
  1. Q

    Question Calculating points error

    Hey guys, trying to recalculate points with the latest version of the mod. It goes well for a while and then suddenly I get this error: FROM attachment AS attachment WHERE 1=1 AND userid =; MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds...
  2. V


    Hi And 'possible to tie vBAnswers to individual forums, and every time you open a new topic in a forum appears new answear box? Thanks
  3. R

    Bug Turning mod on makes forums unusable

    SImply installed the prouct and turned it. The home page of the forum still works properly. However when you try to go to one of the forums, you get this error: Not Found The requested URL /forum5/ was not found on this server. Apache Server at Port 80 Turn mod off...
  4. Nirjonadda

    Question XCache with DBSEO

    How to setup XCache with DBSEO in config.php ? Currently I am using XCache with vB Optimise, Do need to modify config.php for DBSEO Cache work ?
  5. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Email Authentication Code

    Please can you add option Email Authentication Code ?
  6. webi

    Legacy Default Tab All & Forum Categorie Select

    Hi DragonByte Tech Team, I have 2 questions. Is there a way to disable the tab All? When selecting the forums, you have to select every single forum and sub-forums. Is there also the possibility of just the forums categories to choose so that all sub-forums included automatically be selected...
  7. Z

    Bug Issue with using Word Press

    After installing this mod I ran into trouble on my board. With no plugins installed accept this one, when attempting to use the "Reply to Thread" in any of the forums, the board freezes into a searching mode. If I then select the Refresh on the Browser it will complete as it should. We tried...
  8. T

    Legacy Finalise taking a really long time

    First of all, thank you for releasing this mod! I have installed it and it's been running the 'finalise' step of the install for about 8 hours now. I did a quick look at the database and there are just over 3k records with data in dbtech_recomm_threads Is this supposed to take this long? I...
  9. N

    Bug Still concerned, URL's have changed in 1.0.10

    Morning, After the disastrous update to 1.0.9 which resulted in /a/a for all our forum URL's I held off and downgraded back to 1.0.6 which was stable for us. Seeing 1.0.10 come out and fix the bug looked promising so I went and updated. However we then found a lot of URL's still changed...
  10. MaysaM

    Question in lite version Forum Manage dont working!!!

    hi in lite version all setting work good for me. but one setting dont do any thing in forum setting when i want add some button to some sub forums, setting dont being aplied. i re instal the plugin but it did not work all setting work good and correctly but forum mange dont work. what should...
  11. K

    Legacy other hosting image store

    hi i give this sugestion to vbdownload too i have a subdomain and set it to another hosting service just for photos is that possible to store photos in another hosting service with subdomains?
  12. K

    Question other hosting file store

    hi i have a subdomain and set it to another hosting service just for downloading and storing larg files is that possible to store files in another hosting service with subdomains?
  13. A

    Bug Go to post_id doesn't work

    Hello, post_id in rewrite url settings shows thread id. So go to post links are broken in my site. Also vbulletin writes post_id links with # mark. Can we use it. I imported from vbseo but it broke all go to post links in toplist mods and forums etc..
  14. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Excluded Forums

    please can you add option Excluded Forums for Social Sharing ?
  15. M

    Bug Member profile URL rewrite

    Hi, I have a bug with the rewrite function on members profiles. It add a "-a" like : Forum Mac => doesn't work Forum Mac => work Thanks
  16. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Remove 'Powered By Vbulletin' in title

    Please can you add option Remove 'Powered By Vbulletin' in title?
  17. Replicators

    Legacy Please make your own header rewrite or fix conflict with others!

    Header Rework 4 - Forum ^There has to be a way to make the notifications work alongside something like this, and this is the biggest struggle i have been having in setting up the forums the way i need them to be. Please someone, anyone fix this conflict!
  18. J

    Bug Archive listing db error

    When trying to archive an unsold listing we get the following DB Error : Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE dbtech_classifieds_listing_item SET archived = 1 WHERE listingitemid IN (); MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that...
  19. J

    Bug Feedback System a bit screwed up

    OK, So a member just recently reported that when he left feedback he ended doing it for himself rather than giving feedback to the person who bought something from. I checked this out when I got a notification that I was left feedback and that feedback is marked as if I left it rather than the...
  20. heyzeus909

    Bug Forums Not Linking Correctly From Forumhome

    Two of the forums I have on my FORUMHOME don't link correctly when clicked on with this mod enabled. When I click on the forum titled 'Hellos & Help,' I am redirected back to FORUMHOME. When I click on the forum titled 'Social Interests,' only one thread is displayed, and the breadcrumb...