get the following error. <b>Warning</b>: preg_replace() [<font color="#0066cc">function.preg-replace</font>]: Unknown modifier '1' in <b>[path]/dbtech/usertag/hooks/postdata_presave.php</b> on line...
  12. Misty

    Bug Dropdown menu in Safari

    Hey all, we're having a problem with the Post Templates dropdown box. It seems to be appearing only in Safari. It's difficult to explain so I've attached three screenshots; the first is what it looks like from the Quick Reply box, the second is the same thing just scrolled up a bit, and the...
  13. CharlieDelta

    Bug Invalid Font Error

    Every font I try to add I get an invalid font error: Example: Invalid Font: /home/canadian/public_html/crrforums/dbtech/vbsignatures/fonts/RUBSTAMP.ttf All fonts are .ttf. I triple checked case and spelling. What is the trick?
  14. L

    Bug vBShout not working for 1 user!

    I'm a mod on a site and we have a all users shoutbox and a staff shoutbox, and the staff shoutbox will not load for me and only me. I get the forever loading error. Help please!
  15. KristerSwe

    Bug Save Signaure from new set dont get saved, and text not show up

    First of all thanks for the fix for the fonts. works now. Have added almost all layers and parts and wanted to test it and add text etc edited the text regions and added the regions i wanted,all fine in ACP also the preview worked.. When i go to vBSig as user and try to assign a signature...
  16. KristerSwe

    Legacy Font Color also for users

    If forum have alot of Bases with different colors i had like to see the user can select font color for that base he/She use.. Ex: Admin can turn on/off for user choice for font color Ex: If on user can select font color also Thx!
  17. KristerSwe

    Question Default Font seems not work properly

    I have install a new fresh copy of vB 4.1.12 and fresh install of vBSig on my new testsite Tried to edit text regions but text refuse to show up. i activated edmond font and then it worked the right way. seems Default font dont work properly ... any ideas ?
  18. angus

    Question Add Text but nothing happens

    What is the trick to add a custom text to the signature? When managing a text region in the ACP the demo image to set coordinates is shown. But after clicking the "Preview Text Region" button nothing happens. (All necessary fields are filled out) Same in the VBSiganture User Interface out of...
  19. KristerSwe

    [SUG][vBSig] User Font color

    If forum have alot of Bases with different colors i had like to see the user can select font color for that base he/She use.. Ex: Admin can turn on/off for user choice for font color Ex: If on user can select font color also Thx!
  20. angus

    Legacy Integration to Copyright Management

    I´ll be happy if you could integrate this new mod to the existing dbtech Copyright Management.