
  1. Nirjonadda

    Bug Still UTF-8 not working

    Still UTF-8 not working , Thread Title Mouse-over does not get working. Please can i get any update about on this issue? copy link location result ...
  2. T

    Question Refund

    How do I go about getting a refund for this product? All it's done since install is cause me problems, skins not displaying correctly, issues with tabs not displaying, sublinks missing, social page icons going missing. Just totally fed up of trying to correct things, I am un-installing this...
  3. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Custom URL for Gallery

    Can we have custom Gallery URL options for dbtgallery just like we have for reviews and classifieds?
  4. M

    Legacy Manditory Thanks Selected forums

    Hi All, We have a large satellite sections, with thousands of satellite related downloads, and also a fun bookies forum where certain users put bets up for our members to have a bit of fun with there VBCREDITS (I wrote a small plugin for the bookies to get paid, and give out there cash on...
  5. mrderanged

    Bug Error on Install

    getting an error when trying to install reviews lite. everything seems to be going fine, then it starts upgrading to 1.0.0 It rebuilds the styles and then it comes up with: Invalid SQL (this is huge and it never posts when I paste it in here, so it's in the attached .txt file) MySQL Error...
  6. R

    Question Slider Not Working

    I was wondering why VbSlider will not function until you login to the forums. If I visit the forums as unregistered it just shows the loading icon. I login then it will show the content.
  7. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Enabled get VbDownload Blank Screen!

    Whenever I turn URL Rewrite Settings/vBDownloads URLs/Rewrite vBDownloads URLs I get a blank page The original before link is: vBDownloads The link after I enable SEO on vBDownloads: Please Obi Wan you're my only hope! Just so you know it's been doing...
  8. B

    Bug PHP and MySQL High I/O & Load

    We briefly tested your vBShout Lite with about 4 users and light chat and everything was fine. Over the weekend we had a large event and had approximately 12-15 users at any one time using the chat. After about 10 minutes we found that the server load skyrocketed to 25+ on a quad core system. I...
  9. R

    Question Ignore Words in Forum URLs

    I noticed that words such as "and", "Other" and "Members" are being stripped out of forum name urls. For example, I have a forum called "Military Members", but the re-written forum url is just simply /forums/military/ Why are certain words being stripped out and how do I prevent this???
  10. R

    Question Dashes in Forum Names / URLs

    Some of my forum names have dashes in them, such as: Cadillac XLR-V However, the forum URL is re-written to: /forums/cadillac-xlr/ How do I fix / adjust settings so that the url is corrected to: /forums/cadillac-xlr-v/ ??
  11. R

    Bug Illegal String Offset Errors when viewing member profiles

    I'm receiving the following errors when viewing certain member profiles. I'm not sure what is causing the errors? Warning: Illegal string offset 'packageid' in ..../dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 3304 Warning: Illegal string offset 'class' in...
  12. J

    Question Hide thanks

    I have requested Professional Installation and its installed. 1 - I used following similar mods on my website and it is still active. Can I disable these below mods - Post Thank You Hack 7.83 - vFCoders - Hide Hack 3.1 This MOD gives users in selected forums the ability to use a BBCode to...
  13. J

    Advanced Post Thanks - Like

    I just bought the above advance Post Thanks - Like. But currently i am using the following on my website: - Post Thank You Hack 7.83 - vFCoders - Hide Hack 3.1 This MOD gives users in selected forums the ability to use a BBCode to hide content. Do I need to disable this to install the...
  14. sharma

    Dragonbyte SEO Mod Enhancement with Following Feature

    I'm looking to develop a SEO plugin with following feature or dragonbyte SEO Mod with following features 1, Google Authorship users can enter their G+ Profile and claim Authorship and profile image will be display on google search 2, Microformat tags : Eg: Twitter Hcard,Fb opengraph,Google...
  15. 1quicksi

    Bug DB Error

    Now sure when this started happening... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT languageid, phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global, phrasegroup_dbtech_vbnavtabs AS phrasegroup_dbtech_vbnavtabs, phrasegroup_bop5iframer AS...
  16. M

    Bug No images showing at all

    This is a really mad one. All my members have been on at me about the images all being X's (no images). But for me on chrome I can see them all... now I think that is cache from my browser! I just went on to IE and had a look and there it is plain to see all images are X's I have reloaded...
  17. C

    Question Testgallery keeps on pointing to the main gallery

    Hiya, The Pro install works nicely, thank you. We're experincing one hitch, though: We created a test instance in order to test existing album import. And no matter what we do, it keeps pointing to the default gallery. Expected Result: Defined Testgallery resolves to Testgallery, not DBTEch...
  18. CharlieDelta

    Bug Percentage Number Missing in Folder Controls Message

    This is occurring on both of my sites. The percentage number is missing in the Folder Controls message for inbox space.
  19. seventhaxis

    Question Arcade Not Saving High Scores

    I posted over on the forums but figured it might be more beneficial to get help from the source. Currently considering purchasing the Pro version to this and other products, but I'm trying a few out (or will be soon) first. My only issue so far with the Arcade is that it's not...
  20. J

    Legacy using dbseo conversion outsite vbulletin

    Hi, Since version 1.0.1 came out I'm getting closer and closer to actually launching dbseo on my production site. But When I went through all the different scripts I found out there's one feature I need and I'm not sure if it's there. I'm using an external script to generate links for specific...