
  1. M

    vbshout for XenForo?

    Hi Guys, Just wanted to ask if you plan to release your great shoutbox for XenForo? I'm very impressed with XenForo it has the look and feel vBulletin should have had and I'm planning on making the switch to XenForo shortly. If you guys are going to create the shoutbox for XenForo it would...
  2. M

    vBShout 5.3.1 sounds keep firing! when will it be fixed?

    When will the annoying sound glitch in 5.3.1 be fixed?
  3. Mokonzi

    Prune Activity Logs

    Is it possible to prune the Activity logs in some way? I've checked the maintenance section, and then also the Activity section with the Admin CP, and can't see anything. 14000+ logs is a lot for the database... If it's not possible, can this be added please, or we'll end up with a huge...
  4. stig

    5.3.0 doesn't display shouts until a post is made?

    On first load or after a refresh, the shoutbox needs a post before it will display shoutbox contents.. Tested with IE and Chrome, on VB3.8.x Any suggestions please?
  5. W

    Custom style

    I have a custom style and vbshout is not visible due to the fact that it has a transparent background. How can I change to white?
  6. TandyServices

    v3Arcade 2.0.x Addon

    I see there is an addon from the other here. Is there a time frame or possibility for the good credit system to have the addon?
  7. M

    Making users active when not idle

    Hi guys, I want to change some part of the code of the shoutbox so that users are in the active list when they are not idle, not just when they shout. Could you help me a little on my way where to look in the shoutbox code / where the function is that handles the activity? Regards, MainFrame
  8. DragonByte Technologies

    Huh? Wha? Read This First

    So, this forum is where i'm going to give info to you guys on the upcoming DBTech monster RPG as it becomes available. It will be updated with Images, news of features, of story, of plans etc etc. This isn't something we've done before, but the interest surrounding this is pretty crazy, so i...
  9. stig

    Over-ride Background colour of main text area?

    Just purchased Pro, looks great, thanks! BUT :) I am running a custom theme, and the colour of the main text window isn't doing it for me.. How would I over-ride that with a colour of my choice please? Cheers, Dave
  10. M

    Combine css and js to optimize speed

    You can save some requests by combining the css and js into 1 css and 1 js file. The speed improvement isn't extremely high but it is noticeable. Regards, MainFrame
  11. M

    Active Users

    Hi DragonByte, I have another suggestion.. I noticed when I increase my timeout time the username stays in the active users list longer. and the effect it has on my site is that more people join the chat as it looks more active. they also stay longer so it actually becomes more active when you...
  12. M

    php error in dbtech/vbshout_pro/includes/hooks/dbtech_vbshout_command_2.php

    There a PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method vB_DataManager_vBShout::check_protected_usergroup() in dbtech/vbshout_pro/includes/hooks/dbtech_vbshout_command_2.php on line 69. Please Change: if ($this->check_protected_usergroup($exists, true)) To: if...
  13. M

    Another small cosmetic suggestion

    Dear Dragonbyte, Since the last update I noticed the tabs change to yellow when there's a new message. My suggestion is to use an image like the default vbulletin image on images/gradients/grey-up.png, for the background of the tab. This is a transparent image so when you make the tab yellow...
  14. M

    strange numbers for top10 on archive

    Dear DragonByte, One of my staff members informed me about strange numbers on the top10 in the archives (see screenshot). Regards, MainFrame
  15. M

    2 little style issues

    Dear Dragonbyte, Just wanted to report 2 little style issues, the first one is a border below the active screen button. Seems to be fine on but on my site it has a border and I like it much better without the border. (see my screenshot to see what I mean) The second one is...
  16. M

    Adding the shoutbox to a custom page seems to mess up style.

    Dear Dragonbyte, I've just updated to 4.5.0 and I'm using the shoutbox on both the forum index and a custom page. Prior to 4.5.0 it was displaying fine on both pages but the new version doesn't display properly on my custom page while it looks find on the forum home page. Here's a screenshot...
  17. M

    Option to create channels

    Dear Dragonbyte, I'm having a lot of members from different countries and this causes confusion regulary in the shoutbox. It would be great to have the ability to create additional channels. Then I can create a french channels for the french and a greek channel for the Greeks, etc.. This could...
  18. ChatterScene

    vbactivity questions

    I am thinking about buying this. My question for this is can we turn off the features we will not be using? I am not really sure if i want to have the activity bars displayed. Undecided but not sure. Can we use any size awards, trophies, achievement gifs we want? Can the points for this be...
  19. M

    little suggestion

    Hi Guys, I have another little suggestion, you know that cross vBulletin uses which you can click to dismiss a notice.. It would look great for the shoutbox to close pm windows in stead of [X]. Regards, MainFrame
  20. M

    Team/Staff messages hidden from other usergroups

    Hi guys, I have a suggestion that comes from my staff members, they asked me if it were possible to request team chat. Perhaps something like a new window like the private windows with access only for configurable usergroups and a new command to make things more easy like /team. Regards, MainFrame